Subject: AI EX089/99 INDONESIA Arbitrary detention
Date: 16 Jul 99 18:52:56 -0400
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PUBLIC AI Index: ASA 21/63/99 16 July 1999

EXTRA 89/99 Arbitrary detention / Fear for safety / Fear of torture or ill-treatment

INDONESIA Abdullah Adanan Abdullah, 28 Ansari Juned, 19 Bahri Insya, 22 Bakhtiar Razali, 17 Helmi Zulkifli, 17 Junaidi Ismail, 32 M Amin, 30 Marzuki Syamsuddin, 21 M Husen, 35 Muslidar Sabirin, 17 Mustafa Hasyem, 23 Nazir M Diah, 38 Nurdin Ibrahim, 23 Ramli Amin, 35 Rasyidan Yusof Alias Si Yem, 28 Razali, 18 Si Bit A Rani, 18 Si Yan Lem Badai, 38 Zainuddin Syafii, 17

Amnesty International is concerned for the safety of the 20 people named above who were arrested by the Indonesian National Army (TNI) on 9 July 1999. In many cases suspects linked to opposition groups who are arrested and detained by the TNI are tortured and ill-treated.

They are believed to have been arrested on the basis of claims from the TNI that the armed opposition group, Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM), Free Aceh Movement, uses the area around the plantation where the arrests took place in Teunom Sub-district, West Aceh District, Aceh province, northern Sumatra, as a training ground. Local residents however claim that the group are manual labourers who had gone to the plantation to look for work.

All 20 are now believed to be detained at the District Military Command (Kodim) in West Aceh. Human rights lawyers claim that a local government official attempted to meet with them but was refused access. Human rights lawyers have also not been given access to the group.


Serious human rights violations, including "disappearances" and unlawful killings, have increased since the end of 1998 in the course of TNI counter-insurgency operations against the armed separatist group, GAM. In February 1999 at least seven people were unlawfully killed by the TNI who fired on a march in Idi Cut, East Aceh. On 3 May, human rights monitors claimed that at least 40 people were killed in Krueng Geukueh, Dewantara Sub-District, Aceh Utara District, when the TNI fired on a demonstration. GAM have also been accused of committing human rights abuses.

Dozens of people have been arrested in recent months on suspicion of links to GAM. Suspects detained by the TNI are often denied access to lawyers of their choice and are at risk of torture or ill-treatment. Under Indonesia's Code of Criminal Procedures, only the police - and not the TNI - have the authority to arrest, detain and investigate suspects.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send telegrams/faxes/express/airmail letters in Bahasa Indonesia or English or your own language:

- urging the authorities to take measures to ensure that the 20 people named above are not at risk of torture or ill-treatment and that they are given immediate and on-going access to lawyers of their choice and to their families (you can mention some of the names listed);

- urging the authorities to clarify the precise charges against the group and release them if they are not to be immediately charged with a recognizably criminal offence;

- urging the authorities, if they are to be charged with a recognizably criminal offence, to ensure that they are handed over by the TNI to the police, in accordance with Indonesia's Code of Criminal Procedures.

APPEALS TO (Time difference = GMT + 7 hrs / BST + 6 hrs) (if you are unable to obtain a fax tone for General Wiranto please try later):

Minister of Defence and Security:

Gen. Wiranto [Salutation: Dear Minister] Menteri Pertahanan dan Keamanan Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No.13-14 Jakarta 10110 Indonesia Telegrams: General Wiranto, Jakarta, Indonesia Faxes: + 62 21 381 4535 / 384 5178

PLEASE SEND COPIES OF YOUR APPEALS TO: Embassy of Indonesia, 38 Grosvenor Square, London W1X 9AD. Fax: 0171 491 4993


Military Commander Region I/bukit Barisan: (covers North & West Sumatra and Aceh)

Major General Abdul Rahman Gaffar Pangdam I/Bukit Barisan Markas Besar KODAM I Medan Sumatra Utara Indonesia

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Please do not send appeals after 13 August 1999.

If you have any queries about this Urgent Action or about + + the UA scheme in general, please contact: + + Ray Mitchell / Becky Hess + + Amnesty International UK Section + + 99 - 119 Rosebery Avenue + + London EC1R 4RE email:

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