Appropriations Bill Language23 Oct 1998 - H.R. 4328, the massive Omnibus Appropriations bill passed by Congress this week, contained the following provisions relating to Indonesia and East Timor: page 467 page 396 ...Provided further, That funds appropriated under this heading for grant financed military education and training for In-donesia and Guatemala may only be available for ex-panded international military education and training and funds made available for Guatemala may only be provided through the regular notification procedures of the Commit-tees on Appropriations:... page. 481 (b) For purposes of this section a report to Congress shall be deemed to mean a report to the Appropriations and Foreign Relations Committees of the Senate and the Appropriations and International Relations Committees of the House of Representatives. page. 2059-2060 (iii) EAST TIMORESE SCHOLAR-SHIPS. Of the amounts authorized to be appropriated under clause (i), $500,000 for the fiscal year 1998 and $500,000 for the fiscal year 1999 are authorized to be available for East Timorese Scholarships. From the FY 99 Foreign Ops Statement of the Managers: East Timor The conferees continue to support a peaceful resolution of the situation in East Timor. The conferees remain convinced that human rights and democratic pluralism in Indonesia must be awarded greater respect and protection by the Indonesian government and every effort must be made by the Government to ensure that human rights abuses, torture, political intimidation and harassment are completely curtailed not only in East Timor, but throughout Indonesia. It is the conferees' view that the current economic and political changes in Indonesia offer a rare opportunity for the Government of Indonesia to take bold and innovative steps to deal with the East Timor issue. In this regard, the conferees support an internationally supported referendum to determine a comprehensive settlement of the political status of East Timor. |