Subject: east timor headlines/24August2001

Bahasa Indonesia Headlines ­ Friday 24 August 2001

1. The participation of the people in the elections (Suara Timor Lorosae, editorial)

The UN Secretary General Kofi Annan appealed to the people of Timor Lorosae to participate actively in the 30 August election for the Constituent Assembly. The reason the Secretary-General gave was because the eyes of the world would be focused on the territory.

Every Timorese has a responsibility towards the democratic process in this country. Because of that all of us, as new citizens, have to help our family, our relatives, friends and neighbours to turn up to vote in this historic election. Our vote will determine the future of our country and give democracy a chance to flourish in a peaceful manner.

We also hope that all political parties will also make a commitment to fully participate in the country’s first general election. All political parties must be committed to contribute towards the well-being of Timor Lorosae and its people.

All political parties must also promise to keep the peace and not to instigate violence.

In the election on Thursday, the people must be given full respect because they are the ones who are going to determine who represents them in the Constituent Assembly in order to take this country forward.

Because of this, leaders of political parties must respect democratic principals and give a guarantee to the people that there will be no more blood, tears and suffering. The people have suffered enough and now they deserve the right to live in a peaceful and free country.

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