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Joint Statement

International Day for the Right to the Truth and Justice for Victims: ANTI demands for the State of Timor-Leste to not ignore the rights of victims

24 March is the International Day for the right to the truth and justice for victims. The decision to allocate this day for the victims of human rights violations was made pursuant to United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution No. A/HRC/Res/14/7 in  2010.

The Human Rights Council decided to make this date an historic occasion to honor Oscar Arnulfo Romero, a Bishop from El Salvador, who because of his support, courage and sacrifice fought for and defended victims of human rights violations which eventually resulted in him being murdered. Therefore, the UN decided to choose this day as the international day for the right to the truth and justice for victims.


"We must not be afraid to find the truth and admit our ‘dark’ past or merely try to ‘cover it up’ with the heroics of the past. We have to be honest and accept our past so that we can learn to distance ourselves from ‘arrogant’ behavior,” said the Vice President of National Victim’s Asosiation Timor Leste, Mrs. Maria da Gloria.

Timor-Leste is a new member of the international community and the 194th member of the UN, and therefore is a 'guardian’ of this day, especially seeing that Timor-Leste is a ‘victim’ of human rights violations that occurred during the 24 year illegal occupation by the Indonesian Suharto regime. Therefore, Timor-Leste also has a moral obligation to commemorate this day and continue to push for the promotion of victims’ rights to truth and justice, to also provide a lesson that can be ‘learnt’ by future generations to prevent others from becoming victims of human rights violations.

The demand for victims’ rights to truth and justice is not only aimed at satisfying victims, but also for the current generation and future generations. The truth is a historical treasure of a country that prevents the reoccurrence of such incidents in the future. History does not just concern heroism displayed during a violent struggle, but it should also encompass the suffering of victims, so that we can all understand this human suffering to prevent further suffering.

The truth must be revealed, studied and handed down to the current generation and future generations. Therefore, we must not be afraid to find the truth and admit our ‘dark’ past or merely try to ‘cover it up’ with the heroics of the past. We have to be honest and accept our past so that we can learn to distance ourselves from ‘arrogant’ behavior”; said the Vice President of National Victim’s Asosiation Timor Leste, Mrs. Maria da Gloria.

This also applies to the right to justice, as it does not just uphold the interests of victims of human rights violations. Justice is always a basic human need. Now we should all be ‘hungry for justice’ and future generations will continue to require this right.

Therefore if we do not have the courage to provide justice for the past, it will not be possible for our country to fulfill its obligation to provide justice now and in the future, such as (corruption, misuse of authority, domestic violence, etc.).

This principle of justice must be firmly upheld and cannot be modified in accordance with the desire of the ‘elite’ and especially not because of authority wielded by perpetrators. The problem that there is no capacity to achieve justice is not a reason to ignore and violate these principles. The capacity to achieve justice is relative and it is the responsibility of the entire international community”; said  Sisto dos Santos, Coordinator of ANTI.  

This day is commemorated to remember and to raise the awareness of all State leaders regarding how important it is for member countries (including Timor-Leste and Indonesia) to fulfill their obligations to take action to uphold the rights to truth and justice for victims of human rights violations.

Therefore, those of us who have come together under the Timor-Leste National Alliance for an International Tribunal (ANTI) together with the victims and families of the victims demand the following

1.   For the National Parliament to fulfill its constitutional obligations to enact policy and law so that the State of Timor-Leste can meet its obligations to uphold the right to truth and justice for victims as well as citizens;


We requestt for the international community, especially the UN Security Council, to uphold its responsibility regarding the crimes against humanity process in Timor-Leste for past crimes in order to break the chain of impunity in Timor-Leste and other countries.

2.  For the National Parliament to place the drafting of a law on a Reparations Program and the Memorial Institution back on the agenda, which is necessary to meet the State's obligation to acknowledge that no solution has been provided regarding the suffering of the victims. During the second legislative period veterans’ issues were prioritized and were resolved, therefore we are sure that the current legislative period will prioritize victims’ issues;

3.      We request for the State of Timor-Leste to sign and ratify the International Convention on Forced Disappearances to facilitate the repatriation of Timorese persons who were taken to Indonesia during the Indonesian occupation. 

4.      We request for the government of Timor-Leste to examine and adhere to the MOU that was signed by the governments of Timor-Leste and Indonesia regarding recommendations from the Commission of Truth and Friendship, especially the recommendation to establish a Commission for Missing Persons to discover those Timorese who were forcibly disappeared during the Indonesian occupation.

5.      We requestt for the international community, especially the UN Security Council, to uphold its responsibility regarding the crimes against humanity process in Timor-Leste for past crimes in order to break the chain of impunity in Timor-Leste and other countries.

6.      We request the support and solidarity of international organizations such as Amnesty International, ETAN, Forum Asia, AFAD, ICTJ, TAPOL, ICG to continue to struggle and advocate for a crimes against humanity process in Timor-Leste as the UN totally failed to complete this process

Dili, 22 March 2013

The Timor-Leste National Alliance for an International Tribunal (ANTI)

1.      Komite 12 de Novembru

2.      Timor-Leste Victims Association

3.      Asosiasaun HAK

4.      Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP)

5.      ACbit (Asosiasaun Chega ba Ita)

6.      Fongtil Secretariat

7.      Asia Justice And Rights (AJAR) Timor-Leste

8.      Timor-Leste Student Front (FMTL)

9.      MDI (Mata Dalan Institute)

10.  Haberan Institute

11.  KSI (Kadalak Solimutu Institute)

12.  Ita Ba Paz

13.  Fokupers

14.  CDI

15.  KBH (Knua Buka Hatene)

see also Human Rights & Justice page



Telephone: 77179655/77289241/77402231
e-mail:  or or

Deklaraun Konjunta

Loron Internasionál Direitu Vítima ba Lia los no Justisa: ANTI Ejize Estadu Timor Leste la-bele ignora vítima sira nia direitu


Loron 24 fulan Marsu nu’udar loron Internasionál Direitu Vítima sira ba lia-loos no justisa. Dedikasaun loron ne’e ba vítima violasaun direitu umanu sira nian deside husi Rezolusaun Konsellu Direitu Umanus ONU Nú. A/HRC/Res/14/7 iha tinan 2010 liu-ba.

Razaun no konsiderasaun Konsellu Direitu Umanus deside loron ne’e hanesan loron  istóriku hodi fo valorizasaun ba Oscar Arnulfo Romero hanesan Bispo husi El Salvador ne’ebé ho nia dedikasaun, apoiu, brani no oferese nia vida tomak hodi luta no defende direitu vítima violasaun direitu umanu no ikus mai iha loron ne’e nia tenke mate tanba hetan oho. Tanba ne’e Nasoens Unidas konsidera no hili loron ne’e hanesan loron Internasionál direitu vítima sira ba lia loos no justisa.

Timor-Leste nu’udar membru foun ba komunidade internasionál ka membru ONU ba dala-194, mos nu’udar “na’in” ba loron ida ne’e, liuliu tan Timor-Leste nu’udar “país vítima” ba violasaun direitu umanu ne’ebé akontese durante tinan 24 okupasaun ilegal Rejime Soeharto Indonézia nian. Ne’eduni Timor-Leste mos iha dever moral atu selebra loron ne’e no ha’klaken ninian ispiritu hodi vítima sira nia direitu ba Lia-loos no justisa bele la’o ba oin, nune’e mos hanesan lisaun hodi bele “hanorin” jerasaun foun atu labele halo tan ema seluk sai vítima violasaun direitu umanus.

Ezijensia ba direitu vítima violasaun direitu umanu ba lia-loos no justisa, laos deit atu satisfas esklusivamente vítima sira deit, maibé mos jerasaun agora no futuru. Lia-loos ne’e nu’udar patrimoniu (riku-soin) históriku nasaun ida ne’ebé hakarak lao ba hodi la repete tan hanesan saida mak akontese iha pasadu. História la’os de’it kona-ba eroismu iha rezistensia ne’ebé nakonu ho aktu violénsia, maibé mos tenki abranje sofrimentu vítima sira, hodi nune’e ita aprende oinsa ema nian terus hodi la halo tan ema seluk sai terus.

Lia-loos tenki deskobre, aprende no habelar ba jerasaun agora no futuru. Ne’e duni, ita lalika tauk atu deskobre lia-loos no rekońese ita nian pasadu ne’ebé “nakukun” no buka “falun-metin” ho pasadu eroismu de’it. Ita tenki onestu atu simu ita-nian pasadu hotu, hodi ita aprende atu ha’dook-a’an husi hahalok “loko-a’an”; dehan Vice Prezidente Asosiasaun Vítima Nasionál Timor Leste, Sra. Maria da Gloria

Nune’e mós direitu ba justisa, laos deit interese esklusivamente violasaun direitu umanu sira nian deit. Justisa ne’e nesesidade kriatura umana iha sa tempu deit. Agora ita hotu mos sei “hambrok ba justisa” nomos jerasaun futuru sei nesesita direitu ne’e mos.

Se ita laiha korajen atu halao justisa ba pasadu, maka imposivel mos ita-nia Estado bele halao ninian obrigasaun atu fornese justisa ba kazu sira atual nomos futuru (korupsaun, abuzu podér, violénsia domestika, ..sst).

Prinsipiu justisa ne’e tenki kaer metin no labele “selok tun-sae” tuir gostu “elite” ka liuliu podér suspeitu sira. Problema laiha kbiit atu realiza justisa, laos razaun atu ignora no viola prinsipiu ne’e. Kbiit atu realiza ne’e relativu no kompete ba obrigasaun membru komunidade internasionál hotu; dehan Sisto dos Santos, Koordenador ANTI

Komemorasaun loron ne’e atu hanoin hikas no fanu konsiensia lideransa estado hotu kona-ba importansia Estado-membru sira (inklui Timor-Leste no Indonézia) ba sira nia obrigasaun atu foti medidas hodi fornese vítima violasaun direitu umanu sira nia direitu ba lia-loos no justisa.

Tanba ne’e, ami ne’ebé hamahan an iha Aliansa Nasionál Timor Leste ba Tribunál Internasionál (ANTI) hamutuk ho vítima no familia vítima ejize ba: 

1.      Parlamentu Nasionál  atu kumpri sira nian dever konstitusionál hodi halo polítika no lejislasaun hodi nune’e Estadu Timor-Leste bele realiza ninia obrigasaun ba vítima sira ne’ebé mos nu’udar sidadaun timorense nian direitu ba lia-loos no justisa;

2.      Husu ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu reajenda prosesu lejislasaun ba projetu lei Programa Reparasaun no Institutu de Memoria ne’e nu’udar medida nesesáriu atu realiza obrigasaun Estadu nian hodi valoriza vítima sira nia sofrimentu ne’ebé seidauk iha solusaun, iha segunda Lejislatura, asuntu Veterano sai hanesan agenda prioridade no konsege iha solusaun tanba ne’e ami laran metin iha lejislatura agora sei fo prioridade ba asuntu vítima;

3.      Husu ba Estadu Timor-Leste atu asina no ratifika Konvensaun Internasionál ba Ema Lakon Forsadu atu bele fasilita repatriasaun ba timoroan sira ne’ebé militár Indonéziu lori halai ba Indonézia durante okupasaun Indonéziu;

4.      Husu ba Governu Timor-Leste hodi haree no kumpri memorandu entendimentu ne’ebé asina entre Governu Timor Leste no Indonézia kona-ba rekomendasaun KVA nian liliu hari’i Komisaun Ema Lakon atu buka tuir Timor oan sira ne’ebé lakon forsada durante okupasaun Indonézia nian.  

5.      Husu ba komunidade internasional liliu Konsellu Seguransa ONU atu labele husik nia responsabilidade ba prosesu krime kontra umanidade ne’ebé akontese iha Timor-Leste iha tempo pasado nune’e bele hakotu korenti impunidade iha Timor-Leste no rai seluk.

6.      Husu apoio solidaridade organizasaun internasional hanesan Amnesty Internasional, ETAN, Forum Asia, AFAD, ICTJ, TAPOL, ICG hodi kontinua luta no halo advokasia ba krime kontra umanidade iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé ONU totalmente falla atu rezolve. 

Dili, 22 de Marsu 2013


Aliansa Nasionál Timor Leste ba Tribunál Internasionál (ANTI)

1.      Komite 12 de Novembru

2.      Asosiasaun Vítima Timor Leste

3.      Asosiasaun HAK

4.      Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP)

5.      ACbit (Asosiasaun Chega ba Ita)

6.      Sekretariadu FONGTIL

7.      Asia Justice And Rights (AJAR) Timor Leste

8.      Front Mahasiswa Timor-Leste (FMTL)

9.      MDI (Mata Dalan Institut)

10.  Haberan Institut

11.  KSI (Kadalak Solimutu Institut)

12.  Ita Ba Paz

13.  Fokupers

14.  CDI

15.  KBH (Knua Buka Hatene)




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