ISSN #1088-8136

Vol. 5, No. 2
Summer 1999

Militia Attack Humanitarian Team in Liquiça

U.S. "Deeply Disturbed" by Militia Attacks

UN Update- Terror and Hope

ET Observer Project Needs Support

Congressional Action Alert

First Weekly IFET-OP  Bulletin

ETAN-NY Dedicates "East Timor Way"

Estafeta -
Early 1999
Summer 1998

Spring 1998
Spring 1997

New Resources on East Timor

"License to Kill" is a compelling 45-minute video documentary on paramilitary violence in East Timor. Paramilitary leaders speak candidly about their relationship with the Indonesian military (ABRI/TNI). An excellent organizing tool, the video is available from ETAN for $12 postpaid.

"Licensed to Kill" (different than above-listed "License to Kill") outlines the genesis of military backed militia violence. Available with "East Timor on the Brink" for $15 postpaid.

"East Timor on the Brink" (first broadcast on Australian TV June 3) is a look at East Timor today, including economic interests of the Indonesian military & its allies, and the foreign training of Indonesian troops.

ORDER FROM: East Timor Action Network/US
P.O. Box 1182
White Plains, New York 10602 USA
1-914-428-7299; fax:1-914-428-7383