June 2003 

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June 22 - 29
Amb. washes hands of Scot's East Timor death
East Timor still has stories to tell (review of James Dunn's new book)
East Timor pays price for freedom
New police chief arrives to credibility crisis
ET could become gangster 'playground', Jakarta justice has failed says Wahid
JRH: Democracy for Burma- Lean On the Generals

E Timor ire over US travel warning
Brazilian officials discuss health cooperation
Timor trip query
MOU on Border Crossing to be followed up
Bright Dawn, Dark Days In East Timor
ASEAN cracking open club's door for Dili - Ramos Horta

Protester at ETAN/IHRN lobby days demonstration at Indonesian Embassy in Washington, DC. Photo by Kurt Biddle. 

U.S. Congress Demonstrates Strong Support for Justice for East Timor

IHRN/ETAN: Congress Expresses Deep Concern about Military Offensive and Human Rights Violations in Aceh Representatives Criticize Indonesia’s Use of U.S. Military Equipment

Ninety Rights Groups Call for Military Embargo Against Indonesia

Powell Urged to Raise Aceh War at ASEAN Meeting

Rights Groups Praise Senators for Restricting Military Training for Indonesia

ET NGOs: Joint Statement to the Development Partners Meeting June 2003 from NGOs in support of Ukun Rasik A'an

People of Faith Call for International Tribunal for East Timor, Regardless of Indonesian Court Verdicts

June 9 DC demo at Washington D.C. Indonesian embassy opposes Aceh war supports Justice for ET

IFET Urges UN Security Council to Create International Tribunal for East Timor

ETAN Urges Gifts of Justice and Fairness on Country’s First Birthday

ETAN/IHRN: Rights Groups Praise Senators for Restricting Military Training for Indonesia

House International Relations Committee Expresses Strong Support for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution in Indonesia and East Timor

LH Bulletin: Asian Development Bank (Vol. 4, No. 1)

ET NGO Analysis of Immigration and Asylum law for East Timor
Letter on proposed RDTL immigration law (Charles Scheiner)

Democracy Now! broadcast from East Timor's independence. Listen online or order the video

Support ETAN: Message from Howard Zinn

Local Media Monitoring - June 27, 2003
Daily Media Review 27 June
Local Media Monitoring - June 26, 2003
Daily Media Review 26 June 2003
Local Media Monitoring - June 25, 2003
Local Media Monitoring - June 24, 2003
Daily Media Review 24 June 2003
Local Media Monitoring - June 23, 200
Daily Media Review 23 June 2003

June 15 - 21
Wrangles beset development of gasfield
Border battle for the newest petrostate
Timor Wants ConocoPhillips Bayu-Undan HQ
East Timor creates oil fund
Gas deal opens door for Sunrise
Downer in talks with E Timorese over gas security concerns
Yes For Bayu-Undan LNG Project
Bayu-Undan Gas Development Ready to Proceed
Bechtel wins $1 bln Timor Sea contract

Let E Timor join ASEAN- Downer
Australia underwrites East Timor's survival

E Timor floods kill UN worker
East Timor open for business
Australian employers criticised for resisting E Timor unions
U.S. Weapons Aid Repression in Aceh

Xanana urges rich nations to do more to help poorer counterparts
Gusmão award incentive to further support, says Portuguese leader
Xanana - 2003 Path to Peace Award Acceptance
Kissinger speech on Xanana's UNESCO prize

Serious Crimes Unit and other Justice  Updates (June)

Indonesian Maj. General Adam Damirii's prayers are answered. The prosecutor asked the court to acquit Damiri, the top general on trial over violence in East Timor in 1999. Reuters (see below)  

Major General Adam Damiri  

JSMP/Asia Pacific Centre for Military Law: Symposium On Justice For International Crimes Committed in The Territory of East Timor (English --Portuguese)*

Amnesty says weak justice system in East Timor undermined rights
IFET: Urges UN Security Council to Create International Tribunal for East Timor
Timor PM slams UN on war criminals
Visao- a year of pragmatism

E Timor Sentences Militia Leader To 7 Yrs Jail For Murder
Charges laid over East Timor militia murder
Retrials may be needed in East Timor

JSMP: BMP Militia Member Released From Pre-Trial Detention*
JSMP: Sakunar Militia Leader in East Timor Sentenced for Crimes Against Humanity

Militias may escape justice over 1999 atrocities
Concern over future of Serious Crimes Unit

ABC: East Timor's Struggling Legal System*
AI: International responsibility for justice
JSMP: Ablai Militia member conditionally released*
JSMP: Departure of international judge means Special Panels for Serious Crimes in East Timor unable to function*

Parliament will not intervene over president's choice of top judge
Jakarta, Dili not serious about human rights cases
Chance For Justice Vanishes For East Timor Victims
ETAN: Praises New Indictment of Indonesian Officials for Crimes in E Timor

see May, April Serious Crimes Updates

Indonesian Ad-Hoc Court (June)
U.S. questions RI's will to prosecute rights cases
Timor trials debacle raises fear of increased military oppression in West Papua

Indonesia Wants to Acquit General in Human Rights Case
Prosecutors Call For Indonesian Acquittal In E Timor Case
Adam Damiri- A soldier's record
East Timor Cases Will Always Haunt RI- Activist

Indonesia Court Acquits Timor Ex-Army Chief

Gen. Suratman Acquitted of Abuses; Damiri Again Skips His Trial

Indon army major general skips two rights court hearings
Damiri case postponed again
Amnesty slams Indonesia's "dishonest" Timor rights trials

see May, April, March, February updates on Indonesia Ad Hoc Court

Local Media Monitoring - June 20, 2003
Daily Media Review 20 June 2003
Local Media Monitoring - June 19, 2003
Local Media Monitoring - June 18, 2003
Daily Media Review - June 18, 2003
Daily Media Review 18 June 2003
Local Media Monitoring - June 17, 2003
Daily Media Review 17 June 2003
Local Media Monitoring - June 16, 2003
Daily Media Review 16 June 2003

Other Links (open in new window)

ADB: Annual Report 2002 - Timor-Leste chapter

Xanana: On the occasion of the International Conference on Traditional Conflict Resolution & Traditional Justice in Timor-Leste

OCHATimor-Leste: Floods OCHA Situation Report No. 3, 2, 1
The Hard and Bitter Truth of 4 December 2002
Inside Indonesia: Stand your ground: Radio series gives voice to E Timorese stories of resistance
FAO/WFP crop and food supply assessment mission to Timor-Leste (PDF)

East Timor recipies (in Portuguese)

AI's Annual Report 2003: ET, Indonesia
U.S. Committee for Refugees: World Refugee Survey 2003

FPA: Midwives Get Motorcycles to Save Mothers' Lives in Timor-Leste

A Review of Peace Operations: A Case for Change: East Timor chapter 
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste country paper

U.S. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2002: East Timor, Indonesia
Committee to Protect Journalists, from Attacks on the Press 2002: East Timor
Situation of human rights in Timor-Leste - Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

UN: Recent Violence, Rise in Armed Groups Threaten Success in Timor-Leste, Peacekeeping Under-Secretary-general Tells Security Council
Statements by Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Portugal, U.S.,  
UN: Special report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor

24 Reports from East Timor (and Indonesia) Curt Gabrielson spent two years in East Timor working on science education, as well as observing various aspects of East Timor's reconstruction. Here are links to each of his 24 monthly newsletters.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Timor-Leste website (new official website)
Official Gazette of Government of East Timor

Kissinger Watch

June 8 - 14
East Timor women must tell of atrocities by Indonesians
Vatican's U.N. nuncio gives peace award to Timor president
XG- 2003 Path to Peace Award Acceptance
Bishop Belo: EU Decision Leaves Torture Victims Out In The Cold
Bishop Belo: East Timor needs help in rebuilding

IPS -Aceh- Echoes of East Timor
Fretilin criticized
Jose pleads to stay in Australia
All East Timorese refugees should be granted visas
Australian pedophile given 48 hours to leave
ADF reveals list of peacekeeper misconduct allegations
Despite Treaty, Timor & Australia Bicker Over Gas Divide
France expresses support for E. Timor reconciliation
Tourism & Timor

Local Media Monitoring - June 13
Daily Media Review 13 June
Local Media Monitoring - June 12
Daily Media Review 12 June
Local Media Monitoring - June 11
Local Media Monitoring - June 10
Daily Media Review 10 June
Daily Media Review 9 June


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and  Support ETAN


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  ETAN receives a donation for each pound sold. You can order from Just Coffee at: http://www.justcoffee.net/etan.html; 608-204-9011, or 100 S. Baldwin St, Suite 303, Madison, WI 53703.

June 1 - 7
Amputation, execution, suicide- Australian troops in Timor accused
Tooling up for Timor gas bonanza
Timor becomes 191st country to sign up to Geneva Conventions
E Timorese may starve in months- UN

Catholic bishops welcome East Timor visa decision
10-year fight ends in joy for asylum seekers 
E Timor welcomes permanent residency moves

Donors reaffirm support for East Timor
XG- On the occasion of the Development Partners Meeting
NGO statement to donors to support Ukun Rasis A'an
Job creation is gov't's No.1 priority, PM tells donor conference
Gusmao urges donors to keep up aid flow to East Timor
E Timor Aims To Be Agriculturally Self-Sufficient By 2008
UN Reconstruction in East Timor
Foreign aid needs still great, Gov't to tell Dili donors' meeting

East Timor- Solidarity with people of Aceh
Border investigation teams hold joint exercise
East Timor wants demilitarised border with Indonesia, Gusmao
UDT party congress looks for 'effective' opposition strategies

Local Media Monitoring - June 6, 2003
Local Media Monitoring - June 5, 2003
Daily Media Review 5 June 2003
Local Media Monitoring - June 4, 2003
Local Media Monitoring - June 3, 2003
Daily Media Review 3 June
Daily Press Review June 2, 2003

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