Tetum: Familia Vitima sira nafatin hela iha
inserteza nia laran
Aliansi Nasionál
Timor-Leste ba Tribunál
or 77179655
/ 77402231
atino@laohamutuk.org ka
Press Release
Commemoration of the Liquisa CHurch Massacre on 5-6 April 1999:
“Families of the Victim continue to live with uncertainty”
Once again, on 5-6 April [2014], Christians will come together with the
families of victims to commemorate the anniversary of the Liquisa Church
Massacre. This massacre happened in April 1999 and led to the death or
disappearance of more than 200 people.
The Liquisa Massacre was perpetrated by members of the Indonesian Mobile
(Brimob) Police, the Indonesian Military and the pro-Indonesia militia
group, Besi Merah Putih (BMP – "Red and White Iron"). To this day, these
perpetrators continue to enjoy impunity and freedom from formal
accountability for their actions. In 2012, ex-militia member from BMP,
Valentim Lavio, was convicted by the Dili District Tribunal and
sentenced to more than 9 years in prison. However, he managed to escape
to Atambua in West Timor, Indonesia and as yet there is no mechanism by
which to extradite Valentim Lavio so that he can comply with his
Timor-Leste also has an obligation to
sign and ratify the International Convention on the Protection of All People
from Enforced Disappearances. Unfortunately, the Government's commitment on this
also continues to waver.
Aside from the massacre in Liquisa, there are a number of other
massacres which the Timorese people commemorate in April each year.
These include the massacre in Cailaco, Maliana, which led to the
execution of at least 7 people by the Indonesian military and
pro-Indonesia militia. This incident occurred just a week after the
Liquisa Massacre, on 12 April. In that same week, on 17 April, another
significant massacre took place at the residence of Mr Manuel
Crasacalao, a prominent Timorese Independence leader and
former-Indonesian Parliamentarian, which saw at least 12 people
In 2012, when the State of Timor-Leste presented their report to the
Universal Periodic Review (UPR), the Government agreed and committed to
implementing the recommendations delivered to them by the UN Human
Rights Council, in particular to adopt the recommendations of the
Reception, Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CAVR) and the Commission
on Truth and Friendship (CTF) and to accelerate the process of adopting
the draft laws on Reparations and the Memorial Institute, which have now
expired in National Parliament. As well, they agreed to continue efforts
to promote truth, justice, memorialisation and reparations for the grave
human rights violations that were committed between 1974 and 1999.
Based on the demands of victims and their families, which have been
formalised in the recommendations of CAVR and CTF, the State of
Timor-Leste also has an obligation to sign and ratify the International
Convention on the Protection of All People from Enforced Disappearances.
Unfortunately, the Government's commitment on this also continues to
ANTI is also aware that there is a commission which, together with the
families of the victims in Liquisa, has been exhuming the remains of
victims and is prepared to bring them to the Liquisa Cemetery (Ossuary).
From ANTI's observations, communication between the families of victims
and the commission has been poor throughout the exhumation process.
Moreover, ANTI has received complaints from some family members about
the lack of involvement by a forensic team so as to ensure proper
identification of the remains. Worse still, in some cases, three or more
bodies have been placed together in a single coffin.
Meanwhile, we all know that the brains or principal perpetrators of
these massacres are Prabowo Subianto, Wiranto and other individuals.
And, as we have all been following, one in particular has become a prime
candidate to advance to the Presidential election. From 1980 to 1998,
Prabowo, as the Commander of Kostrad and Kopassas, had great influence
in devising the massacres that occurred. In particular, the Kraras
massacre in Viqueque, which many know by the name "Kampung Janda", and
also the Santa Cruz massacre of 1991. Today, Prabowo Subianto is
advancing his way towards the Indonesian Presidential Election,
continuing to enjoy impunity and avoiding formal accountability for his
actions. The first stage will be the Indonesian Parliamentary elections
on 9 April 2014, just days after we commemorate this massacre.
Therefore, ANTI is demanding and appealing for the following:
To the States of Timor-Leste and Indonesia to prioritise
implementation of the recommendations from CTF, especially the
establishment of a commission on disappearances and missing persons,
because despite regularly holding the Senior Official Meeting (SOM)
there has yet to be any concrete results that properly respond to the
demands of victims and their families.
To the International Community, especially human rights
activists, to continue the struggle campaigning to and increasing
awareness of the Indonesian People regarding the crimes against humanity
which Prabowo has committed in Timor-Leste, Maluku, Papua, Aceh and in
other areas of Indonesia in order to prevent and ensure that these
criminals cannot become leaders thereby destroying the values of
democracy and human rights.
To the Government of Timor-Leste, particularly the Commission
carrying out the exhumations in Liquisa, Ainaro, Manatutu and other
districts, that they must involve forensic teams in these exhumations so
that the remains can be examined and their identities known so as to
return them to their respective families.
To the National Parliament to re-agenda the debate on the draft
laws on Reparations and the Memorial Institute which are still sitting
in Parliament. see also
Komunikadu da Imprensa
Komemora Loron Masakre Igreija Liquisa 5 – 6 Abril:
“Familia Vitima sira nafatin hela iha inserteza nia laran”
Loron ida tan komunidade sira ho sarani hamutuk ho familia vitima sira
sei komemora loron masakre Igreija Liquisa 5 – 6 Abril. Masakre ne’ebe
akontese iha Abril 1999 hodi rezulta minimu ema 200 mak mate no lakon
obrigatoriu no too ohin loron lahatene sira nia paradeiru.
Masakre Liquisa nian komete husi Polisia Brimob, Militar no Milisia
Pro-Indonesia Besi Merah Putih (BMP) no autor sira ne’e ate agora sei
nafatin goza impunidade no livre husi prosesu akontabilidade formal. Iha
tinan 2012, eis Milisia Besi Merah Putih, Kondenadu Valentim Lavio,
hetan kondenasaun husi Tribunál Distrital Dili ba pena prizaun tinan 9
resin. Maibe ikus mai Valentim Lavio halai tiha ba Atambua-Indonesia no
ate agora seidauk iha mekanismu ruma atu lori hikas Valentim Lavio hodi
kumpri pena ne’ebé nia hetan.
Alende masakre iha Liquisa, iha mos masakre balu ne’ebe Timorense
komemora iha fulan Abril nia laran mak hanesan masakre iha Cailaco
(Maliana), ne'ebe rezulta ema minimu nain 7 mak hetan ezekuta husi
militar no milisia pro-Indonesia. Akontesementu ne’e mosu iha loron 12
Abril iha tinan ne’ebe hanesan. Iha mos masakre boot seluk maka mosu iha
residensia Sr. Manuel Crasacalao nian iha loron 17 de Abril, ne'ebe
rezulta ema minimu nain 12 mak mate.
Iha tinan 2012, iha tempo Estadu Timor Leste aprezenta ninia relatoriu
Revizaun Perioduku Universal (RPU/UPR) konkorda ona no iha komitmentu
atu implementa relatoriu ho nia rekomendasaun sira husi Konsellu
Direitus Umanus ONU nian, liu liu atu adopta rekomendasaun husi Comisaun
Akolhimentu, Verdade no Rekonsiliasaun de Timor-Leste (CAVR) nian no
Komisaun Verdade no Amizade (KVA) inklui aseleira hodi pasa lalais
ezbosu lei kona-ba Esbosu Lei Reparasaun no Lei ba Institutu Memoria
ne’ebé sai kaduka iha Parlamentu Nasionál. Nune’e mos sei halo nafatin
esforsu ho objetivu atu promove lialoos, justisa, memoria no reparasaun
ba violasaun grave direitus umanu ne’ebé komete entre 1974 – 1999.
Tuir ejizensia vítima no familia vítima sira ne’ebé legaliza iha
rekomendasaun sira CAVR no KVA nian Estadu Timor Leste mos iha
obrigasaun hodi asina no ratifika Konvensaun Internasional konaba
Protesaun ba Ema Hotu husi Desaparesimentu Forsadu. Maibe infelizmente
komitmentu sira husi Governo Timor-Leste sei namlele hela.
ANTI mos observa katak, dadaun ne’e iha Komisaun ida no familia vitima
iha Liquisa mos rekoilha hela restus mortais sira hodi prepara atu lori
ba iha Ossuario. Iha rekuilhamentu restus mortais sira ne’e ANTI observa
katak ladun iha komunikasaun diak entre komisaun ho parte familia vitima
sira. ANTI mos hetan lamentasaun husi familia vitima balu katak la iha
transparansia husi membru Komisaun sira ne’ebe rekoilha hela restus
mortais sira.Iha rekoilamentu restus mortais sira ne’e mos ANTI preukupa
tamba laiha involvimentu husi team forensic sira nune’e susar atu
idenfika restus mortais sira. Pior liu tan iha fatin balu restus mortais
sira husi mate isin nain tolu liu tau hamutuk deit hodi hatama iha kaixa
ida nia laran.
Husi masakre hirak ne'e, ita hotu hatene katak sai kakutak nain ka autor
prinispal ne'e mak Prabowo Subianto, Wiranto no selu-seluk tan. Hanesan
ita akompania hamutuk, dadaun ne'e nudar figura ida ne'ebe mak
importante atu avansa ba kandidatura eleisuan Prezidente da Republika
nian. Husi tinan 1980 to'o 1998 Prabowo nudar Komandante Kostrad no
Kopasus nia papel influensia tebes hodi dezeinha masakre sira ne'ebe
mosu. Masakre sira ne'e mak masakre Craras-Viqueque ne'ebe kuinhesidu
tebes ho naran "Kampung Janda" no masakre seluk mak insidente Santa Cruz
1991. Ohin, Prabowo Subianto awansa dadaun atu ba kompete iha eleisaun
Prezidente nian iha Indonesia. Prabowo nafatin goza nia impunidade no
sees husi prosesu akontabilidade formal. Etapa primeiru maka eleisaun ba
Parlamentu Nasional Indonesia nian ne'ebe sei akontese iha dia 9 de
Abril molok loron 3 depois ami komemora ba loron masakre ne'e.
Ho nune’e ANTI hakarak ezizi no apela:
Ba Estadu Timor Leste ho Indonesia atu fo prioridade ba
implementasaun rekomedasaun final husi KVA liliu atu estabelese komisaun
ba buka ema lakon tamba too ohin loron maske iha ona enkontru altu nivel
(SOM) dala barak ona maibe seidauk iha rezultadu konkretu hodi responde
ba ezizensia familia vitima sira.
Ba Komunidade Internasional liliu ativista direitus umanus atu
kontinua luta hodi kampanye no fo kunhsementu masimu ba povo Indonesia
ho aktus krime kontra umanidade ne'ebe Prabowo komete iha Timor Leste,
Maluku, Papua, Aceh no fatin sira seluk iha teritoria Indonesia atu
evita nune'e asegura autor kriminozu sira labele sai ukun hodi estraga
tan voleres demokrasia no direitus uamanus.
ANTI mos husu ba Governo Timor Leste liuliu Komisaun ne'ebe
rekoilha restus mortais sira iha Liquisa, Ainaro, Manatuto no distritu
seluk atu involve team forensic nune'e bele ezamina no asegura restus
mortais sira nia identidade nune'e bele entrega ba iha familia refere.
ANTI husi ba Parlamentu Nasional atu re-agenda hodi debate esbosu
Lei Reparasaun no Institutu Memoria ne'ebe oras ne'e dadaun iha
Parlamentu Nasional.
Dili, 4
Abril 2014
Sisto dos
Board ANTI
ETAN is "A voice of reason,
criticizing the administration's
reluctance to address ongoing
human rights violations and
escalating oppression in West
Papua and against religious
minorities throughout
Noam Chomsky
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