Subject: Timor-Leste International and Local Media Monitoring July 14, 2004
The content of this Email does not necessarily reflect the views of the World Bank. Not for Publication. Timor-Leste International and Local Media Monitoring July 14, 2004 Timor Post KOTA not happy with the budget, says Amaral A Member of the National parliament for Klibur Oan Timor Asu?uwain (KOTA), Clementino dos Reis Amaral, said that even with the final approval (promulgation) of the budget by the President many questions need to be answered and his party is not satisfied with it. Mr Amaral said the reason is that many Ministries have not explained in detail the expenditure of the budget for FY03-FY04. Forget the opposition, says Leman A Member of the National Parliament ofr Social Democratic Party (PSD), Reak Leman, said that the veterans issue is very important for the Nation and to all the political parties. The polemic generated by the opposition should be pushed aside otherwise it will not get anywhere. Mr Leman said that as a veteran himself he does not want to see the issue of the establishment of a Commission drag on forever and the numbers of members to sit in the Commission should be increased, if possible, to satisfy everyone. 40 buildings to be rehabilitated, says Araujo The Minister of Health, Dr Maria de Araujo, said that his Ministry has plans to rehabilitate 40 buildings (some with minor repairs) to be used as clinics and hospitals in remote areas. The Minister said that the rehabilitation cost is estimated at USD$ 600,000, and the repairs will start quite soon. The Minister also said that an amount of USD$ 9,275 was allocated from the FY04-FY05 budget to his Ministry to be able to implement the programs established by his Ministry. RESPECT supports projects in Oe-Cussi Today's edition of the newspaper reports that the District of Oe-Cussi has received an amount of USD$ 98,000 from RESPECT for projects such as agriculture, infrastructure and training. The paper says that 86 proposals were submitted for small projects in 26 Sucos throughout 4 Districts of Oe-Cussi. New road promised The Minister of Transport, Telecommunication and Public Works, Eng. Ovidio de Jesus Amaral, said that his Ministry will open a new road from Uato-Lari in the District of Viqueque all the way to the District of Baucau. The Minister said that the equipment donated by the Japanese government will be used for the construction of the road. The Minister also said that a technical team will do a survey of the condition of the road in the area of Quelicai, and if possible, a new road will be opened from Quelicai to Dili. 4.8 million aid from Japan Today's edition of the newspaper says that the Government of Japan announced (Tuesday) that an allotment of USD$ 4,8 million of financial aid to the rehabilitation and supply of electricity project in Dili. According to the newspaper report a communiqué was released in Tokyo by the Foreign Affairs Ministry saying that the funds will be used for the construction of a new power station. Suara Timor Loro Sa?e (STL) Opposition cannot step aside, says Amaral The Vice-President of the National Parliament, Francisco Xavier do Amaral, said that the controversy surrounding the veterans and ex-combatants issue within the National Parliament the opposition parties cannot step aside. Mr Amaral said that the veterans issue is not only for the Government and the majority party at the National Parliament to decide alone, but for everyone to decide. Mr Amaral said that the opposition has an obligation too, and cannot just step aside without taking part in the process of setting up the Commission. Mr Amaral said that the opposition should join hands together and decide on this issue which is of national interest. Ombudsman is important A Member of the National Parliament for Democratic Party (PD), Rui Menezes, said that it is important to decide on the candidates for the Provedor de Justica e Direitos Humanos (Ombudsman) for Timor-Leste. He said that every member of the Parliament should have the courage to decide and choose a candidate with credibility for the post. The newspaper reports that three candidates appointed for the post are: Mrs Isabel Ferreira, Dr Aderito de Jesus Soares and Dr Aniceto Guterres. Eye specialist in Oe-Cussi Today's edition of the newspaper reports that an eye specialist from Australia is treating people in Oe-Cussi with vision problems. The paper says that the eye specialist is treating people at Regional Hospital, in the District of Oe-Cussi. The newspaper reports that so far more than 400 patients with cataracts have sought treatment from the specialist, and 10 cataract sufferers have been operated on. Jose Filipe External Affairs World Bank, Dili Office Support ETAN, make a secure financial contribution at Back to July
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