Subject: SOLIDAMOR: Indonesia not serious about holding the Consultation
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 14:30:11 +0000
From: (TAPOL)

SOLIDAMOR Solidaritas untuk Penyelesaian Damai Timor Leste Solidarity for Peace in East Timor Jl. Pramuka Jaya Sari No. 9, Jakarta 10570 Telp. 62-21-422 4079, 422 6348; Faks. 62-21-422 4079 email: Web:

TRanslated by TAPOL


The Popular Consultation in East Timor on 8 August is fast approaching but the Indonesian Government has failed to show that it is serious about implementing the agreements concluded between Indonesia, Portugal and the UN in New York on 5 May 1999.

Several recent developments such as the refusal to allow Jose Ramos-Horta to visit East Timor, the failure to release Xanana Gusmao and the appointment of Eurico Guterres as commander of the Civil Defence (Kamra) in East Timor show that the Indonesian Government is not serious about creating the security and stability necessary for the Consultation to be conducted in internationally-acceptable conditions of fairness and democracy.

As UNAMET spokesman David Wimhurst said, Horta should visit East Timor to take part in the campaign provided for in the New York Accords. As a pro-independence leader, the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate is entitled to campaign against the autonomy proposal, just as pro-integration leaders are entitled to campaign in favour of it. The Indonesian Government's refusal to allow Ramos Horta and other pro-independence leaders to take part in the campaign is a violation of the accords signed in New York.

As for the failure to release CNRT President Xanana Gusmao, preventing him from participating in the campaign, Jakarta is being very inconsistent. Foreign Minister Ali Alatas has frequently said that Xanana Gusmao will be released as part of the peaceful solution to the East Timor question. But Alatas' claim that Xanana's release would spark conflicts in East Timor shows how afraid Jakarta is of Xanana Gusmao's position as a leader. The Indonesian Government is behaving much worse than the Apartheid South African Government which allowed Nelson Mandela to participate in the first democratic election held in that country.

Another sign that Jakarta lacks seriousness is the appointment of Eurico Guterres as commander of Kamra. As the chief of Aitarak militia and deputy war commander of the pro-integration militias, Guterrres is known to have been responsible for many attacks and for the murder of unarmed civilians in East Timor.

SOLIDAMOR therefore:

1. Calls for the release of Xanana Gusmao and for all East Timorese leaders now in the diaspora, including Ramos Horta, to be allowed to campaign in East Timor. By their refusal to do so, the Indonesian Government has shown that it is not serious about holding the Popular Consutation, the foremost condition for which is that it should be free and fair.

2. Regrets the appointment of Eurico Guterres as Kamra commander in East Timor, not for personal reasons but because of the track record of Guterres who has frequently perpetrated acts of violence in EAst Timor.

3. Urges the Indonesian government to disband the armed civilian militia without delay. The claim that these militia will safeguard security in East Timor is a pretext to enable them to engage in acts of violence. The atrocities in the parish residence of Pastor Rafael dos Santos, the atrocity perpetrated against the people who had taken refuge in Manuel Carrascalao's house are glaring proof of the brutality of these militia.

4. Urges the Indonesian government to put these men of violence on trial. By allowing them to continue with their activities, the Indonesian government is showing that it condones their acts of violence.

Jakarta, 14 June 1999 SOLIDAMOR


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