Subject: AI UA 147/99 EAST TIMOR Possible disappearance
Date: 25 Jun 99 17:24:03 -0400
From: UA E-Mail Incoming <>

PUBLIC AI Index: ASA 21/52/99 25 June 1999

UA 147/99 Possible "disappearance"


Jose Talue

Amnesty International is concerned for the safety of Jose Talue, who has been missing since 13 June 1999.

Jose Talue is a member of the pro-independence Conselho Nacional da Resistencia Timorense (CNRT), National Council of Timorese Resistance, from Padiae Village, Pante Makasar Sub-district, Ambeno District. On 13 June, he was ordered by a sergeant from Battalion 744 of the Indonesian National Army (TNI), based at the District Military Command (Kodim) headquarters in Ambeno, to take a public bus to the town of Kefamenanu, Kefamenanu District, in West Timor (the western part of the island, which is not part of East Timor) to deliver part of a motorbike chassis. The sergeant is believed to have left for Kefamenanu on a motorbike at the same time. It is not known whether Jose Talue arrived in Kefamenanu, and his family have not heard from him since. Human rights workers are concerned that he may have been arrested either during the journey or on arrival in Kefamenanu.

Jose Talue had reportedly been arrested by Sakunar, a pro-Indonesian militia group operating with the support of the TNI, on 16 April 1999. He was released shortly afterwards but is believed to have been forced to renounce his membership of CNRT and declare support for continued integration of East Timor with Indonesia. Since his arrest by the militia group, Jose Talue was believed to have been required to report to Kodim Ambeno.


Supporters of independence for East Timor remain at risk of arbitrary arrest, "disappearance" or unlawful killing, by militias that support continued integration with Indonesia and by the TNI.

On 5 May 1999 the governments of Indonesia and Portugal signed an agreement with the United Nations, which stated that the UN would hold a ballot in East Timor in which the East Timorese would vote on whether to accept or reject an offer of autonomy within Indonesia. Under the agreement, Indonesia made a commitment to ensure the security of the East Timorese people, and to ensure that the security forces would be neutral and that those responsible for human rights violations would be arrested and brought to justice. These commitments have not yet been fulfilled. Since the agreement was signed, 34 suspected supporters of independence have been unlawfully killed and a further 50 have been arbitrarily detained.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send telegrams/faxes/express/airmail letters in Bahasa Indonesia or English or your own language:

- urging the authorities to confirm whether or not Jose Talue has been arrested. If he has been arrested, he should be charged with a recognisably criminal offence or immediately released;

- urging the authorities to provide details of his whereabouts and ensure that he is not being tortured or ill-treated if he is being held in custody.

APPEALS TO: (Time difference = GMT + 7 hrs / BST + 6 hrs)

Chief of Police for East Timor

Col. GM Timbul Silaen Kapolda Timor Timur Dili East Timor Indonesia Faxes: + 62 390 321 544

PLEASE SEND COPIES OF YOUR APPEALS TO: Embassy of Indonesia, 38 Grosvenor Square, London W1X 9AD. Fax: 0171 491 4993



Colonel Tono Suratman Markas KOREM 164/Wiradharma Dili East Timor Indonesia Faxes: + 62 390 321 512

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Please do not send appeals after 6 August 1999.

If you have any queries about this Urgent Action or about + + the UA scheme in general, please contact: + + Ray Mitchell / Becky Hess + + Amnesty International UK Section + + 99 - 119 Rosebery Avenue + + London EC1R 4RE email:

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