ETAN nia
Afirmasaun kona-ba Estadu Direitu iha
statement on Rule of Law in
December 15, 2014
District Court. |
The East Timor and Indonesia Action
Network (ETAN) is concerned that recent
events in Timor-Leste weaken the
country’s hard-won constitutional
democracy and endanger the right of
Timor-Leste’s citizens to live in a
society governed under the rule of law.
On October 24, Timor-Leste’s Prime
Minister persuaded Parliament and the
Council of Ministers to fire seven
international judges and prosecutors and
an adviser to the Anti-Corruption
Commission. When the Chief Judge
explained that this was an
unconstitutional violation of separation
of powers, the Government revoked their
visas and ordered them out of the
country within 48 hours, and they
As an immediate consequence,
Timor-Leste’s court system is severely
limited. Many trials have had to be
restarted, people languish in jail
waiting for their trials and victims of
crimes are unable to see justice done.
Training of new Timorese judges and
lawyers is largely curtailed,
investigations into corruption and other
crimes are slowed, and a message has
been sent to everyone in the judicial
system – Timorese and foreign – that
they should think twice before
displeasing high officials.
For nearly a quarter-century, ETAN has
supported the right of the Timorese
people to choose their own leaders and
govern their sovereign nation, and we
continue to do so. After voting to end
the Indonesian occupation, the people of
Timor-Leste established an exemplary
constitution which guarantees human
rights, the separation of powers, and a
democratic state under rule of law. ETAN
applauded the restoration of that
state’s independence in 2002, and we
continue to support the right of
Timor-Leste’s citizens to run their own
country. However, that right belongs to
all citizens through rules enshrined in
their own constitution, not only to a
few leaders claiming to act in the
“national interest” or that force
majeure justifies illegal or
unconstitutional actions.
ETAN applauded the
restoration of that state’s
independence in 2002, and we
continue to support the right of
its citizens to run their own
country. However, that right
belongs to all citizens through
rules enshrined in their own
constitution, not only to a few
leaders claiming to act in the
“national interest” or that
force majeure justifies illegal
or unconstitutional actions.
According to the Prime Minister and
other officials, mistakes by
international judges and prosecutors
caused Timor-Leste to lose cases
regarding petroleum taxes which had been
evaded by companies contracted to export
Timor-Leste’s oil and gas. If this is
correct, it would have been better to
investigate and discipline the
individuals at fault, rather than an
entire group.
We strongly believe that the oil
companies should pay all the taxes they
owe, and their industry’s global history
of tax avoidance necessitates special
However, such cases should be decided
according to the law, not political
posturing or nationalism -- to do
otherwise could deter legitimate
investors and others from participating
in Timor-Leste’s economy. Furthermore,
Timor-Leste’s government has paid
millions of its people’s dollars to hire
international legal counsel, and those
experts should have identified and
corrected the mistakes long before now.
Petroleum-export-dependent countries
such as Timor-Leste often suffer from
corruption or maladministration inside
and outside government, and concerted
efforts are needed to guarantee that
their people receive all the deserved
benefits from their own natural
Some believe that the assault on
judicial independence is intended to
deflect criticism or prosecution of high
government officials who may be involved
in corruption, a belief reinforced by
the Prime Minister’s October 22 letter
to Parliament
urging them to maintain immunity for
members of his government until after
the 2017 election. ETAN does not know if
protecting alleged criminals is a motive
for firing the international judicial
personnel, but effective investigation
and prosecution with trials by an
independent court system, are the best
way to determine who has committed
crimes. In addition, improved
transparency, accountability,
unrestricted media coverage, and checks
and balances can reduce corruption in
the future.
The latest controversy underscores the
challenges of implementing Rule of Law
in a post-colonial nation, as shown by
the ongoing impunity for serious crimes
committed during the illegal 1975-1999
Indonesian occupation and the
extra-legal freeing of indicted criminal
Maternus Bere five years ago. Just this
year, actions against “illegal groups”
and limitations on freedom of the press
demonstrate how difficult it is to
solidify a democratic culture after a
half-millennium of colonization and
occupation, when rulers were
unaccountable and Timorese people’s
rights were routinely violated.
We join with the Prime Minister and
others in their wish for accelerated
Timorization of the state apparatus,
including the judicial system. But
centuries of autocratic foreign rule,
with few opportunities for Timorese to
get good education or experience, make
this a protracted process.
Unfortunately, some international
technical support continues to be
necessary, as it is in many countries.
During the last fifteen years,
Timor-Leste has seen more than its share
of incompetent or ill-intentioned
foreign advisors, including some in the
judicial system, and we encourage more
careful hiring and review processes to
ensure that those who come to advise
know what they are talking about.
Unfortunately, one such advisor – Bobby
Boye in the Ministry of Finance,
currently pending trial in the USA for
defrauding Timor-Leste
– originated many of the tax cases which
Timor-Leste is losing on appeal.
Information on these cases is not
public, so we cannot assess whether
Timor-Leste’s cases are strong on the
facts and the law. However, it is not
surprising that appeals courts and
arbitration panels are deciding for the
companies in some instances, as such
matters are legally complex and
Timor-Leste was justified in asking for
every possible assessment.
The people of Timor-Leste overcame
tremendous obstacles to achieve
sovereignty, human rights and
constitutional democracy. We are
confident that they will do so again,
that current setbacks to the rule of law
are temporary and will be corrected, and
that Timor-Leste’s judicial system will
be able to function effectively,
independently and according to the
Constitution and the law.
ETAN continues to support
Timor-Leste’s people in the struggle for
independence and justice, as we have
since 1991.
kona-ba Estadu Direitu iha Timor-Leste
15 Dezembru 2014
Rede Asaun Timor-Leste no Indonézia nian
(East Timor and Indonesia Action
Network - ETAN) preokupa katak eventu
balu ne’ebé foin daudaun akontese iha
Timor-Leste halo fraku nasaun nia
demokrasia konstitusionál ne’ebé manán
liu husi luta ne’ebé todan, no eventu
ne’e ameasa sidadaun Timor-Leste
sira-nia direitu ba moris iha sosiedade
ida-ne’ebé la’o iha ukun estadu direitu
demokrátiku nian.
Iha loron 24 Outubru, Timor-Leste nia
Primeiru Ministru husu parlamentu no
Konsellu Ministru hodi hakotu kontratu
ba juis internasionál na’in hitu no
prokuradór sira no asesór internasionál
ida ba CAC (Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun).
Bainhira juis sira-nia boot esplika
katak ida-ne’e violasaun prinsípiu haketak
podér sira ne’ebé harii iha Artigu 69
iha Konstituisaun RDTL nian, Governu
hasai tiha sira-nia visa no manda sira
tenke sai husi Timor-Leste iha oras 48
nia laran, no sira tuir desizaun ne’e.
Nu’udar konsekuénsia imediatu, sistema
tribunál Timor-Leste nian labele la’o
normál. Prosesu julgamentu balu ne’ebé
la’o ona tenke repete fila fali; ema
hein iha kadeia terus hein sira-nia
julgamentu no vítima krime sira la bele
hetan justisa. En jerál, formasaun ba
juis no advogadu foun sira Timor-oan
nian sai paradu; investigasaun ba
korrupsaun no krime seluk sai la’o
neineik tiha, no mensajen ida haruka sai
ona ba ema hotu iha sistema judisiál –
Timor-oan no internasionál – katak sira
tenke hanoin didi’ak molok halo buat
ruma ne’ebé la monu ba ofisiál boot sira
nia laran.
ETAN hahí restorasaun
independénsia iha 2002, no ami
kontinua suporta direitu
sidadaun Timor-Leste nian hodi
ukun rasik sira-nia rain. Maibé,
direitu sira-ne’e pertense ba
sidadaun Timor-oan hotu liu husi
regra sira-ne’ebé haktuir iha
Konstituisaun. Direitu ne’e
la’ós pertense ba de’it lider
balu ne’ebé reklama katak sira
defende “interese nasionál” ka
dehan “força maior” justifika
asaun sira-ne’ebé ilegál ka la
tuir Konstituisaun.
Besik tinan ruanulu-resin-lima, ETAN fó
suporta ona ba povu Timor sira-nia
direitu atu hili sira-nia nai ulun rasik
no ukun sira-nia nasaun ne’ebé soberanu,
no ami kontinua halo ida-ne’e. Hafoin
vota ba hapara okupasaun Indonesia nian,
povu Timor-Leste harii Konstituisaun
ida-ne’ebé di’ak tebes, ne’ebé fó
garante ba direitus umanus, prinsípiu
separasaun kbiit nian, no estadu direitu
demokrátiku. ETAN hahí restorasaun
independénsia iha 2002, no ami kontinua
suporta direitu sidadaun Timor-Leste
nian hodi ukun rasik sira-nia rain.
Maibé, direitu sira-ne’e pertense ba
sidadaun Timor-oan hotu liu husi regra
sira-ne’ebé haktuir iha Konstituisaun.
Direitu ne’e la’ós pertense ba de’it
lider balu ne’ebé reklama katak sira
defende “interese nasionál” ka dehan “força
maior” justifika asaun sira-ne’ebé
ilegál ka la tuir Konstituisaun.
Tuir Primeiru Ministru no ofisiál
Governu nian balu, juis no prokuradór
internasionál sira-nia sala maka halo
Timor-Leste lakon iha kazu kona-ba taxa
petróleu nian ne’ebé kompańia
sira-ne’ebé kontratadu ba halo
esportasaun Timor-Leste nia mina no gas
evita la selu. Karik ne’e loos, dalan
di’ak liu mak halo investigasaun no fó
sansaun ba indivíduu sira-ne’ebé sala,
la’ós ba grupu tomak.
Ami konkorda duni katak kompańia mina
sira tenke selu taxa hotu ne’ebé sira
tenke selu, no indústria petrolíferu nia
istória global kona-ba hasees-an husi
selu taxa presiza hetan atensaun
Maibé, kazu sira hanesan ne’e tenke
deside bazeia ba lei, la’ós polítika ka
nasionalizmu, se lae bele deskoraja
investór lejítimu sira no seluk tan atu
partisipa iha Timor-Leste nia ekonomia.
Aleinde ne’e, Governu Timor-Leste hasai
ona povu nia osan tokon ba tokon hodi
selu konsellu legal internasionál, no
peritu sira-ne’e tuir loloos tenke
idéntika tiha ona no halo korresaun ba
erru ka sala sira-ne’e uluk ona. Nasaun
sira-ne’ebé depende ba esportasaun
petróleu nian hanesan Timor-Leste
dala-barak sofre korrupsaun no
maladministrasaun iha governu laran no
mós iha li’ur, tanba ne’e presiza iha
esforsu ida-ne’ebé maka’as atu asegura
katak povu iha nasaun sira hanesan ne’e
simu benefísiu hotu ne’ebé sira merese
atu hetan husi sira-nia rekursu naturál
Ema balu hanoin katak asaltu ba
independénsia judisiál ne’e iha
intensaun atu dezvia kritika ka
akuzasaun ba ofisiál sira balu aas
Governu nian, sira-ne’ebé dalaruma
envolve iha korrupsaun. Hanoin ne’e
haforsa tan ho karta Primeiru Ministru
nian ba Parlamentu Nasionál iha 22
ne’ebé ezije ba Deputadu/a sira
atu labele hasai imunidade husi ninia
Governu nia membru sira to’o eleisaun
2017 hotu ona. ETAN la hatene se asaun
hasai ema judisiál internasionál
sira-ne’e ho motivasaun atu proteje ema
sira-ne’ebé alegadu halo krime ka lae,
maibé dalan di’ak liu atu hetan sé mak
halo ona krime maka liu husi
investigasaun no prosesu akuzasaun
ida-ne’ebé efetivu ho julgamentu iha
sistema tribunál ne’ebé independente.
Aleinde ne’e, melloramentu iha
transparénsia, akontabilidade, kobertura
media ne’ebé la restrita, no
kontrolu-no-balansu, bele hamenus
korrupsaun iha futuru.
Kontrovérsia foin lalais ne’e hatudu
dezafiu sira ba implementasaun Estadu
Direitu iha nasaun pos-koloniál, hanesan
hatudu iha impunidade ba krime
sira-ne’ebé mosu durante okupasaun
ilegál Indonézia nian iha 1975-1999, no
asaun extra-legal fó livre akuzadu
kriminozu Maternus Bere tinan lima liu
ba. Tinan ne’e de’it, asaun kontra
“grupu ilegál” no limitasaun ba
liberdade imprensa hatudu katak difisil
tebes atu hametin kultura demokrátiku
depois tinan atus-lima okupasaun no
kolonializmu, durante tempu sira-ne’ebé
ukun la iha akontabilidade no povu
Timor-Leste nia direitu hetan violasaun
Hamutuk ho Primeiru Ministru no mós ema
seluk, ami hakarak haree prosesu
Timorisasaun instituisaun estadu
nian, inklui sistema judisiál, la’o
lalais liu. Maibé tinan atus barak iha
dominasaun autokratiku rai li’ur nian,
ho oportunidade uitoan de’it ba Timor
oan sira atu hetan edukasaun no
esperiénsia ne’ebé di’ak, halo prosesu
ne’e sai prosesu ne’ebé naruk.
Infelizmente, Timor-Leste sei nafatin
presiza suporta tékniku internasionál
nian balu, hanesan mós nasaun seluk.
Durante tinan sanulu-resin-lima ne’e,
Timor-Leste hetan esperiénsia barak ho
asesór internasionál ne’ebé ladún iha
kapasidade ka iha intensaun aat, inklui
balun iha sistema judisiál. Ami enkoraja
atu fó atensaun maka’as liután ba
prosesu rekrutamentu no avaliasaun nian
hodi asegura katak sira-ne’ebé mai fó
konsellu hatene duni kona-ba asuntu
ne’ebé ita rekruta sira ba.
Infelizmente, asesór sira ne’e ida –
Bobby Boye iha Ministériu Finansas, oras
ne’e iha hela julgamentu iha Estadus
Unidus Amerika tanba bosok Timor-Leste
– sai origin ba kazu taxa barak ne’ebé
Timor-Leste lakon iha tribunál.
Informasaun ba kazu sira-ne’e seidauk
bele fó sai ba públiku, tan ne’e ami
labele avalia se Timor-Leste nia kazu
sira-ne’e forte duni tuir faktu no lei
ka lae. Maibé, labele hakfodak katak
tribunál rekursu no panel arbitrasaun
deside kompańia sira maka manán iha kazu
balu, tanba buat sira legalmente
kompleksu, no Timor-Leste iha razaun atu
husu ba asesmentu hotu ne’ebé posivel.
Povu Timor-Leste hakat liu ona obstákulu
boot tebes oioin hodi hetan soberania,
direitus umanus no demokrasia
konstitusionál. Ami fiar katak povu
Timor-Leste se bele halo ida-ne’e dala
ida tan, no dezafiu atuál sira ba estadu
direitu demokrátiku ne’e sei haloos
fila-fali tanba dezafiu sira-ne’e
temporáriu de’it. Ami fiar katak sistema
judisiál Timor-Leste sei bele funsiona
ho efetivu fali, ho independénsia no
tuir Konstituisaun no lei.
ETAN kontinua fó apoiu ba povu
Timor-Leste iha luta ba ukun rasik an no
justisa, hanesan ami halo dezde tinan