Subject: Timor-Leste Civil Society Demands a Fair Maritime Boundary
Press Conference
TIMOR-LESTE CIVIL SOCIETY demands a fair Maritime Boundary
Civil Society Organizations in Timor-Leste have followed the negotiation
process concerning Timor Sea oil, held in Canberra and Darwin, Australia, last
month. It has come to our attention that Governments of both Timor-Leste and
Australia do not want to further discuss the Maritime Boundary, but have opted
instead to discuss only distribution of money from natural resources, which both
governments euphemistically call a "creative solution". The
signatories of this statement, civil society of Timor-Leste, would like to
present our opinions, which we believe are important to express. While we feel
it is important that both governments heed our opinions, they are directed
especially towards the government of Timor-Leste.
Based on prior knowledge concerning negotiations, we strongly encourage the
governments of Timor-Leste and Australia to:
1. urge the negotiators who, at this moment, are discussing the future of the
people of Timor-Leste, to respect the national sovereignty of the Democratic
Republic of Timor- Leste, and quickly set the maritime boundary between the two
countries according to current international legal principles.
2. urge Australia, in connection with point 1, to return to the International
Court of Justice and the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea in order
to solve international disputes of maritime boundaries.
3. Greater Sunrise should be East Timor's territory, development can not be
started until a boundary or IUA is in place. We condemn pressure exerted by
Woodside Oil Company to quickly begin exploitation in this area.
4. stop the exploitation of Laminaria-Corallina and other oil fields in
disputed territory. This includes halting the issue of new licenses. It would be
sensible and fair to put revenues from such fields in an escrow fund to be
divided fairly once a boundary agreement is reached.
We strongly urge the government of Timor-Leste to give priority to the
Maritime Boundary discussions rather than negotiating the division of resources
with a government that is stealing natural resources that rightfully belong to
HAK Association, Haburas Foundation, La'o Hamutuk, Sahe Institute for
Liberation (SIL), Kdalak Sulimutu Institute (KSI), Timor-Leste Community Radio
Association (ARKTL), Judicial System Monitoring Program, KSTL, LAIFET, FOKUPERS,
Forum Tau Matan (FTM), Timor-Leste Students Association.
Dili October 27 2004
for more information please contact: 670-7245063 Tomas Freitas
Konferensia da Impressa
SOSIEDADE SIVIL TIMOR-LESTE ejizi fronteira maritima mak justu
Nudar Orgaun Sosiedade Sivil iha Timor-Leste, nebee mak akompanha prosessu
negosiasaun iha Camberra no Darwin Australia fulan kotuk. tuir informasaun katak
Governo Timor-Leste no Governo Australia la kohi atu kolia kona ba Fronteira
Maritima, maibe prefere liu kolia kona ba fahe osan husi rekursus naturais deit,
nebee governo nain rua nee hanaran "solusaun kreativa". ami Sosiedade
sivil Timor-Leste, hamutuk ho sira neebe fo sai deklarasaun nee, hakarak hatoo
ami nian hanoin nebe'e ami senti nesisidade tebes ba nasaun ida nee. Ami hakarak
fo hanoin ba Governo nain rua, liu-liu Governo ami nian, Governo Republika
Demokratika Timor-Leste. Bazeia ba dadus nebe'e ami hatene kona ba prosesu
negosiasaun, mak tuir mai ne'e ami ezije Governo Timor-Leste ho Australia atu
halo buat hirak tuir mai nee:
1. Husu ba Negosiador/negosiadora sira hotu mak agora dadaun nee tur no
diskuti hela povo Timor- Leste nian futuru, atu respeitu Soberania Nasional
Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste, no desidi lalais fronteira maritima tuir
Prinsipiu Legal Internasional.
2. Husu ba Australia fila ba prosesu rezolusaun disputa internasional ba
fronteira maritima husi Tribunal Internasional ba Justisa no Tribunal
Internasional ba Lei Tasi.
3. Greater Sunrise tuir lolos partensi ba Timor-Leste nian teritoriu,
dezenvolvimento la bele lao lai too fronteira ka IUA defini. Ami la konkorda
wainhira kompania Woodside obriga atu eksploita lalais area neba.
4. Hatuka (Hapara) esplorasaun Laminaria-Corallina no kampu seluk tan iha
teritoriu desputada, inklui fo lisensa foun. Tau osan hirak neebe hetan husi
kampu hirak nee iha konta netral ida, hodi nunee bele fahe justu Wainhira
Fronteira determina ona.
Dala ida tan husu ba Governo Timor-Leste hodi fo prioridade ba diskuti
Fronteira Maritima, duke kolia kona ba fahe rekurso ho NAUKTEN mak naok ita nian
riku soin.
Asosiasaun HAK, , La'o Hamutuk, Sahe Institute for Liberation (SIL),
Fundasaun Haburas, Kdalak Sulimutu Institute (KSI), Asosiasaun Radio Komunidade
Timor-Leste (ARKTL), Asosiasaun Estudante Timor-Leste, Judicial System
Monitoring Program (JSMP), KSTL, FOKUPERS, RENETIL, Forum Tau matan .
Dili 27 Oktober 2004
Ba informasaun detail por favour contacto: 670-7245063 Tomas Freitas
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