Subject: ETHRC Annual Report: Contents &
Glossary Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 17:16:32 -1000 From: ethrc <> EAST TIMOR HUMAN RIGHTS CENTRE "Escalating Violations in East Timor: Is a Peaceful Solution Possible?" Annual Report of Human Rights Violations in East Timor 1998 28 February 1999 Ref: SR2/98 TABLE OF CONTENTS Glossary of Terms .......................................ii Executive Summary .......................................1 A. INTRODUCTION .........................................2 1. East Timor Hopes for Political Solution ..............2 2. Escalating Human Rights Violations ...................4 3. Overview of Human Rights Violations: 1997 to 1998 ....6 4. Agenda for a Peaceful Solution .......................7 B. RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................10 1. Recommendations to Government of Indonesia ...........10 2. Recommendations to the East Timorese Resistance ......11 3. Recommendations to the International Community .......12 C. HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS ..............................13 1. Violations of the Right to Life ......................13 1.1 Extrajudicial Executions ............................13 1.2 Attempted Extrajudicial Executions ..................17 2. Violations of the Right to Individual Liberty ........18 2.1 Arbitrary detention .................................18 2.2 Enforced disappearances .............................22 3. Violations of the Right to Integrity and Security of Person ...................................24 3.1 Torture .............................................24 3.2 Other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment .........29 3.3 Rape and sexual abuse ...............................31 4. Violations of the Right to Due Process ...............33 4.1 Breaches of procedural guarantees ...................33 5. Violations of Freedoms of Expression and Association 34 6. Other Violations .....................................34 6.1 Intimidation and Persecution ........................34 7. Violations by Falintil ...............................35 Appendix A : Other Cases Reported to the ETHRC ..........37 Appendix B: Political Prisoners Convicted & Held in East Timor / Indonesia ............39 Appendix C: Political Prisoners on Trial or Awaiting Trial ...........................46 ABRI Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia Brimob Police Mobile Brigade (a heavily
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