Subject: UNOTIL's Daily Media Review 14
March 2006
Daily Media Review Monday, 14 March 2006 National Media Reports Abel Ximenes Nominates for Fretilin SG It is reported that Fretilin Central Committee (CCF) member Abel Ximenes will nominate himself for Fretilin Secretary General at the upcoming National Congress. Responding to this, President of the National Parliament Lu-Olo has stated that whomever wishes to nominate him or herself for the Secretary General or President's position must be 100% Fretilin. However, he claimed that as yet he does not have any information regarding who will be nominated for either position. Speaking at the National Parliament after voting for the Veterans Law, Lu-Olo expressed his satisfaction that the law has been approved, as finally those who fought for the liberation of this country will be acknowledged. This includes not just those who were guerrillas in the mountains, but also members of the clandestine and diplomatic fronts. Lu-Olo dismissed concerns of some parties that the law is too politicised, saying that 63 MPs voted in favour of the law, which is a significant number. The proposed bill has been in debate in Parliament for the past three months. (STL, TP) Income for Food Supply Companies Decreases Due to F-FDTL Crisis The absence of hundreds of F-FDTL from their headquarters has caused the income of those companies who supply food to the armed forces to decline from US $5000 to US $3000 per week. Manager of Jor & Cos Co. Ltd Juviano Cabral speaking to STL yesterday evening explained that his company has been supplying food for hundreds of F-FDTL personnel from Battalion I in Baucau. He likened his company to a food stall, whereby the income increases or decreases depending on the amount of customers. (STL) Branco Comments on UNDP report In reference to the recent UNDP report on Human Development and responding to an appeal from the PD Bench's spokesperson Rui Menezes that the Timorese people should be experiencing "favourable" development, Head of the Fretilin Bench in the National Parliament Francisco Branco has stated that sometimes such reports do not follow reality. He reminded journalists that the report is based on 2004 data, and that since then, there have been changes, of which he is sure UNDP recognizes. He also criticized the attitude of the economics lecturer who commented on the report without taking into account the population increase that has occurred since then, among other factors. Timor Post reported Branco as saying that the analysis made by Aristides Afonso on the UNDP Human Development Report for 2006, as too narrow. On Saturday, Timor Post reported Aristides Afonso, a lecturer on economics at the National University, as saying that the report shows that the Government does not have the capacity to implement living conditions necessary for development. "I admire the capacity of an economic docent when it comes to doing an analysis on the economy of Timor-Leste. He doesn't consider the fundamental points of the population growth," Branco said pointing out that one of the difficulties facing development is the increase in birth rates. In regards to the capacity of the Government, the MP for Fretilin added that the Government is focusing on development, slowly but steadily. He cited examples such as the construction of bridges, the increase in the number of health centers, an increase in student capacity in the education sector. He said, "We must consider this part of development. In 2007, we will enter a new phase, and the development will be better established because we can see that the last four years have been too short to focus on everything". (STL, TP Up To Five Years Imprisonment For Turtle Catchers According a Government decree law, turtles are classified as a Protected Animal Species in Timor-Leste. Therefore, anyone catching turtles or turtle eggs will be sentenced from one to five years imprisonment and a penalty between US$500- $500,000. The media reported that a press release from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries says 2006 is declared "Year of the Turtle" because it is a species protected throughout the world. The document also says that information will be disseminated at the grassroots level to make the public aware of the importance of protecting the riches as defined in the decree-law. Timor-Leste for the third time participated in the International Forum for Conservation and Management of Sea Water Turtles in Bangkok as observers. The last forum was in March 2005. (TP, DN) RTTL News Headlines 13-03-2006 Oecussi FRETLIN District delegates elected Fourteen district delegates were reportedly elected by FRETILIN members in Oecussi on Saturday, at the party's District Congress. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the Congress, FRETILIN Secretary-General Mari Alkatiri stated that the Congress was to make an important decision, that being, to decide on the party's leadership. PD's District Congress in Aileu On the same day, the opposition party, PD, held its district Congress in Aileu. Speaking at the Congress, PD's Deputy Secretary-General Francisco Borulaku told the participants that they would decide to prioritise five development areas of PD at the National Congress, namely; democracy, economy, agriculture, health and education. Speaking at another party ceremony, PD's spokesperson, Rui Menezes reportedly called on all PD members to avoid Loro Monu and Loro Sae as not to create division in the country. Hospital and health centers ceremonies in Oeccuse In Oecusse, Prime Minster Mari Alkatiri laid the first stone for the construction of a regional hospital for Oecusse. The project, RTTL reported, is worth around US$ 3.1 million. The Prime Minister was also inaugurated some health centers in that region. Regional Media Reports Guterres jail term reinstated over East Timor abuses Indonesia's Supreme Court has reinstated a 10-year jail term imposed on the former leader of one of the most notorious militias that terrorised East Timor prior to the 1999 United Nations-backed referendum on independence. The court confirmed the conviction of Eurico Guterres for human rights abuses. Guterres was originally sentenced to 10 years in jail for crimes against humanity in 2002 by an ad hoc human rights court set up to try military officers and officials for atrocities committed in East Timor. That was later reduced to five years on appeal and he has remained at liberty pending the current appeal to Indonesia's highest court. Guterres headed the Aitark Militia one of the most notorious groups the UN says were set up and trained by the Indonesian Military and which killed at least 1,400. (ABC Online) National News Sources Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL] These Items Do Not Reflect the Position or Views of the United Nations. UNOTIL Public Information Office Back to March menu |