Subject: Police Chief: "Wild
West" Timor Fragile but Under Control
Radar Timor Oct. 30, 2000 RT (Kupang) Police Chief: "Wild West" Timor Fragile but Under Control Regional Chief of Police I Made Pastika reported to Minister of Security, Social and Political Affairs Bambang Yudhoyono that West Timor was "under control" but very susceptible to social unrest. He blamed "political adventurers" among ex-East Timorese leadership who were intent on pitting refugees against one another, against local residents, and even creating conflict among locals themselves. "We have identified these groups and anticipated their actions. They have plans to disrupt the United Nations visit to Kupang in November," he said, adding that security forces were intent on preventing any actions that could lead to further brutality. Yudhoyono also promised firm action against any effort to interfere with the UN delegation. Reporting on developments in several criminal cases, Pastika said the prosecuting attorneys would seek a change of venue in the UNHCR murder case, as well as that of Eurico Guterres. Six suspects in the UNHCR case would be transferred to Jakarta for trial before November 15, while three others were still being sought. In Atambua, the murder case of Olivio Mendoza and the subsequent murders and mass burning of houses in Wanibesak had passed the investigation stage and would also soon be brought to trial. RT (Kupang) Joao Tavares Threatens Cancio and Co. In a letter to the police, Joao Tavares gave an ultimatum of two weeks for Cancio Carvalho and others who sought protection from the UN to be called to account by the Atambua police. If not, he said, former PPI leaders would take "extra-judicial action" against them. He accused them of trying to divide the pro-integration forces and discredit their cause. Cancio replied that Tavares' threats only served to prove his point, and that Tavares was being used by elements of the military who feared being exposed for their past actions in East Timor. In related news, the Japanese ambassador to Indonesia has urged Attorney General Marzuki Darusman to take special steps to insure the ex-militia's safety. Darusman has ordered appropriate steps to be taken. Local politicians meanwhile stressed that the call for protection was perfectly in order for any Indonesian citizen who did not feel safe, and that it was the duty of the police, not the military, to respond. RT (Nov 1) "Cancio Lopes warned to be careful: Chief of Provincial Police: I give his statement a red circle" KUPANG After being threatened by Joao Tavares for his letter to the UN Sec. Council, now Cancio Lopes has been warned by NTT Chief of Police, Pastika, to be careful with statements he makes to the press lest he get trapped by his own statements such as he still has arms that he does not intend to surrender. This could land him in the witness stand for illegal possession of fire arms. Concerning the letter Cancio and his friends sent to the UN Sec. Council, the Police Chief said that was their right, but improper for Indonesian citizens who love Red White. "What more than wrote on behalf of people who weren't informed beforehand of the letter. He needs to be careful using others' names. What if they protest? What more he wrote on PPI stationery, but PPI has already dispersed." He said Cancio should have asked the NTT police for protection since the police are paid to protect people, whether or not they ask for that, what is more Cancio and his friends are fighters. He denied that TNI/police have intelligence agents watching Cancio. If he feels he's being spied on it would be best to report that to security forces. "But he must ask, why would he be watched by intelligence? If he says TNI/police intelligence are watching him, have we not enough work?" November Menu Note: For those who would like to fax "the powers that be" - CallCenter V3.5.8, is a Native 32-bit Voice Telephony software application integrated with fax and data communications... and it's free of charge! Download from |