Subject: East Timor Legal News 18 May 2009

East Timor Legal News 18 May 2009

Lack of logistics impacts on police work: Police Commander Radio Televisaun Timor Leste 18 May 2009 - Timorese Police Commander Commissary Longinhos Monteiro said logistic shortcomings had impacted on the operation and capability of the country's police work.

UN police commissary calls on Lautem police not to politicise police force Radio Televisaun Timor Leste 18 May 2009 - The UN Police Commissary Luis Carilo has called on Lautem police officers not to politicise the country's police force.

Customs officers detect illegal goods Radio Televisaun Timor Leste 18 May 2009 - Department of Customs officers have found a car and cultivating machine that were illegally imported from Surabaya Indonesia by Timor Estevedores Company.

Australia to help control Timor Sea Timor Post 18 May 2009 - The Australian Government through its military force will help support the Timorese police in Lautem district to control the country's maritime zone from illegal fishing.

PM Gusmao meets with Government officials Timor Post 18 May 2009 - Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao has held a meeting with all officials of the Government to discuss ways to execute the state budget carefully.

Martial Arts should fulfill their oath Suara Timor Lorosae 18 May 2009 - Deputy Prime Minister I Jose Luis Guterres has inducted a regulatory commission of martial art leaders to conduct their tasks based on the Constitution of Timor-Leste.

Horta praises AMP's Governance Suara Timor Lorosae 18 May 2009 - President Jose Ramos Horta has praised the Parliamentary Majority Alliance (AMP) Government as it has conducted good governance with a positive balance compared to the former Fretilin government.

Timorese Parliament invites UN Anti-Corruption Committee Suara Timor Lorosae 18 May 2009 - Parliamentary Committee A and C plan to invite the United Nations Ant-Corruption Commission to participate in a 2-day workshop on May 27-28.

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