versaun tetum iha kraik
Office of Timor-Leste NGO Forum (FONGTIL), Caicoli,
Dili, Timor-Leste
Alliance Continues to Struggle for Justice
The Timor-Leste National Alliance for an International Tribunal
(ANTI) is an advocacy network which includes student groups,
families of victims, non-governmental organizations, and
individual who interest in justice.
This network was formed in July 2002, to campaign for and demand
justice for the victims and for all the people of Timor-Leste.
Crimes committed by Indonesian security forces and their
militias in Timor-Leste in 1999 were crimes against humanity,
therefore all the perpetrators of these crimes should be brought
before a fair and credible court. This conclusion is already
embodied in article 161 of the RDTL Constitution as well as in
international law.
Therefore, the Alliance for International Tribunal struggles
against all international, regional and national actions which
obstruct justice. As we struggle for justice, the Alliance has
faced many obstacles including the absence of political will for
justice among many people in authority. They prefer to promote
good relations through friendship and reconciliation, reaching
out to people with blood on their hands who have yet to face
Based on this reason ANTI held three days of Strategic Planning
on 20-22 March 2007, resulting in this joint declaration that
ANTI will continue to:
“Struggle for an International Tribunal with the objective to
provide justice which is fair for all the people of Timor-Leste,
especially for the victims, and to reject totally all attitudes
and policies which promote impunity in Timor-Leste and anywhere
in the world.”
The Alliance for International Tribunal demands:
International Community:
- The UN must not wash its hands of the problem of crimes
against humanity 1999 in Timor-Leste, because UN accepted
responsibility to facilitate the popular consultation here
and gave security responsibility to the Indonesian
- The UN Security Council should immediately follow up the
recommendations from UN Commission of Experts.
- The permanent and non-permanent members of the UN
Security Council should support justice rather than
legitimize the criminals and promote impunity in the world.
- We ask the United States, Australia, England, Indonesia,
which supported Indonesia’s invasion of Timor-Leste, to face
the court and make reparation to the victims.
- We ask for support from community and regional and
international solidarity organizations.
The State of Timor-Leste
- The National Parliament should enact a resolution to
implement the final report of CAVR, following the normal
process to enact legislation in Timor-Leste.
- We ask the National Parliament and the President of the
Republic to review the context of draft Amnesty/Clemency
which is currently being debated in the plenary of
Parliament, and not to pass or promulgate it. This law
itself will promote impunity and ignore justice which the
people of Timor-Leste demand.
- The state needs to define policies which can support the
victims of 1999, rather than worry about their own
well-being as in the pension laws for ex-Parliamentarians
and ex-office-holders.
- We ask to the public to support ANTI in the struggle for
fair justice for all the people of Timor-Leste. Based on
ANTI’s observation, crimes continue to be committed in
Timor-Leste, because the state lacks the political will to
establish justice. For example, the main perpetrators of
crimes against humanity in 1999 remain unpunished and there
is no adequate mechanism to address them. Injustice
continues because there is no process to bring those who
committed them to justice.
- We ask to the public to urge all the presidential
candidates who are now campaigning to prioritize justice the
most important factor in moving our country forward.
- We ask this not only of candidates for president, but
also for the national parliament election.
- To all our victims, we must not be tired or give up the
fight for our rights and for fair justice for everyone.
Dili, 22 March 2007
Members of National Alliance for an International Tribunal:
· Student Representatives: Sisto do Santos &
Francisco Mariano
· Representatives of Victims’ Families: Maria Afonso
& Edio Saldanha
· Representatives of Non Governmental Organizations:
Yasinta Lujina, La’o Hamutuk & Nugroho Kacasungkana,
Instituto Educasaun Popular
see also Human Rights,
Accountability & Justice page
Knua FONGTIL, Caicoli Dili, Timor Leste
Aliansi Kontinua Luta ba Justisa
Aliansi Nasional Timor Leste ba Tribunal Internasional nudar
rede advokasia neebe forma hosi Estudantes, Familia vitima, ONG
no individu neebe interese ba justica.
Aliansi hamriik iha fulan Julho de 2002, no halao kampanya hodi
ijiji atu bele iha justica neebe justo ba vitima no povu Timor
Leste tomak.
Kazu neebe akontese iha pasadu 1999, nudar kazu krime kontra
humanidade, tanba nee autor sira neebe komete krimi tenki
prosesu liu hosi Tribunal neebe forte no kredibel. Rajaun nee
konsagra ona iha Konstitusaun RDTL artigu 161, nomos lei
internasional sira seluk.
Tan nee mak Aliansi Nasional Timor Leste ba Tribunal
Internasional luta hodi kontra kualker decizaun Internasional,
Regional ou Nasional neebe hakarak impata justica ba vitima sira.
Iha prosesu luta ba justica, Aliansi infrenta obstaklu boot mak
“laiha politika neebe diak hosi ukun nain sira kona ba justica”
no promove liu relasaun diak, amizade no rekonsiliasaun hodi
valoriza liman ran, ibun ran neebe mak to’o agora seidauk sei
livre hela hosi justica.
Ho razaun nee mak liu hosi Planu Strategia Aliansi Nasional ba
Tribunal Internasional, ba dala tolu neebe halao iha loron 20-22
de Marco de 2007, hamosu deklarasaun konjunta mak hanesan tuir
mai nee.
Aliansi Nasional Timor Leste ba Tribunal Internasional sei
ejiste hodi
“Luta nafatin ba tribunal internasional ho objetivu atu bele
iha justica neebe justo ba povu timor leste liu-liu vitima sira
no rejeita total kualker atitude ou politika hodi haburas
impunidade iha Timor Leste.”
Aliansi Nasional Timor Leste ba Tribunal Internasional Ijiji
Komunidade Internasional :
- ONU labele Fase liman ba problema krime kontra
humanidade neebe akontese iha Timor Leste 1999, tanba UN mak
hola fasilita no responsabiliza konsulta popular no fo
responsabilidade siguranca ba governo Indonesia.
- Konselho Siguranca ONU atu lalais follow up
rekomendasaun relatoriu komisaun ekspertu ONU nian.
- Husu ba membru konselho siguranca permanente no la
permanente, atu apoia ba justica duke valoriza kriminozu no
hodi haburas impunidade iha mundo.
- Husu responsabilidade Estadus Unidus, Inglatera,
Indonesia atu responsabiliza hahalok hodi suporta invazaun
Indonesia nian iha Timor Leste, hatan liu hosi tribunal no
kria kondisaun hodi halo reparasaun ba vitima sira.
- Husu apoia komunidade/organizasaun solidaridade rejional
no internasional
Estado Timor Leste
- Parlamento Nasional atu hasai rezolusaun hodi follow
relatoriu final CAVR nian tuir prosesu formal tuir lei neebe
vigor iha Timor Leste.
- Husu ba Parlamento Nasional, Prezidente Republika, atu
hare fila fali kontiudu Lei Amnestia no klemensia neebe
agora dadauk, sei iha plenaria Parlamento hodi labele
ratifika no promulga. Tanba lei nee rasik atu haburas
kroiminoju no halakon justica neebe povu Timor Leste ijiji.
- Preciza defini politika estado hodi favorese vitima sira
liu hosi kompensasaun no reparasaun ba vitima 1999, duke
preokupasaun ba Ukun nain sira nia an rasik hanesan “Lei
pensaun ba Parlamento Nasional no Eis Titulares Orgaun
- Husu ba publika atu hamutuk ho Aliansi Nasional hodi
luta no dudu atu bele iha justica ida neebe justo ba povu
Timor Leste tomak. Tanba tuir observasaun Aliansi Nasional
ba Tribunal Internasional, krimi neebe buras iha Timor Leste
tanba Estado laiha politika ida neebe diak kona ba Justica.
Ezemplo Kazu krimi kontra Humanidade iha tinan 1999, agora
sei abandona hela no laiha mekanismu ida diak hodi rezolve.
Injustica nee akontese bebeik tanba laiha prosesu ba ema
sira neebe komete krimi iha pasadu.
- Husu ba publiku atu ejiji ba kandidatura Prezidente nian
neebe agora atu hahu kampanya bele koloka justica hanesan
fator determinante ida hodi dudu prosesu nee ba oin.
- Laos deit ba kandidatura prezidente nian maibe refere
mos eleisaun parlamento Nasional.
- Ba maluk vitima sira atu lalika baruk hodi luta ba
direitu atu hetan justica ida neebe justo ba ita hotu.
Dili, 22 de Marco de 2007
Membru Aliansi Nasional Timor Leste ba Tribunal Internasional
Reprezentante Estudantes:
- Sisto do Santos
- Francisco Mariano
Reprezentante Familia Vitima :
- Maria Afonso
- Edio Saldanha
Reprezentante ONG:
- Yasinta Lujina, La’o Hamutuk
- Nugroho Kacasungkana, Instituto Educasaun Popular