Sisto dos Santos: +670-726-6564 (Dili)
Jose Pereira: +670-736-7518 (Dili)
John M. Miller +1-718-596-7668 (New York)
February 9, 2011 - A
coalition of groups in Timor-Leste is urging the United
Nations Security Council "to take concrete, effective
actions to end impunity for those who directed and
committed crimes against humanity in Timor-Leste" during
Indonesia's invasion and occupation.
"Accountability for crimes against humanity must not be
further delayed" the Timor-Leste National Alliance for
an International Tribunal (ANTI) told the UN Security
Council in
a letter delivered this week.
ANTI criticized UN Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon for
failing "to mention the consequences of ongoing impunity
for the serious international crimes committed during
the Indonesian occupation" in his latest
report to the Council.
The letter was endorsed by more than 30 other
organizations from outside of Timor-Leste.
We are
still not yet free of the shadow of serious
crimes committed during the 24 years of
Indonesian occupation. We have suffered a
lot during that period; physically and
psychologically, because of torture from
various types of violations, including
sexual violence against women, and the loss
of 180,000 human lives because of the
brutal, illegal Indonesian military
"We are still not yet free of the shadow of serious
crimes committed during the 24 years of Indonesian
occupation. We have suffered a lot during that period;
physically and psychologically, because of torture from
various types of violations, including sexual violence
against women, and the loss of 180,000 human lives
because of the brutal, illegal Indonesian military
occupation," said ANTI.
ANTI added "If impunity continues to prevail in
Timor-Leste, it will have a negative impact on the
stability and security of our country; undercutting the
efforts of the United Nations to establish rule of law
and strength security institutions. In addition, the
perpetrators are continuing to commit similar crimes in
The Security Council is scheduled to meet on February 22
to discuss the future of the UN Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT).
The mission's current mandate expires February 26.
The Security Council should "discuss the recommendations
of the [2005] Commission
of Experts regarding
the establishment of an International Criminal Tribunal
when national mechanisms fail." They also urged the
Council to enlarge the mandate of the Serious Crimes
Investigation Team (SCIT) to allow the investigation and
support the prosecution "of the principal perpetrators
of serious crimes and crimes against humanity throughout
the Indonesian occupation from 1975-1999." The SCIT
current mandate only allows investigations of murders
committed during 1999, when the UN sponsored the
referendum which led to Timor-Leste's independence.
ANTI argues that such prosecutions are "the only
solution to end impunity in Timor-Leste and Indonesia,
so that democracy and human rights that we yearn for can
be achieved in Timor-Leste and other countries."
Endorsing groups include the East Timor and Indonesia Action Network
(U.S.); KontraS, the Indonesian human rights
organization; Japan East Timor Coalition; International
Federation for East Timor; Australian Coalition for
Justice for East Timor; and the regional Asia-Pacific
Solidarity Coalition.
see also Human
Rights & Justice
Secretariat : Fongtil-Caicoli, Dili Timor Leste
February 2011
Excellencies, Members
of the United Nations Security Council
United Nations, New
York, New York, 10017 USA
For more than eight years, we, the people of
Timor-Leste, have been living as a free Nation and free
people in a sovereign democratic State, but we are still
not yet free of the shadow of serious crimes committed
during the 24 years of Indonesian occupation. We have
suffered a lot during that period; physically and
psychologically, because of torture from various types
of violations, including sexual violence against women,
and the loss of 180,000 human lives because of the
brutal, illegal Indonesian military
place our hopes in the United
Nations Security Council, which has the principal
role in this fight to end impunity, based on the
fundamental principles consecrated in the Charter of the
United Nations. We urge you to take concrete, effective
actions to end impunity for those who directed and
committed crimes
against humanity in
The UN has taken some positive actions to address the
issue of justice for serious crimes during the past
decade, including establishing the Serious
Crimes Unit (SCU)
to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the
crimes committed in 1999, the Special Panels (SP) to try
perpetrators of these serious crimes (S/2005/458,
par. 5) and
the Commission of Experts to report on the judicial
effectiveness of their work and that of the Indonesian
ad hoc court in Jakarta (S/2005/458, par. 1-2).
These actions were inadequate to end impunity in
Timor-Leste and Indonesia,
because the Commission of Experts report has not been
followed up and considered by the Security
Council, and because the SCU and SP (as well as
UNMIT’s Serious Crimes Investigation Team) only looked
into crimes committed in 1999, which excludes the 99% of
homicides which took place between 1975 and 1998.
are disappointed with the latest report of the
Secretary-General on UNMIT for September 2010 to January
2011 (S/2011/32) because it fails to mention the
consequences of ongoing impunity for the serious international
crimes committed
during the Indonesian occupation. The report discusses
only the 1999 crimes (S/2011/32; par. 38) and
gives more attention to directing Timor-Leste’s
government to achieve justice for domestic crimes
committed in 2006 (S/2011/32; par. 35).
The principle of the United Nations to respect the
sovereignty of every Member State does not mean that the
United Nations must accept sovereignty as an excuse not
to pursue the perpetrators of crimes
against humanity committed against
people in other countries. All Member States are obliged
to respect the principles of United Nations and never to
accept impunity for serious crimes. Therefore, the
United Nations must pressure a Member State which does
not cooperate with legal processes to try perpetrators,
such as Indonesia in the case of crimes against humanity
committed during its occupation of Timor-Leste. This is
especially important because many of the crimes were
acts directed by the Suharto dictatorship who no longer
governs Indonesia.
impunity continues to prevail in Timor-Leste, it will
have a negative impact on the stability and security of
our country; undercutting the efforts of the United
Nations to establish rule of law and strength security
institutions. In addition, the perpetrators are
continuing to commit similar crimes in Indonesia,
especially West
Papua and
Ambon, Maluku.
Some Timor-Leste leaders undermine the legal justice
process by prioritizing cordial relations with
Indonesian government. This also obstructs the way to
justice (S/2011/32; par. 9) and is out of touch with our
people. To end impunity, we must not sacrifice
fundamental principles of human rights and justice in
favor of diplomacy.
The legal justice processes for accountability for
crimes against humanity must not be further delayed. We
strongly encourage the Security Council of United
Nations to take immediate effective actions to end
impunity so that justice can be restored.
recommend to the Security Council of United Nations to:
1. Discuss
the recommendations of the Commission of Experts
regarding the establishment of an International Criminal
Tribunal when national mechanisms fail. (S/2005/458;
par. 446 and 525)
2. Enlarge
the mandate of the Serious Crimes Investigation Team (SCIT)
so that it can investigate some of the highest profile
massacres such as Kararas-Viqueque (1983),
Muapitine-Lospalos (1983), Mausiga and Maununo-Ainaro
(1982) and Santa Cruz-Dili (1991) and prosecute those
who are responsible for these crimes.
3. Establish
a delegation to approach both governments, Timor-Leste
and Indonesia, to encourage them to respect legal
processes initiated by the United Nations to prosecute
the perpetrators of crimes against humanity committed as
part of Indonesian occupation from 1975-1999.
4. Give
mandate to SCIT to support formal indictment of the
principal perpetrators who committed serious crimes and
crimes against humanity during the Indonesian military
occupation from 1975-1999. This is the only solution to
end impunity in Timor-Leste and Indonesia, so that democracy
and human rights that
we yearn for can be achieved in Timor-Leste and other
Sincerely yours,
Sisto dos Santos
On behalf of ANTI
Members of ANTI (Timor-Leste organizations):
· Community
Development Interest (CDI)
· Forum
Tau Matan (FTM)
· Front
Mahasiswa Timor-Leste (FMTL)
· Judicial
System Monitoring Program (JSMP)
· Kdalak
Solimutu Institute (KSI)
· Knua
Buka Hatene (KBH)
· Luta Hamutuk
· Mata
Dalan Institute (MDI)
· Organizasaun
Popular Vitima da Guerra (OPVG)
· Sekretariadu
Timor-Leste NGO Forum (Fongtil)
· Timor-Leste
Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o
This letter has been endorsed by the following
international organizations:
· Asia-Pacific
Solidarity Coalition (APSOC)
· Association
of Prison Ministries, Jakarta, Indonesia
· Australia
East Timor Association, NSW
· Australian
East Timor Friendship Association South Australia Inc
· Australian
Coalition for Justice for East Timor
· Baltimore
Nonviolence Center, USA
· Committee
for the Release of Political Prisoners (KAPT/N) ,
· East
Timor and Indonesia Action Network
· East
Timor Religious Outreach, USA
· ETAN/Portland,
Oregon, USA
· Fellowship
of Reconciliation, USA
· Foundation
Pro Papua, The Netherlands
· Hunter
East Timor Sisters, Australia
· Institute of
Struggle for the Rehabilitation of Victims of the New
Order Regime (LPR KROB), Indonesia
· Institute
on Religion and Public Policy, USA
· International
Federation for East Timor (IFET)
· International
League for Human Rights
· Japan
East Timor Coalition
· Jews
Against Genocide, USA
· KontraS,
· Law
Enforcement Watch, Jakarta, Indonesia
· Madison-Ainaro Sister
City Alliance, Wisconsin, USA
· Maryknoll
Office for Global Concerns, USA
· Swedish
East Timor Committee
· Watch
Indonesia!, Germany
Foundation, White Plains, NY USA
· WestPAN
(West Papua Action Network), Canada
· Wisconsin
Network for Peace and Justice, USA
(West Papua Advocacy Team), USA
8 Fevereiro 2011
Ezelénisa sira Membru Konsellu Seguransa Nasoins Unidas
New York, 10017 USA
tinan ualu ona, ami, povu Timor-Leste moris nu’udar
Nasaun no povu ida ne’ebé livre iha Estadu ida soberanu
no demokrátiku, maibé ami seidauk livre hosi fantasma
krime grave ne’ebé akontese durante tinan 24 okupasaun
Indonézia nian. Ami terus barak iha periodu ne’e; terus
fízika no psikolójika
tanba tortura
hosi tipu violasaun oin-oin, inklui violasaun seksuál
hasoru feto sira, no lakon ema 180 nia moris tanba
okupasaun illegál, brutál militár Indonézia
Ami tau
ami nia laran metin iha Konsellu Seguransa Nasoins
Unidas nian, ne’ebé iha papél prinsipál iha luta hakotu
impunidade ida ne’e, bazeia ba prinsípiu fundamentál
hirak ne’ebé konsagra ona iha Karta Nasoins Unidas nian.
Ami ezije ba
ita boot sira hodi foti asaun konkretu ne’ebé efetivu
hodi hapara impunidade ba sira ne’ebé dirije no komete
krime hasoru umanidade iha Timor-Leste.
Unidas foti ona asaun pozitivu no konkretu balun hodi
trata asuntu justisa ba krime grave, hanesan
estabelese Unidade Krime Sériu (SCU) hodi investiga
krime sira no prosege sira ne’ebé responsavel ba krime
hirak ne’ebé komete iha 1999 no Painel Espesiál (SP)
hodi julga kriminozu sira hosi krime sériu hirak ne’e (S/2005/458,
par. 5) no
Komisaun Peritu hodi relata kona-ba prosesu judisiál
hosi servisu SCU, SP no Tribunál ad hoc Diretu Umanu iha
Jakarta- Indonézia (S/2005/458, par. 1-2). Asaun
hirak ne’e la adekuadu hodi hapara impunidade iha
Timor-Leste no Indonézia, tanba rekomendasaun sira hosi
relatóriu sira ne’e Konsellu Seguransa la haree tuir no
konsidera no servisu SCU no SP limita de’it ba kazu
1999, la inklui kazu oho ema (omosídiu) porsentu 99%
hosi tinan 1975-1998.
Ami la
satisfeitu ho relatóriu Sekretáriu Jerál nian foin
lalais ne’e kona-ba UNMIT hosi Setembru 2010 to’o
Janeiru 2011 ne’ebé la temi konsekuénsia hosi impunidade
ne’ebé sei kontinua hela kona-ba krime sériu
internasionál nian ne’ebé komete durante okupasaun
Indonézia. Relatóriu ne’e diskute de’it krime 1999 nian
(S/2011/32; par. 38) no fó atensaun liu ba dirije
governu Timor-Leste ba hetan justisa ba krime doméstika
ne’ebé komete iha 2006. (S/2011/32; par. 35).
Prinsípiu Karta Nasoins Unidas nian hodi respeita
soberania Estadu Membru idak-idak nian la signifika
katak Nasoins Unidas tenke simu soberania hanesan
deskulpa ida hodi la kaer kriminozu sira ne’ebé halo
krime hasoru umanidade ne’ebé halo hasoru povu seluk iha
nasaun seluk. Estadu Membru sira hotu iha devér hodi
respeitu prinsípiu
sira Nasoins Unidas nian no nunka bele simu impunidade
ba krime sériu sira. Liuhosi meiu ida ne’e, Nasoins
Unidas tenke haka’as Estadu Membru ida ne’ebé la koopera
ho prosesu legál hodi julga kriminozu sira, hanesan
Indonézia iha kazu krime hasoru umanidade ne’ebé komete
durante ninia okupasaun iha Timor-Leste. Ida ne’e
importante tebes tanba barak hosi krime hirak ne’e
nu’udar hahalok sira ne’ebé dirije hosi ditadura Suharto
nian ne’ebé oras ne’e la ukun ona Indonézia.
sei iha nafatin impunidade iha Timor-Leste, nia sei lori
impaktu negativu ba estabilidade
no seguransa nasaun nian; hafraku esforsu hirak Nasoins
Unidas nian hodi estabelese estadu diretu no haforsa
instituisaun seguransa. Nune’e mós, kriminozu sira
kontinua halo krime iha Indonézia, liu-liu iha Papua
Loromonu no Ambon-Maluku.
ulun sira Timor-Leste nian balun hafraku prosesu justisa
legál liuhosi fó prioriadade ba relasaun di’ak ho
governu Indonézia. Ida ne’e mós halo kloot dalan ba
jusitsa (S/2011/32; par. 9). Atu hakotu impunidade, ita
la bele sakrifika prinsípiu fundamentál direitu umanu no
justisa hodi favor ba diplomasia.
justisa legál ba responsabilidade kona-ba krime hasoru
umanidade tenke la bele dada naruk liu tan. Ami ho
maka’as tebes ezije ba
Konsellu Seguransa Nasoins Unidas nian hodi foti asaun
imediatu ne’ebé efetivu hodi hakotu impunidade atu
nune’e bele restora fali justisa.
rekomenda ba Konsellu Seguransa Nasoins Unidas atu:
1. Diskute
rekomendasaun sira Komisaun Peritu nian kona-ba
estabelesimentu Tribunál Kriminál Internasionál ida
bainhira mekanizmu nasionál sira falla (la konsege) (S/2005/458;
par. 446 no 525).
2. Hodi
fó mandatu ne’ebé luan
tan ba Ekipa Investigasaun Krime Sériu (SCIT) nian hodi
investiga kazu masakre sira ne’ebé boot liu hanesan
masakre Kraras-Viqueque 1983, Muapitine-Lospalos (1983),
Mausiga-Ainaro (1982) no Santa Cruz-Dili (1991),
durante okupasaun
militár Indonézia.
3. Estabele
delegasaun ida hodi halo aproximasaun ba governu
rua, Timor-Leste no
Indonézia hodi enkoraja sira atu bele respeita prosesu
legál justisa nian ne’ebé inisia ona hosi Nasoins Unidas
hodi prosege kriminozu sira ne’ebé halo krime hasoru
umanidade ne’ebé sai nu’udar parte okupasaun Indonézia
nian hosi tinan 1975-1999.
4. SCIT bele halo
akuzasaun formál ba autór
prinsipál sira ne’ebé komete krime grave no krime kontra
umanidade ne’ebé mosu duranti okupasaun militár
Indonesia hosi tinan 1975-1999. So úniku dalan ida ne’e
de’it mak hodi hakotu impunidade iha Timor-Leste,
atu nune’e demokrasia no direitu umanu ne’ebé ita
hakarak tebes atu hetan bele alkansa iha Timor-Leste
no rai seluk.
respeitu kordiál,