November  2005

October 2005
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Links to ongoing sources of news about East Timor

ETAN Calls for Release of East Timor Truth Commission Report Urges Full Discussion of Its Findings and Recommendations

ETAN Condemns Administration Waiver Permitting Weapons Sales to Indonesia

NSA: Declassified U.S. documents reveal support for Indonesian invasion and occupation of East Timor from 1975 until U.N. sponsored vote in 1999 Also British documents

ETAN: U.S. Congress Upholds Pressure for Human Rights for Indonesia, Timor; Law Will Restrict Military Assistance for Indonesia

Indonesia Should Take U.S. Congressional Restrictions on Military Aid Seriously

Ed McWilliams: Response to Efforts to Deny Crimes Against Humanity in West Papua

Human Rights First: U.S. Congress Calls for Justice for Slain Indonesian Human Rights Hero; Human rights group says investigation and prosecution falls short

Dissident Voice: The Mass Killings in Indonesia After 40 Years by John Roosa and Joseph Nevins

La'o Hamutuk Bulletin: November 2005 - Petroleum Dependency; Petroleum Regime; Justice; more

‘Illegally and Beautifully’: The United States, the Indonesian Invasion of East Timor and the International Community, 1974–76 by Brad Simpson

LH press release on AusAID revocation of a grant to a Timorese NGO in response to their calling for a fair maritime boundary

Free Speech Radio News: Finding Justice in East Timor (Audio) Following East Timor's independence vote, thousands of Timorese were killed and hundreds of thousands were forcibly displaced. Now, the survivors say the lack of justice threatens both East Timor and Indonesia. Diane Farsetta reports.

U.S. Groups Call on Congress to Maintain Restrictions on Military Aid to Indonesia; Urge Conference Committee to Adopt Senate Provisions of Foreign Aid Bill
U.S. Catholic Bishops on Military Aid to Indonesia
Members of Congress Urge President Yudhoyono of Indonesia to Open up Access to West Papua; Ongoing Human Rights Abuses Condemned

November 21 - 27

Letters on Timor Sea justice

Portugal's Galp confirms interest in oil exploration, cooperation
Rising from the ashes (University)
Review: Last Flight Out of Dili

UNOTIL Daily Media Review 
Nov 21
Nov 22
Nov 23
Nov 25
Nov 26

East Timor's Truth Commission CAVR Report Non-Release

ETAN Calls for Release of East Timor Truth Commission Report Urges Full Discussion of Its Findings and Recommendations

West 'must pay' for brutal occupation
Gusmão rejects 'unrealistic' parts of report on rights abuses

Amnesty International: Timor-Leste: Denial of Justice?

President Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao: On The Occasion Of The Handing Over Of The Final Report Of The Cavr To The National Parliament

ICTJ: Timorese Parliament Should Release Truth Commission Report Immediately  

Support ETAN in 2006:  Give to ETAN's Annual Fund Appeal

November 14 - 21

E Timor urges cooperation in fight against poachers
PM Alkatiri launches rehabilitation of main Dili hospital
China pledges to further ties with East Timor

AusAID 'Blacklists' East Timor NGOs over Timor Sea Comments

E Timor Technical Workshop Lures Oil, Gas Firms
Galp, Petrobras to make joint-exporation bid for offshore blocks
East Timor PM says Greater Sunrise revenue deal close
Opposition parties demand Dili suspend talks on Timor Sea resources

A bit of history that highlights Rod Donald's courage

UNOTIL Daily Media Review 
Nov 15
Nov 16
Nov 17
Nov 18

Congress/Administration Acts on Indonesia and E. Timor

ETAN Condemns Administration Waiver Permitting Weapons Sales to Indonesia
TAPOL: Renewal of US military ties a blow for Indonesian democracy
APSOC condemns resumption of US IMET program for Indonesia
RFK Center: Letter to Sec. of State Rice: CHR on US-Indonesian Relations and West Papua

US Removes Six-Year Arms Embargo Against Indonesia
Indonesia Plans to Buy U.S.-Made Hercules Planes
U.S.-Indonesia: Renewal Of Military Ties Angers Rights Groups
GLW: State Department renews military ties with Indonesia

USGOV: Indonesia -- National Security Waiver/Foreign Military Financing

ETAN: U.S. Congress Upholds Pressure for Human Rights for Indonesia, Timor; Law Will Restrict Military Assistance for Indonesia
ETAN: Indonesia Should Take U.S. Congressional Restrictions on Military Aid Seriously

Congress appropriates $750,000 for East Timor scholarship
VOA: Congress Maintains Restrictions on US-Indonesian Military Relations
Antara: Indonesia to Thank US If Arms Embargo Lifted: President

Senator Leahy on Military Aid to Indonesia and East Timor
Indonesia Blasts U.S. Over Military Relations

Rights Group Praises US Ban On Military Sales To Indonesia
Why Is Australia Resuming Military Training with RI?

Support ETAN:  Give to ETAN's Annual Fund Appeal

November 7 - 13

Firebomb attack injures one officer at Baucau police station
Unknown forces seeking to destabilize country - PM Alkatiri
'Drastic measures' to be used to rehabilitate Dili - PM Alkatiri
With Lisbon's help, first law school to open in January

Risk of cover-up
Files reveal 1999 East Timor clashes
Terrorism and Timor: A spurious connection

UNOTIL Daily Media Review 
Nov 07

Nov 08
Nov 09
Nov 10
Nov 11-14

October 31 - November 6

Xanana speech on receiving CAVR report
Aniceto Guterres speech at presentation of report
UN-sponsored panel presents report on 24 years of occupation of East Timor

Tassie role in a new vision
Timor fishy business under spotlight

News that an East Timor pastor is facing execution is false
Ex-guerilla detained for alleged involvement in armed activities

JRH on Western Sahara

UNOTIL Daily Media Review 
Nov 03

Nov 02
29 - 31 October


Protest during International Day of Action against the Shwe Gas Project in Burma at South Korean embassy in Dili. Photo from La'o Hamutuk.

Other Links (open in new window)

TSJC: Australian Group Lashes Out at AusAid's 'Blacklist'

UNOTIL: UNOTIL Meeting on the Local Elections in Timor-Leste

UNICEF: De-worming project frees children from parasitic worms

Banking & Payments Authority of Timor-Leste: First Petroleum Fund Quarterly Report

Timor Leste 2005 / 2006 Inaugural Offshore Acreage Release

Overland: Wild Man in the Wings - Noam Chomsky

TSJC News Update: Growing reports of a deal to be signed by end of the year

WB: Timor-Leste's Youth Groups Want to be Part of Development

UN: Gender Mainstreaming In Peacekeeping Operations
UNHCR: Global Appeal 2006 East Asia and the Pacific

People's Republic of China Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Zeng Qinghong Meets with President of East Timor Xanana

UNOTIL Hosts Strategic Planning Retreat for International Civilian Advisers

USGOV: International Religious Freedom Report 2005 Timor chapter, Indonesia chapter

CIIR: Truth and Reconciliation Commission closes as security worsens
JSMP: The Participation of Women in the Justice System of Timor Leste
UN: Report of Special Rapporteur of SG on HR Defenders

Last Flight Out of Dili by David Scott

WFP: Emergency Report 2005 #46 Timor-Leste
UNICEF: Timor-Leste: Taking pre-emptive action against polio
USGOV: Millennium Challenge Corp Names Timor FY2006 Eligible

Letter from Sally Burchard, English language teacher in Aileu

In Memoriam

Nathan Osborn


UNDP: Fact Sheet - Programme for Enhancing Women's Leadership and Participation in Nation Building in Timor-Leste (PERWL)
UNDP: Programme for Access Improvements to Markets in the Eastern Region (AIM)
UNDP: Strengthening Civil Service a Priority

Poster, pictures and trailer for upcoming "Answered by Fire" mini-series

USAID: Parliament Drafting Law on Veterans Jose Ramos-Horta Talks on West Papua; Feedback: Ramos Horta West Papua Facts Questioned

JSMP: Elderly man convicted of raping his step-daughter given a suspended sentence

East Timor Libraries Study Tour Report
CathNews: Synod told of Eucharist as 'pulsating heart' of Timor mission

World Bank Staff Build Playground at School in Maubisse
World Bank Approves US$10 Million Consolidation Support Program (CSP) for Timor-Leste

The website of the Commission of Truth and Friendship Timor Leste - Indonesia

UNOTIL: Summary Report of Meeting on PNTL Capacity Development
UNOTIL: Retreat on UNOTIL Mandate Implementation - A Brainstorming Session with Stakeholders

Friends of Same October/November 2005 newsletter

October 2005
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Links to ongoing sources of news about East Timor


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  ETAN receives a donation for each pound sold. You can order online from Just Coffee; 608-204-9011, or 100 S. Baldwin St, Suite 303, Madison, WI 53703.

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