International Coalition Urges UN to Be Active for
Justice for East Timorese
For Immediate Release
Contact: John M. Miller (ETAN), New York +1/917-690-4391;
June 1, 2008 - In a letter to UN
Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, an international coalition of
more than 90 human rights and other organizations urged the
UN and the international community "to fulfill their
long-standing commitment to see that justice is done for
crimes against humanity committed in Timor-Leste" during
Indonesia's two and one-half decade occupation.
The letter comes as the bi-lateral Commission on Truth and
Friendship (CTF) prepares to hand its report over to the
presidents of Indonesia and Timor-Leste.
The letter said the CTF report "must
not stand as the last word on these issues.... The
right to know (the truth) and the right to justice are
inalienable, and are a bulwark against the culture of
impunity represented by [Indonesia's] Ad Hoc Court and the
The letter noted the April release of Eurico Guterres, the
last remaining defendant of Ad Hoc Court. All those tried by
the court have now been acquitted bringing that "farcical
process to an end."
The letter urged the Secretary-General "to work towards the
creation of an ad hoc international criminal tribunal for
those who bear greatest responsibility for war crimes and
crimes against humanity committed from 1975 onwards, not
just in 1999," as recommended by The independent
Commission for Reception, Truth
and Reconciliation (CAVR) and the UN's own
Commission of
The organizational signers were joined by more than 30
academic experts and other concerned individuals.
The letter with a list of signers is available in English,
Bahasa Indonesia and Tetum at
In April, 34 members of the U.S.
Congress urged the U.S. administration to "take a
leadership role" in bringing those responsible for human
rights violations perpetrated against the people of
Timor-Leste during and immediately following the Indonesian
occupation to justice. "If credible trials and appropriate
punishments of those responsible for major human rights
violations are to occur, an international effort is needed,"
they wrote.
The congressional letter specifically urged the U.S. to
respond to the CAVR report. A number of its recommendations
and findings concern the U.S., the UN, and the broader
international community.
Excellency Ban Ki-Moon
The United Nations
1 United Nations Plaza
New York, New York 10017-3515
Your Excellency,
The recent release of former militia leader Eurico Guterres
by the Indonesian Supreme Court brings Indonesia's farcical
process to an end. Meaningful justice to the long-suffering
people of Timor-Leste is long overdue. We urge you to work
to uphold the rule of law and strengthen the democratic
transition in both countries. It time for the United Nations
and the international community to fulfill their
long-standing commitment to see that justice is done for
crimes against humanity committed in Timor-Leste.
As you know, Eurico Guterres was tried by Indonesia's Ad Hoc
Court on charges of murder and persecution as crimes against
humanity along with 17 other defendants. All have now walked
free. Indonesia created this court to deflect demands for an
international tribunal. The UN's Commission of Experts (COE)
conducted a thorough analysis of the Ad Hoc Court,
describing it as "manifestly inadequate." The COE identified
such major flaws as a lack of commitment on the part of the
prosecution, deficient investigations, inadequate
presentation of evidence, a courtroom atmosphere that did
not inspire confidence in the public mind, inconsistent
verdicts, and an unwillingness to utilize sound
jurisprudence. The COE concluded that the Ad Hoc Court "was
not effective in delivering justice", and revealed "scant
respect for or conformity to relevant international
standards". Even one of the judges in the Ad Hoc Court
conceded that it had "not made any significant contribution
to strengthening the rule of law in Indonesia". In this
context, Guterres' acquittal only highlights the flawed
nature of that process.
The "Updated Set of principles for the protection and
promotion of human rights through action to combat impunity"
"The fact that an
individual has previously been tried in connection with
a serious crime under international law shall not
prevent his or her prosecution with respect to the same
conduct if the purpose of the previous proceedings was
to shield the person concerned from criminal
responsibility, or if those proceedings otherwise were
not conducted independently or impartially in accordance
with the norms of due process recognized by
international law and were conducted in a manner that,
in the circumstances, was inconsistent with an intent to
bring the person concerned to justice."
We submit that both exceptions
apply to the Ad Hoc Court, meaning that those acquitted are
still able to face a credible court. We urge you to work to
establish a meaningful legal process to try those
responsible for crimes against humanity, war crimes and
other serious crimes committed by Indonesian forces during
the occupation of Timor-Leste.
The upcoming report of the flawed, bilateral Commission on
Truth and Friendship (CTF) must not stand as the last word
on these issues. We applaud your predecessor's decision -
reiterated by you - not to confer legitimacy on the CTF. The
right to know (the truth) and the right to justice are
inalienable, and are a bulwark against the culture of
impunity represented by the Ad Hoc Court and the CTF.
The independent Commission for Reception, Truth and
Reconciliation (CAVR) and the UN's Commission of Experts
both recommended the creation of "an ad hoc international
criminal tribunal for Timor-Leste" should Indonesia, under a
strict time frame, continue to fail to credibly prosecute
senior officials responsible for the devastation in 1999.
The Guterres acquittal confirms that the Indonesian
government is unable to deliver justice. We therefore call
upon you to work towards the creation of an ad hoc
international criminal tribunal for those who bear greatest
responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity
committed from 1975 onwards, not just in 1999. If this is
not feasible, we urge you to fully reconstitute the Serious
Crimes process, providing it with sufficient resources and
backing. This should be done in accordance with
recommendations 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 of the CAVR Report - namely,
the UN itself should provide the resources and judicial
expertise, not Timor-Leste's court system. Indonesia, which
is currently a member of both the Security Council and UN
Human Rights Council, must extradite for trial those charged
by the Serious Crimes process.
There is overwhelming support for justice for past crimes
within Timor-Leste, especially by the Church, civil society
and victims' associations. Indonesian civil society groups
are also emphatic in their support of the justice agenda,
seeing it as vital to their nation's democratic transition.
We remind you of the Security Council's earlier commitments,
expressed more than seven years ago in Resolutions 1264 and
1272, to bring those responsible to justice. Timor-Leste
faces tremendous difficulties in taking the lead on the
matter of justice in the face of opposition from its
powerful neighbor. The international community, as embodied
in the United Nations, must be involved in addressing these
crimes which violated international criminal law, the UN
charter and Security Council resolutions.
Yours sincerely,
see signers
Kepada Yang Terhormat
Ban Ki-Moon
Sekretaris Jenderal
Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa
1 United Nations Plaza
New York, New York 10017-3515
Dengan hormat,
Pelepasan mantan pemimpin milisi Eurico Guterres dari
penjara oleh Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia mengakhiri
proses peradilan Indonesia yang tidak masuk akal. Keadilan
yang bermakna bagi rakyat Timor Leste yang melalui
penderitaan panjang, sudah terlambat lama. Kami mendesak
Anda untuk menegakkan rule of law dan memperkuat transisi
demokratik di Indonesia dan Timor Leste. Sudah saatnya bagi
PBB dan komunitas internasional untuk memenuhi komitmen lama
mereka memastikan keadilan ditegakkan atas kejahatan
terhadap kemanusiaan yang terjadi di Timor Leste.
Seperti Anda ketahui, Eurico Guterres diadili oleh
Pengadilan Ad Hoc Indonesia dengan dakwaan pembunuhan dan
persekusi sebagai kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan dengan 17
terdakwa lainnya. Semua terdakwa itu kini bebas. Indonesia
menciptakan pengadilan ini untuk menghindari tuntutan
dibukanya sebuah pengadilan internasional. Komisi Ahli PBB
melakukan analisis mendalam tentang Pengadilan Ad Hoc, dan
menggambarkannya "jelas tidak memadai." Komisi Ahli itu
mengidentifikasi kelemahan-kelemahan mendasar itu sebagai
ketiadaan komitmen di pihak penuntut, penyelidikan yang
lemah, pemeriksaan bukti-bukti yang tidak memadai, dan
suasana ruang pengadilan yang tidak melahirkan keyakinan
pada pengadilan itu dalam benak publik, putusan-putusan yang
tidak konsisten, dan ketidakmauan menggunakan yurisprudensi
yang baik. Komisi Ahli itu menyimpulkan bahwa Pengadilan Ad
Hoc "tidak menegakkan keadilan secara efektif," dan
mengungkap "kurangnya penghargaan dan kesesuaian dengan
standar-standar internasional yang relevan." Bahkan salah
seorang hakim dalam Pengadilan Ad Hoc mengakui bahwa
pengadilan itu "tidak memberikan kontribusi penting untuk
memperkuat rule of law di Indonesia." Dalam konteks inilah,
pelepasan Guterres dari penjara hanya menegaskan kelemahan
dari proses tersebut.
"Perangkat prinsip yang diperbarui untuk perlidungan dan
pemajuan hak asasi manusia melalui tindakan memerangi
impunitas," [E/CN.4/2005/102/Add.1], menyatakan:
"Kenyataan bahwa seseorang
sudah pernah diadili dalam hubungannya dengan kejahatan
serius di bawah hukum internasional semestinya tidak
menghalangi penuntutan lain terhadap perbuatan yang sama
jika tujuan dari peradilan sebelumnya justru melindungi
orang tersebut dari tanggung jawab pidana, atau jika
peradilan itu tidak dilakukan secara independen dan
imparsial sesuai dengan norma-norma proses yang
memuaskan sesuai dengan hukum internasional dan
dilaksanakan dengan cara yang, dalam lingkup tersebut,
konsisten dengan tujuan menegakkan keadilan terhadap
orang yang bersangkutan."
Kami berpendapat bahwa kedua
pengecualian itu berlaku bagi Pengadilan Ad Hoc, yang
berarti bahwa orang-orang yang dibebaskan masih dapat
dihadapkan pada pengadilan yang kredibel. Kami mendesak Anda
untuk bekerja untuk menegakkan proses hukum yang bermakna
untuk mengadili mereka yang bertanggungjawab atas kejahatan
terhadap kemanusiaan, kejahatan perang dan kejahatan serius
lainnya yang dilakukan pasukan-pasukan Indonesia selama
menduduki Timor Leste.
Laporan Komisi Kebenaran dan Persahabatan yang dibentuk
Indonesia dan Timor, dan penuh kelemahan itu, semestinya
tidak menjadi kata terakhir mengenai masalah-masalah ini.
Kami menyambut baik keputusan pendahulu Anda - yang diulangi
oleh Anda - untuk tidak memberikan legitimasi kepada KKP.
Hak untuk tahu, hak atas kebenaran dan hak atas keadilan
tidak dapat diingkari, dan menjadi pertahanan yang kokoh
terhadap budaya impunitas yang ditampilkan oleh Pengadilan
Ad Hoc dan KKP.
Komisi Penerimaan, Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi (CAVR) dan
Komisi Ahli PBB sama-sama merekomendasikan pembentukan
"pengadilan ad hoc internasional untuk Timor Leste" jika
Indonesia, dalam kerangka waktu yang ketat, terus gagal
mengadili para perwira seniornya yang bertanggung jawab atas
penghancuran pada 1999 secara memuaskan. Pembebasan Guterres
menegaskan bahwa pemerintah Indonesia tidak dapat menegakkan
keadilan. Karena itu kami menyerukan kepada Anda untuk
bekerja menuju pembentukan pengadilan ad hoc pidana
internasional bagi mereka yang paling bertanggungjawab atas
kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan yang dilakukan sejak 1975,
dan bukan hanya pada 1999. Jika ini tidak dapat dilakukan,
maka kami mendesak Anda untuk kembali menyelenggarakan
proses Kejahatan Serius, dan memberikan sumber daya serta
dukungan yang cukup. Langkah ini harus dilakukan sesuai
dengan rekomendasi 7.1.1. dan 7.1.2 dalam Laporan CAVR -
yakni bahwa PBB, dan bukan sistem peradilan Timor Leste,
yang harus menyediakan sumberdaya dan tenaga yudisial.
Indonesia yang kini merupakan anggota Dewan Keamanan dan
Dewan Hak Asasi Manusia PBB, yang mengekstradisi para
terdakwa untuk diadili oleh peradilan Kejahatan Serius.
Ada dukungna berlimpah untuk penegakan keadilan terhadap
kejahatan masa lalu di dalam Timor Leste, khususnya dari
gereja, masyarakat sipil dan perhimpunan korban.
Kelompok-kelompok masyarakat sipil Indonesia juga tegas
mendukung agenda keadilan, dan melihatnya sebagai sesuatu
yang vital bagi transisi demokratik di negeri mereka. Kami
mengingatkan Anda akan komitmen-komitmen Dewan Keamanan yang
disampaikan lebih dari tujuh tahun lalu dalam Resolusi 1264
dan 1272, untuk membawa mereka yang bertanggungjawab ke
Timor Leste menghadapi kesulitan luar biasa besar untuk
memimpin dalam urusan keadilan ini karena menghadapi
perlawanan dari tetangganya yang sangat kuat. Komunitas
internasional, yang mewujud dalam Perserikata Bangsa-Bangsa,
harus dilibatkan untuk menangani kejahatan-kejahatan ini,
yang melanggar hukum pidana internasional, Piagam PBB dan
resolusi-resolusi Dewan Keamanan.
Hormat kami,
Exmo Senhor
Ban Ki-Moon
Sekretariu Jeral
Nasoins Unidas
1 United Nations Plaza
New York, New York 10017-3515
Foin daudauk Tribunal Supremu Indonezia nian husik tiha
eis-lider milisia Eurico Guterres. Hahalok ne'e lori
Indonezia nia prosesu judisial ne'ebe bosok mak barak ba iha
fin. Justisa loloos ba povu Timor-Leste ne'ebe sofre kleur
tebetebes tenke mai ona. Amu husu ba Ita-boot atu defende
nafatin lei ho hametin tranzisaun demokratika iha rai rua
ne'e. Tempu to'o ona ba Nasoins Unidas ho komunidade
internasional atu kaer sira nia kometimentu dezde uluk kedan
atu haree katak justisa tenke halo duni ba krime hasoru
umanidade ne'ebe ema halo iha Timor-Leste.
Hanesan Ita-boot hatene, Eurico Guterres hetan julgamentu
hosi Tribunal Ad Hoc kona-ba akuzasaun ba oho-ema no
persekusaun, hanesan krime hasoru umanidade ho akuzadu na'in
17 seluk. Sira ne'e hotu ohin livre. Indonezia harii
tribunal ne'e hodi dezvia tiha ajijensia atu harii tribunal
internasional. Komisaun Peritu UN nian (UN's Commision of
Experts, COE) hala'o ona analize ida maka'as ba Tribunal Ad
Hoc ne'e, no sira deskreve tribunal ne'e hanesan 'inadekuada
momoos hela'. COE identifika sala barak iha laran hanesan
laiha kometimentu hosi parte prokuradoria nian,
investigasaun ne'ebe la'o la loos, aprezentasaun ba
evidensia ne'ebe la adekuadu, ambiente tribunal laran nian
ne'ebe la inspira konfiansa iha publiku, veriditu
ne'ebe laiha konsistensia, no mos laiha vontade atu uza
jurisprudensia ida di'ak. COE hola konkluzaun katak Tribunal
Ad Hoc ne'e 'la efetivu atu lori justisa', no hatudu 'laiha
respeitu ba, ka laiha konformidade ho, standar internasional
ne'ebe relevante'. Ate juiz ida iha Tribunal Ad Hoc ne'e mos
dehan katak tribunal ne'e 'la halo kontribuisaun ida
signifikante atu hametin prosesu lei nian iha Indonezia'.
Iha kontestu ida ne'e, desizaun ba Guterres atu hatudu de'it
prosesu ne'ebe la'o la loos.
'Prinsipiu Akordu atualizadu ba protesaun no promosaun
direitus umanus nian liu hosi asaun to kombate impunidae'
[E/CN.4/2005/102/Add.1], hatete:
'Faktu katak individuu ida
uluk hetan ona julgamentu iha ligasaun ho krime grave
tuir lei internasional labele prevene ninia prosekusaun
ho respeitu ba kondutu hanesan karik objetivu ba
prosedimentu ida uluk ne'e maka atu proteje ema ne'e
hosi responsabilidade kriminal, ka karik prosedimentu
sira ne'e la hala'o ho independente ka imparsial tuir
norma prosedimentu nian ne'ebe rekonesidu iha lei
internasional no mos hala'o iha maneira, iha
sirkunstansia sira ne'e, la konsistente ho intensaun ida
atu lori ema ne'e ba justisa.'
Ami submete katak esepsaun rua
ne'e aplika ba Tribunal Ad Hoc, katak ema sira ne'ebe
ezoneradu sei bele hasoru filafali tribun' ida ho
kredibilidade liu. Ami husu ba Ita-boot atu buka estabelese
prosesu legal ida ho substansia atu julga ema sira ne'ebe
responsavel ba krime kontra umanidade, krime funu nian ho
krime grave sira seluk ne'ebe forsa Indonezia nian komete
durante okupasaun Timor-Leste.
Relatoriu bilateral inkorretu ne'ebe atu mai daudauk,
Komisaun ba Verdade ho Amizade (CVA) labele hamriik hanesan
liafuan ikus ba kestaun sira ne'e. Ami louva desizaun hosi
Ita-boot nia predesesor -- ne'ebe Ita-boot reitera -- atu la
konfere lejitimidade ba CVA. Direitu atu hatene, direitu ba
lia-loos, ho direitu ba justisa mesak inalienavel de'it, no
hanesan fortaaleza hasoru kultura impunidade prezentadu hosi
Tribunal Ad Hoc ho CVA.
CAVR, CVA ho Komisaun Peritu UN nian hotu-hotu rekomenda
kriasaun ba 'tribunal kriminal internasional ad hoc ida ba
Timor-Leste' karik Indonesia, iha tempu limitadu ida,
kontinua atu prosesa loloos ninia ofisial senior sira ne'ebe
responsavel ba destruisaun iha 1999. Ezonerasaun Guterres
nian konfirma katak governu Indonesia nian la konsege tau
justisa. Nune'e ami bolu Ita-boot atu servisu ba
estabelesimentu tribunal kriminal internasional ad hoc ba
ema sira ne'ebe kaer responsabilidade boot liu ba krime funu
nian ho krime hasoru umanidade komete hosi tinan 1975 mai
oin, la'os deit 1999. Karik ida ne'e la posivel, ami husu ba
Ita atu rekonstitui kompletamente prosesu Krime Grave, atu
fo rekursu ho apoiu ne'ebe sufisiente. Ida ne'e tenke halo
tuir rekomendasaun 7.1.1 ho 7.1.2 hosi Relatoriu CAVR --
nomeadamente, katak UN maka tenke fornese rekursu ho tekniku
lei nian, la'os sistema justisa judisial Timor-Leste nian.
Indonesia, ne'ebe oras ne'e sei membru Konsellu Seguransa ho
Konsellu Direitus Umanus UN nian, tenke estradita ema sira
ne'ebe hetak akuzasaun hosi prosesu Krime Grave ba
Ema barak maka apoia justisa ba krime sira ne'ebe komete iha
tempu uluk iha Timor-Leste, liuliu Igreja, sosiedade sivil
ho asosiasaun vitima nian. Grupu sosiedade sivil Indonesia
nian mos empatiku iha sira nia apoiu ba ajenda justisa nian,
haree duni katak justisa mos importante ba sira nia
tranzisaun demokratika iha sira nia rain. Ami fo-hanoin
filafali ba Ita kona-ba Konsellu Seguransa nia komentu sira
uluk ne'e, fo-sai iha tinan hitu liuba iha Rezolusaun 1264
ho 1272, atu lori ema sira ne'ebe responsavel ba justisa.
Timor-Leste hasoru difikuldade boot ida atu lidera iha
kestaun kustisa nian bainhira nia hetan opozisaun hosi ninia
vizinu ne'ebe kbiit-uain. Komunidade internasional, hanesan
reprezentadu hosi Nasoins Unidas, tenke involve iha
rezolusaun ba krime sira ne'ebe viola lei kriminal
internasional, tratadu UN nian ho rezolusaun Konsellu
Ho respeitu tomak,
Pedro Pinto Leite, Secretary
International Platform of Jurists for East Timor
Shulamith Koenig, Founding President
Recipient of the 2003 UN Human Rights Award
People's Movement for Human Rights Learning (PDHRE)
Paul van Zyl, Executive Vice President
International Center for Transitional Justice
Brad Adams, Executive
Asia Division, Human Rights Watch
Charles Scheiner
International Secretariat
International Federation for East Timor
Robert O. Varenik, Acting Executive Director
Open Society Justice Initiative.
International League for Human Rights
Matt Easton
Director, Human Rights Defenders Program
Human Rights First
Land is Life
Gus Miclat
Asia-Pacific Solidarity Coalition (APSOC)
David McReynolds, former Chair
War Resisters International
Xisto do Santos,
Board Member
Timor-Leste National Alliance for an International
Tribunal (ANTI)
Yasinta Lujina, Justice coordinator
Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and
Analysis (La'o Hamutuk)
Timotio de Deus, Executive Director
Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP)
Dili, Timor-Leste
Jose Luis de Oliveira, Director
Edio Saldanha Borges, Manager Upholding Justice
Association HAK
Dili, Timor-Leste
Mericio Akara, Program Coordinator
Luta Hamutuk, Timor-Leste
Joao Pequinho,
Executive Coordinator
Titi Irawati
Fortilos (Forum Solidarity For East Timor)
Suraiya IT
International Forum for Aceh
Nel Pattinama, Supervisor
Moluccan Human Rights Organization "Maluku Masa
Depan "
Gustaf Dupe
Chairman, Association of Prison Ministries
Chairman, Law Enforcement Watch
Head, International Communication Department of the
KROB (Institute of Struggle for the Rahabilitation
Victims of the New Order Regime)
Jakarta, Indonesia
Friends Of The Third
Sri Lanka
Ruki Fernando
Coordinator, Human Rights in Conflict program,
Law & Society Trust (LST)
Sri Lanka
Kyo Kageura
Japan East Timor Coalition
Maire Leadbeater, Spokesperson
Indonesia Human Rights Committee
Auckland, New Zealand
Edwina Hughes, Coordinator
Peace Movement Aotearoa
Dr. Clinton Fernandes
Australian Coalition for Transitional Justice in
East Timor
Ms Jude Conway
Asia Pacific Support Collective (APSC)
Rob Wesley-Smith, spokesperson
Australians for a Free East Timor, Darwin
Brian T. Manning
Campaign for an Independent East Timor, Darwin
Dr Vacy Vlazna, Former Coordinator
East Timor Justice Lobby
Acheh Human Rights Online
Dave Arkins, Secretary
Australia West Papua Association South Australia
Celine Massa, Campaign Organiser
SEARCH Foundation, Australia
Australia-East Timor Friendship Association (SA)
Australia-East Timor
Association (Victoria)
Mary Waterford
Wendy Whitton
Blue Mountains East Timor Sisters
Joe Collins, Secretary
Andrew Johnson
Australia West Papua Association (Sydney)
United Nations Association of Australia (South
Australian Division)
Adelaide, Australia
Amanda and Michael Freund
Australia West Papua Association - Newcastle
Jess Agustin
Development and Peace, Canada
Glenn Raynor, Executive Director
Pacific Peoples' Partnership
Victoria, BC, Canada
Larry Colero, Moderator
WestPAN: Canada's West Papua Action Network
Seh Ching Wen, President
Canadians Committed to Ethnic Voice in Indonesia (CCEVI)
Green Lotus
Toronto, ON, Canada
Gabriel Jonsson, Chairman
Swedish East Timor Committee
Carmel Budiardjo. Co-director
TAPOL, Promoting Human Rights Peace and Justice in
Dr. Steve Kibble, Advocacy Coordinator Africa,
Middle East, Asia
Bruno Kahn and Antonio Dias
Agir pour Timor, Paris
Carlos Semedo
France-Timor Leste
Jose Ignacio Alguero
Cuervo, Secretario General
Sindicato Comisiones Obreras en La Gomera, Canary
Islands, Spain
Prof. Dr. Jaume Saura, President
Human Rights Institute of Catalonia
Barcelona, Spain
Frank Willems
Stichting Zelfbeschikking West-Sahara
The Hague, Netherlands
Marie Frison
Association solidarit?enfants sahraouis
Dr Teresa Cunha,
Action for Justice and Peace - World March of Women
Ronny Hansen, Chairman
Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara
Oslo, Norway
Sara Eyckmans,
Solidariteitsgroep Westelijke Sahara,
Monika Schlicher,
Watch Indonesia!, Working Group for Democracy, Human
Rights and Environmental protection in Indonesia and
East Timor, GermanyStichting Vrij Oost Timor /
Free East Timor Foundation
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Noam Chomsky
Shirley Shackleton
Activist for Timor Leste since 1975
Frank Ruddy
U.S. Ambassador (ret.)
Washington, DC
Roger S. Clark, Board of Governors
Professor, Rutgers University School of Law
Camden, New Jersey
Marco Perduca,
Radicals-Democratic Party, Italy
Dr. Karin Arts
Associate Professor in International Law and
Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The
Geoffrey C. Gunn, Professor of International
Relations, Faculty of Economics, Nagasaki
University, JAPAN
Prof G Peter King
Senior Associate Member, St Antony?s College
Oxford, UK
Sylvia Lawson
Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Dr. Brad Simpson, PhD
Assistant Professor of History
Princeton University
Director, Indonesia and East Timor Documentation
Eduardo Trillo de Martin-Pinillos
Professor of International Law
Uned University
Madrid, Spain
John M. Miller,
National Coordinator
East Timor and Indonesia
Action Network (ETAN)
Ed McWilliams
West Papua
Advocacy Team
(Rev.) James Kofski,
Asia/Pacific and Middle East Issues
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Mark Harrison
United Methodist Church, General Board of Church and
Rev. Dr. Dennis M. Davidson
President, Unitarian Universalist Peace Fellowship
The Borneo Project
Berkeley, CA
Marie Lucey, OSF
LCWR Associate Director for Social Mission
Leadership Conference of Women Religious
Rev. John Chamberlin, National Coordinator
East Timor Religious Outreach
Green Delaware
Peace Action (United States)
Peace Action Wisconsin
Vicky Steinitz, Co-coordinator
Cambridge (MA) United for Justice with Peace
Sister Eileen Brady
Maryknoll Sisters
Joao Crisostomo, President
Luso American Movement for East Timorese Auto
Peter Bohmer,
Olympia (WA) Movement for Justice and Peace
Faculty, Economics, The Evergreen State College
Daniel Muller, Executive Director
Peace Action Maine
Georgy Katsiaficas
President, Peace Island Foundation, USA
Carol Jahnkow, Executive Director
Peace Resource Center of San Diego
Liz Ryder
West Papua Action Network
Sebastian Dettman
Committee to Protect Journalists
Elaine Donovan co-founder
Concerned Citizens for Peace
Hemlock, NY
Carolyn Scarr, Program Coordinator
Ecumenical Peace Institute/CALC
Bill Ramsey, Coordinator
Human Rights Action Service
St. Louis, MO
Sharon Silber and Eileen Weiss, co-founders
Jews Against Genocide
Rosemarie Pace, Director
Pax Christi Metro New York
Jeff Ballinger, Director
Press for Change
Diana Bohn
Nicaragua Center for Community Action
Berkeley, CA
John Witeck
Philippine Workers Support Committee
Dr. Wm. Joseph Farnon
East Timor and Indonesia Action Network/Philadelphia
G. Simon Harak, S. J., Director
Marquette University Center for Peacemaking
Milwaukee WI
William R. Seaman, Coordinator
East Timor Action Network / Portland
Mariza Cabral
Seattle International Human Rights Coalition
Vivek Ananthan
VIS-CCA, Philadelphia, Pa
Windyn Hines
ETAN and YWCA Middle Rio Grande
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Jim Haber, Coordinator
War Resisters League-West
San Francisco, CA
Carlos Wilson, Executive Director
U.S.-Western Sahara Foundation
San Diego, CA
Polly Mann
Women Against Military Madness
Minneapolis, MN
Emmanuel Martinoli,
ARSO, Association de soutien a un referendum libre
et regulier au Sahara Occidental Switzerland
Aleksandr Zerebko
Klaipeda, Lithuania
Iain Scobbie
Sir Joseph Hotung Research Professor
in Law, Human Rights and Peace Building in the
Middle East
School of Oriental and African Studies, University
of London
Stephanie Koury
Senior Research Fellow and lawyer
School of Oriental and African Studies, London
Jose Manuel Pureza
Member, International Council of IPJET
Professor, International Law and International
Relations, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Maria Ines David
Research Assistant
Centre for the Studies of Migration and Ethnic
Thomas Skouteris
Lecturer and Academic Program Coordinator
Master's in Advanced Studies in Public International
Grotius Center, Faculty of Law, Leiden University
The Hague
Dr David Webster
University of Toronto
Jørgen Johansen
Transcend Peace University
European Peace University
Centre for Peace and Reconciliation Studies,
Coventry University
Lorna Bowles
Sydney Australia
Jean-Yves Hamel
Human Development Report Office/UNDP
New York, NY
Wout Albers
representing myself as an Acehnese living in US
Kaye Paton
Blue Mountains City Council Community Access Bus
Bookings Officer
and concerned citizen, Australia
Mr Dimitrios Tsironis
Melbourne, Australia
Artien Utrecht
Delft, the Netherlands
Suzana Braz
Student, IPJET, Portugal
Jean Inglis
Julie Byrnes Enslow
Milwaukee, WI
Sue Severin
San Anselmo, CA
Mrs Jane Wilson
Adelaide, Australia
Glenn Humphreys, Member
Community & Public Sector Union NSW
Esther Anderson
Boroondara, Australia
Kate Gillespie-Jones
Canterbury, Victoria Australia
Monica O'Wheel