April 2009
February 2009

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A Letter from
Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky

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Obama’s Indonesia question: Will the US president continue unrestricted aid to Indonesia’s military?

NGO Letter to UN Security Council on Justice and Accountability (also Tetum)

Groups Write Secretary of State Clinton on Eve of Her Visit to Indonesia (also Bahasa Indonesia)

ETAN urges dropping of defamation charges against Timorese editor

HAK Association: Court Decision in Defamation Case of Mr. Longuinhos Monteiro SH

ETAN response to Admiral Dennis Blair's Statements to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Joint Letter on Recent Papua Human Rights Cases - Buktar Tabuni (arrested) and Mr. Yosias Syet (murdered)

Foreign Policy in Focus - Obama: Stand Up to the Indonesian Military

TAPOL: The Multi-Choice Elections (Indonesian elections 2009: The contenders, parties and candidates)

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March 27 - April 3

East Timor Needs "Several More Years" Of Foreign Help - UN
East Timor Legal News 3 April 2009
East Timor hit over 'dirty' power plants
The curse of commodities
Burma "Government In Exile" Seeks Office In East Timor
Blood on their hands (Liquica massacre)
Is Security Reform On the Indonesia Agenda?
Obama Plans to Visit Indonesia This Year- Yudhoyono
West Papua - A Neighbour Needs Our Help [+Rally update]

International Donors Meet In East Timor To Push Development
Former East Timorese militia leader to run for office
Graves May Give Answers To Dili Massacre

East Timor Legal News 31 March 2009
Interview with Joan Fleuren, World Food Programme Director in Timor-Leste
Unintended Consequences - review of Economists with Guns
Draft abortion laws dropped in East Timor
Catholic church position on abortion
Cambodia Tribunal ignoring US role, says Chomsky

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March 19 - 28

Ex-militia leader eyes parliament
E.Timor swears in new police chief

Wiranto's Hanura Party Digs Deeper into Its "Conscience"

Torture Evidence Mounts Against Indonesian General
Obama's New Buddy Keeps Bad Company
Draft laws threaten freedom of the press in East Timor

Human Rights Checklist For Indonesia
Journalists worried by ETimor defamation claim
'Political' Appointment of Police Chief Resented
Dili’s displaced face renewed delays

East Timor Legal News 20 March 2009

Prabowo, Gerindra Fight Accusations of Past Rights Abuses

March 13 - 21

Soldier who became champion of East Timorese

Prabowo, Gerindra Fight Accusations of Past Rights Abuses
Hundreds of Indonesian Human Rights Activists Convenes in Jakarta
The challenges for East Timor

Timor stops work on power plants or not
Japanese Diplomacy, East Timor and the “Truth Commission”
East Timor’s First President Recalls His 9-Day Term
Clinton in Indonesia- What She Missed
TIMOR-LESTE- Abortion laws in spotlight

Wall of secrecy shields police hunt for killers
Stimulus Money Must Help World's Poor - Timor President

Getting rid of poverty must continue as priority – Msgr Ximenes Belo

Book Sheds Light On Aspiring Leaders

East Timor Legal News 20 March 2009
East Timor Legal News 19 March 2009
East Timor Legal News 18 March 2009
East Timor Legal News 16 March 2009

I’ve long admired ETAN’s work. For well over a decade, ETAN has conducted some of the most effective grassroots campaigns I know. With limited resources, they helped free a nation and fundamentally changed policy toward one of the U.S.’s closest and most repressive allies, Indonesia.a.

Amy Goodman, host of “Democracy Now!”

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March 8 - 13

Presidential Pardon Talk May Hurt Legal System'
Funding shortage exposes thousands to disease

Japan To Help Train E Timor's Military
Aceh Peace Threatened by 'Democracy Deficit'
Justice the aim for East Timor politician
Brimob deployed in Papua, Maluku and Aceh for elections

Summary of CNRT-CN press conference 7 March 2001

Xanana Gusmao’s dreams, Pedro Lay’s work
Obama’s Indonesia question
Cuba, The Neglected State-builder

East Timor Legal News 12 and 13 March 2009

Other Links (open in new windows)

Women for Peace Conference March 5-6. 2009 Dili Timor-Leste

2008 State Dept. Country Report on Human Rights Practices for Indonesia; Timor-Leste

Timor Today - weekly TV online news service for Timor-Leste

TAPOL protests defamation charges against Timorese journalist

LH: Power Plant and National Electrical Grid Mega-project or mega-problem?

UNMIT welcomes new UNPOL Commissioner

Prospects for Vanilla Agribusiness Development

Women pessimistic about their prospects in Indonesian elections 25 February 2009 - TAPOL press release

Timor-Leste Armed Violence Assessment Issue Brief: An Historical Perspective on Arms in Timor-Leste

Oxfam et al: Timor-Leste food security baseline survey report

Caritas: Tackling food security in East Timor

Diminishing Conflict in Timor-Leste

TLGov: Statement by Emilia Pires to IMF Board of Governors

TAPOL: The Rise and Fall of Military Candidates in the Indonesian Elections

UNMIT Press Briefing with Aniceto Neves: Coordinator for Peace Building of HAK Association

Ramos-Horta Speaks at UN General Assembly (25 September)
UN: T-L entering period of peace, its leader tells high-level

President Ramos-Horta met with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in New York.  
President Ramos-Horta met with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in New York. UN Photo/Evan Schneider  

USGov: Int'l Religious Freedom Report 2008 - Timor-Leste, Indonesia

Fretilin: Government unable to champion onshore LNG plant from Greater Sunrise

AusGov: Minister For Defence Meets with E Timor Prime Minister
TLGov: Minister Da Costa Discusses Opportunites with West Java

OCHA HUMANITARIAN UPDATE 2008/Issue No. 16: 17 September

Privatising Land in Timor Leste
Audio - Timor, Land, and Biofuel - Tim Anderson
USAID: On Clarifying Land Ownership in Timor-Leste

Audio - Crime in Timor Leste - Jose Teixeira
UNMIT: Transcript of Press Conference 04 September 2008
UN: Timor-Leste joins UN campaign to end violence against women

Timor-Leste Armed Violence Assessment
Small Arms Survey: Commentary on the Draft Arms Law in Timor-Leste

March 1 - 8

Indonesia Policy: Avoiding Past Mistakes - Ed McWilliams

LH: Defamation Case against Tempo Semanal
La'o Hamutuk: Details of heavy oil project

Fernanda Borges - Keynote speech 5th March 2009
Timor MP urges passage of domestic violence law

Jacinta's story- A female judge in Timor-Leste
Ego Lemos, musician, environmental campaigner
Paddy Kenneally, Fervent champion of Timorese

Villagers seek peace through traditional rituals

E Timor backs its justice system in case against alleged assassins
Ramos-Horta Welcomes Trial Of Alleged Assassins In Timor
28 charged over East Timor attacks

Aus defence minister visits E.Timor

Nobel laureate refused offer of help from IRA

East Timor says optimistic on site of LNG plant
Tempo Semanal: Minister for Education Stood Behind a Member of his Family to be Able to Remove Protector of the Peoples’ Money
East Timor In Good Economic Shape, Says Minister

East Timor Legal News 5 March 2009
East Timor Legal News 4 March 2009
East Timor Legal News 3 March 2009
East Timor Legal News 2 March 2009

Indonesia's 'Year Of Voting Frequently' About To Kick Off
Indon Military Behind Aceh Violence: Australian Expert

April 2009
February 2009

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