Subject: Law firm targets energy with East
Timor base
Miranda targets energy with East Timor base Despite widespread violence, looting and arson in the capital city of Dili, Lisbon-based Miranda Correia Amendoeira & Associados plans to open an office in East Timor this year. The Portuguese firm, which specialises in work for oil and gas companies, will use the office to serve energy clients already operating in the oil and gas-rich island group, including Agip-Eni, Shell and Exxon-Mobil. The move will be led by partner Nuno Antenes, a former legal adviser to the East Timor government's petroleum sector, who joined Miranda this year. Antenes will govern the office from Lisbon, with just a single East Timorean lawyer on the ground. The outpost will be the 90-lawyer firm's seventh office in a former Portuguese colony, following those in Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Macau, Mozambique and the African island of São Tomé. Back to June menu |