August 2001
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August Election News

Rights Groups Say U.S. Military Relations With Indonesia Hurt, Not Help
ETAN Urges New Indonesian President to Show Support for East Timor

August 26 - 31
U.N. says Australia won't send refugees to E.Timor
The trouble with E. Timor independence
TNI offer to train ET Defense Force
Timor Aid accused of manipulating donor's financial with Timor Aid response
Pressure on Jakarta over E. Timorese children
East Timor rushes to build new monetary system
Registration of Timorese in East Java to be attended by militia
Habibie Speaks For First Time About TNI in E.Timor
East Timor- raising a nation from rubble
Canberra Planned Secret Kopassus Base
Aidwatch Briefing Note- The World Bank in East Timor

Justice Issues

Timorese bishop rejects freedom fighter's call to forgive the guilty
Justice must come before amnesty, says East Timor lawyer
Belo seeks war crimes justice for East Timor

Jakarta Must Punish UN Staff Killers Before Military Ties Resume
US To Press Indonesia On Case Of US Victim Of Militia

UN revamps 'failing' justice system to pave way for independence
C. Vasconcelos on ET Justice System to Int'l Association of Prosecutors
Murder inquiries swamp UN force
UN prosecutors hand down four war crimes indictments
Court told of beating until death
Widows who share a legacy of murder

Timor justice shackled by 'joke' decree
Indonesian human rights court due by Dec
Wiranto ready for E. Timor tribunal
Indonesia's Military Ran Timorese Militia
Diggers trained me, says Timor thug
Justice for East Timor still unlikely under Megawati (TAPOL)
Amnesty Int'l Urges Megawati to Rein in Police and Army

U.N. policeman charged with rape in East Timor

Australian Senate rejects Timor war crimes tribunal
How You Can Do What the Government Won’t - Arrest Henry Kissinger
Crimes Against Humanity Demand a Proper Airing

August 19 - 25
Timor fighting a war of words
East Timor's Gusmao to Run for President
Indonesian President Megawati to visit East Timor refugees
east timor headlines-23Aug2001
Alkatiri Warns Australia Not To Meddle in Oil Tax Negotiations
Phillips lobbies Australia to rescue Timor gas

Horta supports Japan SDF peacekeepers
east timor headlines-22Aug2001
Allowance for E. Timor refugees
USD 5,000 Fine for Merchants' Failure to Use US Dollars
UN Lauds Indonesia Army's Seizure Of Timor Militia's Arms
Gusmao to Head Planning Commission After Elections - Ramos Horta
east timor headlines-20Aug2001
Bustle returns to Dili
NZ could face bigger Timor bill
Indonesian minister agrees to Japanese peacekeepers for Timor

New Web Links

Timor, vote in peace.

Photo by Michael Rhoades.

Election Links

East Timor Transitional Administration Foreign Affairs Web
East Timor 1999 - Photos by Michael Rhoades
Proceedings of the Conference on Sustainable Development in East Timor
Amnesty International: East Timor: Justice past, present and future
UN Secretary-General's progress report on East Timor (PDF file); UN Security Council discusses East Timor
Walk a Mile in my Shoes. Radio Documentary on Jose Ramos-Horta
UNIFEM and East Timor

National Security Archive posts recalled State Dept. history of Indonesia: Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964-68; Volume XXVI Indonesia; Malaysia-Singapore; Philippines 
Int'l Crisis Group: Indonesia-U.S. Military Ties

August 12 - 18
Howard seeks UN meeting on East Timor pull-out
Megawati bows to pressure on A-G
Megawati Acknowledges East Timor's Independence
Eurico Guterres invited to Independence Day celebrations
east timor headlines-16August2001
Australians Protest Military Ties With Indonesia

'Unassuming' Howard to help ties
Irish troops fire shots during East Timor patrol
Howard ignores the lessons of Timor
Despite Pressure, Dili To Stick with Timor Gap Tax Demands - Alkatiri
Australia ready to talk on military ties with Jakarta
UN says will investigate Timor shooting
east timor headlines-13August2001
Indonesia-- what's really changed?
E Timor Urges Indon To Make Concessions To Aceh and Irian Jaya
Despite Oil, E. Timor May Be Impoverished For Years -Experts
UDT Leader Recalls 26th Anniversary of 1975 'Hot Summer'

West Timor Press Summaries 1-9-08-01
ET Emerges From Indonesia's Grip With Scars and a New University

Now available La'o Hamutuk Bulletin Vol. 2, No. 5: Women and the Reconstruction of East Timor

Listen to Pacifica's Democracy Now RealAudio programs and interviews with East Timorese leaders and activists at

August 5 - 11
U.S. to Renew Relationship With Military in Indonesia
Stop-the-rot campaign helps E Timor on road to political integrity
Rights groups warn U.S. away from renewing Indonesia military ties
East Timor Leaders Welcome Indonesia's New Cabinet
east timor headlines-10August2001
All's not well in Timor Sea

Postal Service Receives First Mail Delivery Truck
Indonesia rejects UN proposal for land link to East Timor enclave
East Timorese Network of Popular Educators
east timor headlines-9August2001
Ad hoc tribunal start in October?
E. Timor Leader Gusmao Meets With Pro-Indon Militia Groups
east timor headlines-8August2001

NZ troops cleared over shooting of Indonesian soldier
Megawati signals readiness to prosecute militias
E Timor nears dollar adoption date
east timor headlines-7Aug2001
Aid workers wary of refugee camps
east timor headlines-6Aug2001

Surviving East Timor victors get the spoils
Brothers in Exile (on The Diplomat)

August 1 - 4 (and late July)
Something From Nothing
East Timor calls pipeline criticism unhelpful
W. Timor commander orders military to shoot armed civilians
U.N. to let aid workers return to West Timor camps
UN peacekeepers in Timor face possible sex charges
Megawati widens scope of court on East Timor
east timor headlines-3Aug2001

Timor rights tribunal should be ready in September- judge
Soldier killed at border violated procedures
East Timor pushes controversial plan to adopt Portuguese language
East Timor pipeline on hold

Portugal guarding Timor militia chief's family
Phillips pulls plug on Timor pipeline
Gusmao, Belo Meet Durao Barroso, Defend Portugal-Indonesia Dialogue
east timor headlines-1August2001
Downer and others on Phillips and Timor gas
U.S. Policy Recommendations for Indon- Upside Down, They Look Good
UN warns nations to go slow on cuts in East Timor
UN Officials Dismiss Amnesty's Critical Report as 'Exaggeration'
Traumatized E.Timor sex slaves of the militias in W. Timor
Last of E. Timor refugees set sail for destination of peace and freedom
Indonesian soldier dies in clash with peacekeepers
Indonesia Plan Irks US Democrats
East Timor opens diplomatic mission in Lisbon
east timor headlines-31July2001

August Election News
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