Subject: UNOTIL Daily Media Review 11 May 2006


Compiled by the Public Information Office from national and international sources

Daily Media Review Thursday, 11 May 2006

National Media Reports

Ambassador Jose Luis Appeals For Unity

Timor-Leste Ambassador to the UN and the USA, José Luis Guterres, reportedly told the media on Wednesday he is holding meetings with various leaders including church representatives and the Defence Force to try to help the Government and the President to find a path to enable the Timorese people to live in peace. Guterres said the recent situation in Dili has left the international community concerned and therefore it is imperative to work together to restore unity

According to Timor Post, Ramos-Horta reportedly said the Government is to blame for the situation that emerged. “The Government did not address the issue in a timely manner giving rise to the current situation. Therefore, the Government must also bow a little with humility to speak with everybody,” said Ramos-Horta. The Foreign Affairs Minister said he is trying to contact the petitioners’ spokesperson to explain the status of their petition. He emphasized that it is important that the group hears directly from the State on their request rather than rumours, adding he will guarantee them that PNTL and F-FDTL will not do anything against them. “It is my initiative. The Prime Minister is aware of it. I’m prepared to travel to the mountain to speak to them or they can come to my house,” said Ramos-Horta.

In a separate article, Minister Ramos-Horta was reported as saying that the UN Security Council is keeping an eye on Timor-Leste and will establish another mission when UNOTIL concludes its mandate. He said the Security Council is likely to extend UNOTIL mandate for one month to enable time for members of the Council to make a decision on the composition of the follow up mission. (TP, DN)

Ramos-Horta Scheduled To Meet Population Living Close To The Border

The Foreign Affairs Minister is scheduled to meet the population living close to the border next Monday, reported Timor Post Thursday. “I am preparing to travel to the border to visit and speak to the whole population living close to the border and tell them that the Government and the international community have not forgotten them,” Ramos-Horta said. He added that he would also tell the population that the Government continues to collaborate with Indonesian forces to ensure a calm situation in the borders. The Minister said he would also meet with Indonesian Armed Forces, TNI during the visit.

On other aspects, Minister Ramos-Horta said his Ministry together with the cycling federation is holding a cycling race for children aged 10-15 as a way to release tension due to the events of past weeks. The race is between the Government Palace and Lecidere and the first winner will receive US$100, second US$90 and there will be prizes for everyone. (TP)

Prime Minister Ordered Intervention of F-FDTL: Julio

Political observer, Julio Tomas Pinto, reportedly said that based on the decree law of the military, F-FDTL is composed of President of the Republic, the Parliament and the Government. Pinto said on 28 April Prime Minister gave the order for the Armed Forces to act because PNTL were not prepared to anticipate the violence that occurred in the Government Palace. He said the decree law creates confusion because it is contrary to the Constitution which says only the President is entitled to give orders for F-FDTL to provide security. In regards to those people killed by members of F-FDTL, Pinto is of the opinion that the responsibility rests on those who gave the orders. He added that it is correct for the armed force to act if the police cannot respond to the crisis but in the case involving the 595 petitioners, the involvement of F-FDTL created more confusion. Tomas Pinto added that the inability of the police could depend on the police or rest with the politician responsible for the Minister of Interior also noting that the Minister of Defence and the security did not carry out their respective functions properly to attend to the F-FDTL case hoping this is an example for those working as Ministers to demonstrate their capacity. (TP)

Agent Buried With Gun Shots Salutes

The member of the Unidade Intervenção Rapida (UIR) killed during Gleno riots was buried in his hometown with a gun salute. Representatives of the Government, PNTL, F-FDTL, National Parliament and the Diplomatic Corps attended the funeral in the village of Kairui, Baucau District. Agent Palmiro Laserda da Costa was 26 years old. (TP)

Regional Media Reports


National News Sources Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL]

These Items Do Not Reflect the Position or Views of the United Nations. UNOTIL Public Information Office

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