Subject: Fokupfers, et al: 
Dr. Sergio Lobo released

Yesterday, 25 July, Fokupers (the East Timorese Women's Communication Forum) and the Legal Aid Team of Ukun Rasik An issued the following statement regarding the conditional release of Dr. Sergio Lobo. This is the second time Dr. Lobo has been released by the court. The first release in February was unconditional. On 8 July, Dr. Lobo was accused of again assaulting his wife and also damaging property in the Hotel Audian. On 12 July, the Investigative Judge for Dili District Court ruled that Dr. Lobo would remain in detention until his trial. The ruling cited the need to protect his wife and the risk that Dr. Lobo would leave the country. Yesterday's decision by a panel of three judges overturns the decision of the Investigative Judge and gives Dr. Lobo conditional release (he is required to check in with the court once a week, only leave home to go to the hospital to work, and should not go near the victim). The reasons given by the judges for the release were that the doctor's talents are needed by the community, that the children need their father, and culture, explaining that a wife should inform her husband of all of her actions -- referring to the fact that the victim in the case did not inform her husband that she would start working in a hotel. La'o Hamutuk

Statement of Concern Regarding the Appeal Hearing

Dr. Sergio Lobo (accused) and GG Ernawati (victim)

By the Court Monitoring Team

25 July 2001

We are extremely disappointed by today s decision of the High Panel of Judges in District Dili Court to overturn the temporary detention of the accused Dr. Sergio Lobo. The reasoning for the judgement presented by the judges as well as by the defense for the release of Sergio Lobo does not point to concern for justice for the victim, GG. Ernawati. Below are some statements and judgements expressed that we deplore. * The judges in their decision and the defense for the accused stated that his patients and the public need Dr. Sergio Lobo s services. It should be proven that the need cited is truly urgent. Dr. Sergio Lobo has assaulted his wife several times since November 2000 which shows both a violation of the law and of his professional code of ethics. We can not accept the need for Dr. Lobo s skills as a doctor to justify his release as he has repeatedly taken actions to threaten Ernawati. The judges should have kept to the principle of equality before the law and not allowed irrelevent and opportunistic issues to influence the case. In fact, without the presence of Dr. Sergio Lobo, the hospital continues to function 24 hours a day in service of the community. This case is a test of the principal of equality before the law, without viewing one s function, profession or social economic status. * The reason given that the children need the presence of Dr. Sergio Lobo, who has acted as both their father and mother, has no basis. The reason that Ernawati has not been able to tend to her children is because Dr. Lobo threatens her personal safety. Because of this fear, she is unable to be with her children. The judges should have seen this fact. In the Convention to End All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, paragraph 16 speaks to the issue of marriage and family law and states, Equal rights and responsibilities in all matters relating to marriage and family relations form a basis of equality between men and women. Therefore, if Sergio Lobo, as one parent, has cared for the children during this process, this should not be raised as a problem. * The statement that the culture of East Timor does not allow a wife to do something without permission from her husband can not be a basis of the decision. It is not proper for the Judges and defense lawyers, as representatives of the law, to use cultural standards which are discriminatory as a means of defense and judgement. It must be taken into consideration that all laws in East Timor must agree with international standards and the reason of culture is in contradiction with international standards. The culture of East Timor confronts and rejects violence; it does not support it. * The judges based their decision on the importance of Dr. Sergio Lobo without weighing the importance or safety of Ernawati. In the Convention on Civil and Political Rights, paragraph 7 refers to the right to freedom from assault and paragraph 9 states that every person has a right to personal freedom and safety. The judges should have looked at the facts that show that Ernawati s safety is threatened. * In the process of the hearing, the judges, prosecution and defense for the accused were unprofessional in their handling of this case. This is evidenced by the fact that irrelevent statements with no basis at all were allowed in the court hearing, including accusations of prostitution and having AIDS. * The judges asked gender biased questions. Because the victim is a woman, she was asked whether she had gotten permission from her husband to work. This question lacks basis, particularly when the judges know that the victim is threatened and could not possibly make contact with the accused. * The decision of the High Judges Panel in District Dili Court to conditionally release the accused Dr. Sergio Lobo points to a discriminatory legal process in this country. With the consideration of the rights of children to be cared for by their parents as a basis for the decision of the court, questions arise about all of those accused of criminal offences who have children but are still held in detention. Based on the above, we insist that: * In the process of the upcoming trial for this case, the needs of the woman as a victim are given attention and that the victim is fully heard. * The court will not become a place where a victim faces further violence, such as unsubstantiated slander that is not relevant to the case. * The court must ensure that Dr. Sergio Lobo will truly follow the conditions of his release, namely that he does not leave his house except to go to the hospital and that he not go near Ernawati, the victim. The court is now responsible for the safety of the victim and must ensure that another assault does not occur against her. Dili, 25 Juli 2001

Monitoring Team for the Case of Dr Sergio Lobo-G.G. Ernawati

Advokacy Division of Fokupers GG. Ernawati s Legal Team, Legal Aid Ukun Rasik An


Dr. Sergio Lobo-GG Ernawati

oleh Tim Monitoring Persidangan

Tgl 25 Juli 2001

Bahwa kami sangat menyesalkan hasil keputusan Majelis Hakim Panel A pengadilan distrik Dili untuk mencabut penahanan sementara atas tersangka dr Sergio Lobo. Dasar pertimbangan yang dipakai hakim maupun pihak pembela untuk melepaskan dr Sergio Lobo, tidak menunjukkan aspek pembelaan dan keadilan terhadap korban GG. Ernawati. Beberapa pernyataan dan dasar pertimbangkan yang kami sesalkan adalah sbb: * Hakim dan pembela memakai dasar bahwa dr Sergio Lobo diperlukan oleh pasien dan publik perlu dibuktikan melalui investigasi bahwa kebutuhan tersebut memang mendesak. Penganiyaan yang telah dilakukan oleh dr Sergio Lobo terhadap istrinya beberapa kali sejak November 2000 sesungguhnya menunjukkan bahwa dr Sergio telah melakukan tindakan melanggar hukum dan kode etik profesi kedokteran. Sehingga alasan untuk melepas karena profesinya sangat dibutuhkan, tidak bisa diterima karena dr Sergio Lobo telah berulang kali melakukan tindakan yang mengancam jiwa Ernawati. Seharusnya Hakim tetap berpegang pada asas persamaan hukum dan tidak menggunakan asas opportunis yang tidak relevan dengan kasus ini. Karena sebenarnya tanpa kehadiran dr. Sergio Lobo-pun rumah sakit tetap terbuka 24 jam untuk melayani masyarakat. Kasus ini menjadi ujian bagi persamaan di depan hukum bagi semua orang, tanpa memandang jabatan, profesi, dan status sosial ekonomi. * Alasan bahwa anak-anak lebih membutuhkan kehadiran dr Sergio Lobo yang berperan sebagai ayah dan ibu bagi mereka sesungguhnya tidak mendasar. Alasan mengapa Ernawati tidak mampu untuk merawat anak adalah karena keselamatan jiwanya terancam, sehingga dia harus berada jauh dari anak-anak. Dalam situasi ini harusnya hakim bisa melihat alasan dibalik tidak mampunya Erna merawat anak-anak. Berdasarkan Konvensi Penghapusan Segala Bentuk Diskriminasi terhadap Perempuan pasal 16 tentang perkawinan dan hukum keluarga disebutkan bahwa hak dan tanggungjawab yang sama dalam semua urusan yang berhubungan dengan perkawinan dan hubungan kekeluargaan atas dasar persamaan antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Sehingga, jika selama proses ini Dr Sergio sebagai pihak yang merawat anak, harusnya tidak dijadikan masalah. * Bahwa budaya Timor Lorosa e yang tidak membolehkan istri berbuat sesuatu tanpa ijin suami tidak bisa dijadikan dasar pertimbangan keputusan. Hakim dan pembela sebagai penegak hukum tidak selayaknya memakai standar budaya yang diskriminatif sebagai bahan pertimbangan dan pembelaan. Kami sangat menyesalkan atas tindakan hakim dan pembela di atas. Dan perlu diperhatikan bahwa semua hukum di Timor Loro sae tidak boleh bertentangan dengan semua instrumen internasional, sehingga alasan budaya yang bertentangan dengan instrumen internasional tidak sepatutnya dipergunakan. Budaya Timor Lorosae adalah budaya melawan kekerasan bukan mendukung kekerasan. * Hakim memakai dasar pertimbangan kepentingan dr Sergio Lobo tanpa mempertimbangkan kepentingan dan keselamatan Ernawati. Berdasarkan Konvensi Hak Sipik dan Politik pasal 7 tentang hak untuk bebas dari penganiayaan dan pasal 9 bahwa setiap orang berhak atas kebebasan dan keamanan pribadi, maka seharusnya hakim mampu melihat berdasarkan bukti-bukti yang ada bahwa keselamatan jiwa Ernawati terancam. * Dalam proses hearing 1 dan ke-2 menujukkan bahwa jaksa , hakim, dan pengacara tersangka tidak menggunakan asas profesionalitas dalam menangani kasus, terbukti dengan pembicaraan yang muncul dalam sidang adalah hal-hal yang tidak relevan dan tidak berdasar dengan substansi perkara misalnya: pembawa HIV/AIDS, pelacur, dll. * Hakim telah mengeluarkan pertanyaan yang bias gender dikarenakan korban adalah perempuan dengan menanyakan apakah korban sudah mendapat ijin suami untuk bekerja. Hal ini sangat tidak mendasar, apalagi ketika hakim tahu bahwa situasi korban sedang terancam dan tidak mungkin melakukan kontak dengan terdakwa. * Dengan adanya putusan Majelis Hakim Panel A Distrik Dili atas bebas bersyaratnya tersangka dr. Sergio Lobo menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi perlakuan hukum secara diskriminatif terhadap pencari keadilan di negeri ini. Karena pertimbangan-pertimbangan terhadap hak anak yang perlu mendapat perhatian dari orang tua, dirasakan juga oleh semua orang atau tersangka-tersangka yang ditahan selama ini atas perbuatan pidananya. Berdasarkan hal-hal di atas maka kami mendesak : * Agar proses persidangan berikutnya lebih memperhatikan kepentingan perempuan sebagai korban, dan mendengarkan suara perempuan sebagai korban. * Agar pengadilan tidak menjadi tempat terjadinya kekerasan lebih lanjut untuk korban dengan membicarakan hal-hal yang tidak relevan dengan substansi kasus. * Pengadilan memastikan bahwa dr Sergio Lobo benar-benar mematuhi aturan tahanan rumah dan tidak mendekati Ernawati sebagai korban. Pengadilan bertanggungjawab atas keamanan korban dan harus memastikan agar tidak terjadi lagi penganiayaan atas korban. Dili, 25 Juli 2001

Tim Monitoring Kasus dr Sergio Lobo-G.G. Ernawati

Advokasi Fokupers Tim Kuasa Hukum G.G. Ernawati Legal Aid Ukun Rasi An

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