“Lori sira fila mai uma”
Aliansi Nasionál Timor-Leste ba Tribunál Internasionál
77289241 or 77179655 / 77402231
e-mail: lanarra.del@gmail.com,
atino@laohamutuk.org ka
Press Release
“Bring them home”
The People of Timor-Leste once again commemorate 30 August as the 14th
anniversary of the popular consultation (1999-2013). This historic day lead
to our independence from the long period of suffering that occurred because
of grave crimes committed systematically by the Indonesian military. Since
our independence, the people of Timor-Leste have lived in a democratic state
under the rule of law. But since entering this independence process, we have
started to develop without yet having credible justice for the perpetrators
of grave crimes against the Timorese people. Up to now, our leaders in
Timor-Leste have not yet had the strong political will to confront the issue
of justice for serious past crimes, which is the foundation of the
democratic state under the rule of law.
Up to now, with more than a decade gone, there is still impunity, and the
consequences are clearly showing. Reality shows that the Government of
Indonesia is protecting criminals from accountability for the crimes they
committed in Timor-Leste.
Importantly, 30 August is also the International Day of
Enforced Disappearances, families of the missing and those families who
still live in misery. Many families continue to mourn and demand for their
relatives who went missing during the conflict. In response to these
specific concerns, a large group has worked address this situation, starting
with the establishment of CAVR (Commission for Reception, Truth and
Reconciliation) and CTF (Bilateral Commission on Truth and Friendship),
nevertheless we all wait for the two Governments (Timor-Leste and Indonesia)
to commit to implementing the specific recommendations of these two
For this reason, ANTI, together with the victims' families, organised a
public discussion on 28 August and invited the Foreign Affairs Minister, a
member of the National Parliament, the Country Representative of the
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and a civil society
representative to be speakers at this public discussion. Unfortunately, the
representatives from the Government and National Parliament didn’t manage to
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation was to talk about progress
and the challenges in implementing the recommendations of the CTF,
particularly relating to enforced disappearances, and the representative
from National Parliament was speak about the policies of Parliament relation
to the issue of enforced disappearances; with civil society to talk about
their perspectives on the issue of disappearances.
ANTI, and especially the victims' families, were extremely disheartened that
the Government, represented through the Foreign Minister, and the members of
National Parliament, were not present at this public discussion, because the
victims and their families needed and very much wanted to hear about the
efforts of the Government and Parliament in relation to the implementation
of the CTF. But in the end, these important speakers did not take part in
this discussion.
However, at the same time, the Indonesian Ambassador did attend and
deliver some thoughts about the commitment of the State of Indonesia to
implementing the recommendations of the CTF.
For civil society, the real concern related to the agreement established
three years ago by the PDHJ (Timor-Leste Ombudsman for Human Rights and
Justice) with Komnas Ham Indonesia (Indonesian Commission on Human Rights),
and which has been extended for one year, but has still yet to produce any
Yet up to now, with more than a decade gone, there is still impunity, and
the consequences are clearly showing. Reality shows that the Government of
Indonesia is protecting criminals from accountability for the crimes they
committed in Timor-Leste. Currently, there is a strong debate taking place
in Indonesia in relation to the general election for the President of
Indonesia next year, in 2014, with the names of criminals Wiranto and
Prabowo Subianto always mentioned as candidates for the election. ANTI is
concerned that their grave criminal acts will continue in other parts of the
Indonesian territory because impunity will continue to thrive.
Given the facts outlined above, ANTI delivers the following demands:
1. Demand that the two Governments (Timor-Leste and Indonesia) seriously
begin the process of establishing a Commission of Missing Persons in order
to deal with the issue of enforced disappearances during the illegal
Indonesian occupation, so as to reintegrate those people whom the Indonesian
military forcibly removed from their families.
2. Demand that the United Nations put on their agenda to discuss the report
of the UN Commission of Inquiry and the CTF, especially the recommendation
to establish an international tribunal to try the grave crimes in
Timor-Leste, as there is no domestic mechanism in Timor-Leste or Indonesia
which can provide justice to the people of Timor-Leste.
3. Demand to the International Community, particularly the nations which
were involved directly and indirectly in the occupation by the cruel Suharto
regime in Timor-Leste (USA, England, France, Australia, and others), to
provide a formal apology to the people of Timor-Leste and work to improve
the lives of the Timorese.
4. Ask that the State of Timor-Leste sign and ratify the International
Convention on the protection of all people from enforced disappearances and,
in this way, start processing cases of enforced disappearances and ensuring
that this issue is never repeated in the future in Timor-Leste, as a
democratic state under the rule of law.
5. Ask that the Government of Indonesia respect the principles of human
rights and open the path to justice for these grave crimes, particularly the
cases of enforced disappearances in Timor-Leste, and, in this way, begin to
strengthen bilateral relations between the States of Timor-Leste and
Indonesia going forward.
6. Ask to all the people of Timor-Leste to give their support so that we can
complete the forms relating to missing persons which the Victims'
Association has prepared and is currently circulating, so we can help the
process of searching for those people who went missing during the occupation
7. Ask to the PDHJ and Komnas-HAM Indonesia to seriously work to carry out
the agreement which those two organisations have established, particularly
about missing persons, so that we can find those persons forcibly
disappeared by the Indonesian military.
Sisto dos Santos
ANTI Board Coordinator
Members of ANTI
1. Asosiasaun HAK
2. Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP)
3. Asosiasaun Vítima
4. Asosiasaun Chega ba Ita
5. Front Mahasiswa Timor Leste
6. Sekretáriadu Timor-Leste NGO Forum (Fongtil)
7. Institutu Timor-Leste ba Monitor no Analiza Dezenvolvimentu (La’o
8. Fokupers
9. Ita Ba Paz
10. CDI (Comunity Development Institut)
11. KSI (Kdalak Sulimutu Institut)
12. KBH (Knua Buka Hatene)
13. FTM (Forum Tau Matan)
14. OPVG (Organizasaun Popular Vitima da Guera)
see also
Komunikadu da Imprensa
sira fila mai uma”
Povu Timor-Leste
tan loron 30 de Agostu nudar
loron konsulta popular ba dala XIV (1999-2013). Loron istóriku ne’e rezulta
ukun rasik an
nakonu ho sofrementu ne’ebé mosu durante krime grave naruk ne’ebé komete
husi militár Indonézia sistimatikamente. Hafoin hetan ukun rasik an povu Timor-Leste
moris iha
direitu no demokrátiku.
Tama iha prosesu ukun an nian laran hahu ho dezenvolvimentu ne’ebé sidauk
iha justisa
kredivel ba krime grave ne’ebé
prepetrator sira komete
Ukun na’in sira
Timor-Leste too
seidauk iha vontade di’ak ba asuntu justisa ba krime grave pasadu nian
ne’ebé nudár aliserse ba estadu direitu demokrátiku nian.
Nune’e mós iha
loron 30 Agostu hanesan loron Internasionál ba ema lakon forsada,
familia sira ne’ebé lakon,
moris iha miseravel nia laran. Familia barak kontinua halerik no eziji
ba sira nia ema ne’ebé lakon duranti periódu
konflitu nia laran. Hata’an ba preokupasaun
hirak ne’e iha esforsu lubuk boot ida ne’ebé
ona, komesa husi hari’i CAVR no CVA
maske nune’e ita hotu hein estadu rua (Timor Leste no Indonézia) iha
kometimentu atu implementa rekomendasaun hirak ne’e.
nune’e ANTI
hamutuk ho
familia vítima
organiza diskusuan publiku iha loron 28 Agostu no konvida Ministériu
Negosiu Estranjeiru, Membru Parlementu Nasionál,
Reprezentante Cruz Vermella Internasionál
no Sosiade Sivio atu sai nuudar
orador iha diskusaun publiku ne’e. Infelesemente
husi parte Governo no Parlementu la konsege marka prezensa.
Ministériu dos
Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun ko’alia kona-ba Progresu no dezafiu
implementasaun rekomendasaun KVA partikulármente ema lakon fordsada, no
reprezentante husi Parlamentu Nasionál ko’alia kona-ba polítika Parlamentu
nian ba asuntu ema lakon, no sosiedade sivíl rasik ko’alia kona-ba
perspetiva sosiedade sivíl ba asuntu ema lakon.
partikulármente família vítima sira sente triste tebes tanba iha Diskusaun
Públiku ne’e husi Governu rasik ne’ebé reprezenta husi Ministériu dos
Negósiu Estranjeiru no membru Parlamentu Nasionál ne’ebé tuir loloos tenke
marka prezensa tanba vítima no família vítima sira presiza no hakarak tebes
atu rona esforsu sira ne’ebé governu no Parlamentu Nasionál halo ona
relasiona ho implementasaun rekomendasaun Komisaun Verdade no Lia-loos. Ikus
mai entre oradór importante hirak ne’e la hola parte iha diskusaun públiku
Maibé iha
tempu hanesan husi
Embaixadór Indonézia
konsege marka prezensa no hato’o
hanoin ruma
kona-ba kometimentu estadu Indonézia ba implementasaun rekomendasaun KVA
Husi parte
sosiedade sivíl ninia intervensaun sira lamenta no preokupa tebes relasiona
ho akordu ne’ebé Provedoria dos Direitu no Justisa-PDHJ estabelese ho Komnas
Ham Indonézia iha tinan 3 liu no Prolonga tan tinan ida ne’e, maibé nafatin
laiha rezultadu.
Too ohin loron,
liu tiha dékada ida, impunidade nafatin iha no nia konsekuénsia hatudu
momoos hela. Realmente hatudu katak Governu Indonézia nia proteje kriminozu
sira husi akontabilidae krime ne’ebé sira komete iha Timor-Leste. Daudaun
ne’e iha debate maka’as iha Indonézia relasaun ho eleisaun jerál ba
prezidente Indonézia iha Tinan oin 2014, kriminozu Wiranto no Prabowo
Subianto nia naran mós sempre temi ba kandidatu iha eleisaun refere. ANTI
mós preokupa
krime grave iha Timor-Leste
kontinua lao iha fatin seluk iha teritoria Indonezia nian tamba impunidade
sei buras tebes.
Ho faktu
istóriku sira ne’ebé temi iha leten mak ANTI hakarak hato’o ejijénsia mak
hanesan tuir mai ne’e:
ba Govero rua (Timor-Leste no Indonesia) atu ho seriadade hodi
ba ema
lakon ida
hodi trata asuntu ema lakon forsadamente durante okupasaun ilegál Indonézia
nia nune’e bele reintegra fali ema sira ne’ebé militár Indonézia halakon
forsadamente ba família
Ezije ba Nasoins Unidas atu hahú tau agenda no diskute relatóriu
Komisaun Inkéritu Nasoins Unidas nia no KKP-HAM Indonézia nia espesialmente
rekomendasaun Tribunal internasionál ba kazu krime grave iha Timor-Leste
tanba laiha mekanizmu doméstiku ida inklui iha Timor-Leste no iha Indonézia
mak fornese justisa ba povu Timor-Leste.
Ezije ba komunidade Internasionál liu-liu nasaun (Estadu Unidus
Amérika, Inglaterra, Fransa, Australia no sira seluk) sira ne’ebé involve
no indireita ba
ba rejime kruél
iha Timor-Leste
atu husu
deskulpa formalmente ba povu Timor-Leste no hadi’ak povu ne’e nia moris.
Husu ba estadu Timor-Leste atu asina no retifika konvensaun
Internasionál kona-ba protesaun ba ema hotu husi halakon forsadamente nune’e
bele hahú prosesa kazu ema lakon forsada no labele repete fali asuntu ne’e
iha futuru Timor-Leste nudár estadu direitu demokrátiku.
Husu ba Governu Indonézia atu respeita prinsipiu direitus umanus atu
la-bele taka dalan ba justisa ba kazu krime grave liu-liu prosesa ema lakon
forsadamente iha Timor-Leste nune’e hahú hametin relasaun bilateral entre
estadu Timor-Leste no Indonézia ba oin ne’ebé di’ak liu.
Husu ba Povu Timor-Leste tomak nia apoiu hodi bele prienxe formariu
kona-ba ema lakon ne’ebé Asosiasaun Vítima prepara no agora daudaun sirkula
hela nune’e bele ajuda buka ema sira ne’ebé durante lakon iha periodu
Husu ba PDHJ no Komnas-HAM Indonézia atu servisu sériu ba akordu
ne’ebé organizasaun rua ne’e estabelese liu-liu kona-ba ba ema lakon nune’e
bele buka tuir ema sira ne’ebé lakon durante okupasaun militár Indonézia
Sisto dos Santos
Koordenadór Board ANTI
Membru ANTI nian
Asosiasaun HAK
Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP)
Asosiasaun Vítima
Asosiasaun Chega ba Ita
Front Mahasiswa Timor Leste
Sekretáriadu Timor-Leste NGO Forum (Fongtil)
Institutu Timor-Leste ba Monitor no Analiza Dezenvolvimentu (La’o
Ita Ba Paz
CDI (Comunity
Development Institut)
KSI (Kdalak
Sulimutu Institut)
KBH (Knua
Buka Hatene)
FTM (Forum
Tau Matan)
OPVG (Organizasaun
Popular Vitima da Guera)