Invest in Justice! Support ETAN in 2019
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ETAN is an incredible organization. It was an important part of our struggle for self-determination, struggle for the permanent Maritime Boundary with Australia, and during the last 19 years, it has been part of Timorese struggle to reconstruct and to rebuild its country. At this critical juncture of Timor's development, it is critical to walk together with Timorese to achieve our dream for better life where every citizen has the conditions to meet its basic rights, including the economic and social rights to have a dignified life. --Gute Neves

Suppport ETAN in 2019. Donate.


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Invest in justice, democracy and human rights

Don't delay - donate to ETAN today!

East Timor and Indonesia Action Network
 PO Box 1663,
New York, NY 10035-1663 USA

December 2018

Dear friend of ETAN,

We write to urge you to support the work of the East Timor and Indonesia Action Network for the coming year. We are an organization funded almost entirely by the grassroots; we rely on you - and others like you - for support.

ETAN is the only solidarity group which carries the mantle of upholding the rights of the people of Timor-Leste and Indonesia, working persistently and fearlessly to hold the world's governments, especially the United States, to account for complicity in rights violations. -- Mica Barreto Soares

ETAN has worked since 1991 to advance self-determination, democracy, and human rights for the peoples of Timor-Leste (East Timor), Indonesia and West Papua -- work that remains necessary. Please help us continue the struggle for justice by contributing to ETAN today

There are exciting changes at ETAN: During this past year, we welcomed an impressive group of activists to our board. We are working with them to reinvigorate ETAN’s activism.

Three new board members are Timorese who have studied in the U.S. and are now back in Timor-Leste helping to build their nation. Berta Antonieta interned in ETAN’s New York office in 2015. She is active in Dili with Grupu Feminista iha Timor and working for La’o Hamutuk. Policy analyst Gute Neves has worked as a journalist, a researcher with civil society, and adviser to the President of Timor-Leste. Mica Barreto Soares was active as a young student with RENETIL in opposing the Indonesian occupation. She is currently completing her doctorate on China-Timor-Leste Relations. With these new members among our leadership we look forward to strengthening our collaboration with Timor-Leste civil society groups.

I have valued ETAN's work and contribution as a solidarity movement for Timor-Leste self-determination. Currently, I am working with La'o Hamutuk as economic and gender researcher. I am also interested in learning more about West Papua's current situation and want ETAN to help Timor-Leste and West Papua to connect and share experiences.
--Berta Antonieta

Our other new board members are scholars and seasoned activists with long histories of engagement in the region. Helen Hill has been involved in Timor activism since before Indonesia's invasion. An early scholar of Timorese nationalism, she moved to Timor-Leste after retiring from Australia's Victoria University. She is currently an Adjunct Professor of Community Development at Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e. David Webster was active with the East Timor Alert Network (ETAN/Canada). He teaches history at Bishop's University and serves as a member of the international advisory council of Timor-Leste's Centro Nacional Chega! He recently edited Flowers in the Wall: Truth and Reconciliation in Timor-Leste, Indonesia and Melanesia. Brad Simpson has been active with ETAN since the early 1990s. He teaches history at the University of Connecticut and is Research Fellow and Director of the National Security Archive's Indonesia and East Timor Documentation Project working to declassify U.S. government documents.

Please join me in welcoming them to ETAN’s leadership* by helping us meet an ambitious goal. We need 120 donors to contribute a total of $12,000 to help ETAN begin 2019 on a strong financial footing. Will you become one of them, joining others in investing in ETAN’s pursuit of justice and in the defense of democracy and human rights?

Donate to ETAN!

This August 30, Timor-Leste, the UN, and ETAN will mark the 20th anniversary of the historic vote for independence. As we celebrate the Timorese people’s decision to break free of Indonesian occupation, we plan to remind the international community of its many unfulfilled pledges of justice. With your critical assistance, ETAN can continue its work supporting Timorese efforts to ensure accountability for Indonesia’s crimes as well as for the complicity of Jakarta’s partners-in-crime – such as the U.S. government.

The recent U.S. election offers opportunities to urge the new Democratic-controlled House of Representatives, with its many new members, to support human rights, accountability and justice in Indonesia, Timor-Leste and West Papua. Opportunities to do so have been severely limited under President Trump and the previous conservative Congress.

The Indonesian army is not running Indonesia any longer, but it is still powerful. The architects of attempted genocide still walk free. Timorese people's struggle for fair and people-centered development goes on. The Indonesian army still carries out in West Papua some of the tactics it pioneered in Timor-Leste. Activism is still needed, solidarity is still needed and it can still make a difference to Timorese and Indonesian struggles. No group has made this point more persistently than ETAN, which needs and merits support. --David Webster

During Indonesia’s April 2019 elections, we plan to evaluate the leading candidates’ human rights promises and records. And whoever wins, we will continue to support progressive Indonesian voices calling for justice, tolerance, and environmentally-sound development.

Your help is crucial to ETAN's support for the rights of the people of West Papua, including their struggle for genuine self-determination. Repression is increasing in the territory, and we are working with Tapol and others to speak out against human rights violations and support fundamental solutions to this long-running conflict.

Every day, ETAN compiles and distributes information about developments in Timor-Leste to an international list of more than 6800 people (1200 more subscribers than this time last year). Many of you are subscribers to this list and/or our similar lists on Indonesia and West Papua. Please donate to support this valuable service.

With your support, ETAN continues to inform, educate, advocate, and organize in support of the Timorese, Indonesia and West Papuan peoples’ fundamental rights, including democratic governance, adequate nutrition and decent health care, and freedom of expression. We amplify their concerns and voices for a global. audience.

A luta continua,

John M. Miller
National Coordinator, ETAN
New York, NY 

* The continuing members of ETAN’s board are Craig Hughes (NY), the Rev. Elice Higginbotham (AZ), Chris Lundry (Mexico City), Karen Orenstein (DC), Charles Scheiner (NY), Pamela Sexton (Dili), Andrew Teixeira de Sousa (Jakarta), and Jeffrey Yoder (IL).

How to Donate to ETAN
Donate safely by credit card below, or mail your donation to us. To support ETAN's political advocacy work, write a check made out to ETAN. For ETAN's educational efforts, U.S. tax-deductible donations of over $50 can be made out to A.J. Muste Memorial Institute/ETAN. Please mail contributions to:

PO Box 1663
New York, NY 10035-1663

Thank you for your support.

Donate to ETAN!

Support ETAN and our work for justice, human rights and democracy. Please donate today!

Join others in supporting ETAN by donating now! Our work is only possible with your generous support.

Mail your checks to:
PO Box 1663
New York, NY 10035-1663 USA

  • make checks payable to East Timor Action Network, Inc.;
  • for U.S. tax-deductible donations of $50 or more,
    your check payable to AJ Muste Memorial Institute,
    put ETAN in memo field

Donate by Credit Card

To donate by credit card via Paypal. (To support ETAN's political and advocacy work. These donations give ETAN the most flexibility, but are not tax-deductible.):

Donate with PayPal button

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Your comments

Make a one-time U.S. tax-deductible donation by credit card to support ETAN's educational work: 

Make a U.S. tax-deductible donation to ETAN

Make a recurring monthly U.S. tax-deductible donation by credit card to support ETAN's educational work: 

Make a monthy U.S. tax-deductible contribution to ETAN

Questions? Comments Email or call +1-917-690-4391

Make a non-tax-deductible donation by check. (best deal for ETAN with the fewest fees)

Make a U.S. tax-deductible donation by check, make your check payable to AJ Muste Memorial Institute, and put ETAN in memo field.

Mail your checks to ETAN, PO Box 1663, New York, NY 10035-1663.

Thank you for your support!

New York residents may obtain a copy of ETAN's Annual Report by writing to the Department of Law Charities Bureau Registration Section, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271.
