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Multimedia on Timor-Leste

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(A) Audio; (V) Video

Ne'e Hau Nia Moris
6 videos

Ne'e Hau Nia Moris

Music videos from the album Ne'e Hau Nia Moris - Songs from the Lauten District of Timor Leste. The songs and videos were recorded in Los Paulos, Timor-Leste as a part of Plan East Timor's Youth Participation and Livelihoods program - supported by Plan Australia. CDs can be purchased from


Timor Today - weekly TV online news service for Timor-Leste  

Cuba's solidarity with Timor Leste and the Pacific -- the Pacific School of Medicine (in parts) (V)

Living Memory Project - a video archive based on interviews with these ex-prisoners (ongoing) (V)

Timor - Hunt for the Truth (Dateline-SBS) 16 April 2008 (V)

Progressive Radio: Interview with Dr. Dan Murphy, who runs a rural health clinic in East Timor August 2007 (A)

ABC The Deep End: East Timor museum Listen Now - 17122006 Download Audio - 17122006 [segment starts about 27 minutes into the program] Dec 18, 2006 (A)

15 Years After East Timor Massacre, Calls for Accountability Continue with Shirley Shackleton and John M. Miller. Also excerpt from Amy Goodman documentary Nov. 13, 2006 (A/V)

UNCIEF: Emergency classes help children get back to school in Timor-Leste (UNICEF's Max Stahl reports from Timor-Leste, where recent unrest has caused 150,000 people to flee to refugee camps.) UNICEF - 2 min - Aug 17, 2006 (V)

Listen to ETAN's Forum on the crisis in East Timor (A)  (Jun 29, 2006)

Late Night Live in Timor-Leste

Late Night Live in Timor-Leste
In early October, Phillip Adams went to Timor-Leste to gather material for a special series of radio programs to be broadcast on Late Night Live starting on Monday 22 October 2007. Find out more...

BBC: East Timor - a nation falling apart? also on YouTube in two parts (V) (June 2006)

Listen to ETAN's Charles Scheiner, recently returned from East Timor, on WNYC; Democracy Now!; WBEZ's Worldview (Audio) (June 2006)

Timor A video alerting people about the problems in Timor. with Shakira song (June 2006)

One Cup A short documentary film about Fair Trade and coffee farmers in Timor Leste, filmed in the mountains of Timor-Leste January 2006 by Dominic Allen. (2006)

ABC Foreign Correspondent: East Timor - Justice Denied (Broadcast: 16/05/2006)

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Free Speech Radio News: Finding Justice in East Timor (Audio) (October 4, 2005)

FSRN: East Timorese Critique Western Notions of Economic Development (A) (Sept. 15 2005)

"What John Howard knew-East Timor 1999". Carmela Baranowska examines the Howard government's knowledge of what was happening on the ground in East Timor and...what was actually happening on the ground in East Timor. view video (Sept.2004)

Black Bullion by Jen Hughes. The Howard Government's withdrawal from the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice and the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea has forced East Timor to back down on their right to negotiate their Maritime Boundaries on an equal footing and access their resources for survival beyond the paternalism of Australia and other colonial powers. A film about the tension between personal friendship and the betrayal of trust for black bullion. view video (Sept.2004)

Happy Birthday Timor Leste A critical look at the anniversary of East Timor's independence and the still dire state of many of its people. The film also looks at the under handed dealings of the Australian government in attempting to annex oil supplies from East Timor in the Timor Sea.  (2004)

Tasi Timor  Online video, Tasi Timor documents the popular protests in Dili in 2004 against Australia's ongoing occupation of the Timor Sea and exploitation of the vast oil reserves contained therein. 2004 (Tetum, English)

UNICEF-supported Immunization drive begins for children displaced by conflict. UNICEF correspondent Kun Li reports on the start of a UNICEF-supported measles vaccination campaign in Timor-Leste. (V)

Timor excerpts from documentary: "In Whose Interest" with Filomena Dos Reis, Joe Nevins and Noam Chomsky (V)


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Rockin' the Boat: Kissinger Cover-Up Commission  Henry Kissinger's selection to head the 911 inquiry is an outrage! I spoke with freelance journalist Lucy Komisar, & John Miller of East Timor Action Network about the documented war crimes of Henry Kissinger.2002-12-01

East Timor : Workshops, Concerts and Independent Media ... December 1999, this short film documents some of the happenings in East Timor.  Sam de Silva - 11 min - December 1999 (V)

Blackout in East Timor Mainstream media claims that international coverage is expensive and difficult to produce. But in the case of East Timor, a country that experienced savage oppression at the hands of US-backed Indonesian military, there was an unacceptable blanket of silence sustained by our major news outlets. Is this simply a matter of budgetary limitations or are corporate-owned media just protecting their own. Featuring Danny Schechter (MediaChannel), Noam Chomsky (MIT), Michael Parenti (Empire), Francis Cairncross (The Economist), plus ETAN's Joao dos Santos Rolo and Abe Barreto Soares  Run time: 8:07 (1997)

Democracy Now: Massacre: The Story of East Timor. Superb radio documentary on East Timor. Winner of DuPont/Columbia Radio Journalism award. Amy Goodman, Allan Nairn. 1996 version?  

Death of a Nation - documentary by John Pilger (1 hour 15 min) (V)

Voice of the Voiceless: East Timorese activist Isabel Galhos in exile in Canada 25:11 (A)

Alternative Radio: East Timor: A Case of Genocide Allan Nairn discusses the US sponsored slaughter in East Timor and his experience during the Dili massacre. April 1994. 57:23 (A)

Aggression & Self-Determination: Massacre in East Timor In 1975, Indonesia invaded East Timor, using arms supplied by the United States. Nearly one-third of the Timorese population has since died. This activist document offers eyewitness accounts and analysis of how to end the occupation. Produced by the East Timor Action Network. (1992)

MASSACRE IN EAST TIMOR: A Case Study in U.S. Foreign Policy, Harvard University with Ms. Barbara Anderson, Prof. Noam Chomsky, Mr. Larry Dinger, Ms. Amy Goodman, Mr. Allan Nairn, Prof. Henry Steiner (4/21/1992) (RealPlayer)

Chomsky on Indonesia and E. Timor UC Berkeley 1982 (A)

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