Subject: UNOTIL's Daily Media Review 8 September 2005

[Poster's note: Long repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.]


Daily Media Review

Thursday, 08 September 2005

National Media Reports

Xanana Gusmao: "National Unity Should Be Strongly Upheld"

Speaking at the launch of the newly founded NGO, FUN (National Unity Forum) at  the  former  CNRT  compound  on Wednesday, President of Republic Xanana Gusmao  stated  that  all  Timorese  can  be  united  under  the  values of democracy,  justice,  and  the respect for human rights. And this, he said, should  be strongly upheld. Gusmao further said that for the future FUN can be  an open forum for everyone to discuss good ideas and contribute for the national  development  freely. At the moment, President Gusmao said, people would  like to find out what the political parties have really done for the development  of  the nation, adding that therefore FUN was created with the aim  of  trying  to do things that have not been done properly for the last few  years.  Meanwhile, the President of FUN Marito Reis, a former prisoner declared that FUN was founded with an objective to gather all Timorese with their  strength  and  capacity  to  work  together in the process of nation building  based  on  what  the  Timorese aspire. Reis added that FUN in its functions  would  try to work with all segments of Timorese society such as Government  at  all  levels,  private  sector, local NGOs and international organizations. (TP, STL and DT)

Truth Commission Receives Jakarta Ad-Hoc Tribunal's Documents

Truth and Friendship Commissioner Dionisio Babo told the media on Wednesday that  the  work of the Commission has progressed for the last two weeks due to  the  fact that the Indonesian side had offered the documents of Jakarta Ad-Hoc  Tribunal  to the Commission. According to Babo, after receiving the documents  the Commission started reviewing and analyzing them, adding that there  was  a  need for the Commission to recruit more technical staff with legal  background  to do the work. However, Babo stated that the Commission has not touched upon the substantive part of their work since there has not been  any  agreement on the approval of legal statutes and the schedule for their  work plan. The Commission, he said, has decided to have a meeting in Bali,  Denpasar  on  26  and  27  September to discuss this matter further. (Timor Post)

Cuba Continues To Support TL

Cuban  Ambassador  to  Timor-Leste  Francisco  Monsa  Barrata has said that Timor-Leste  is  an  aid  priority  for the Cuban government. Speaking at a farewell  ceremony with President Xanana Gusmao on Tuesday for the Timorese medical  students  who  have  received scholarships to study in Cuba, Monso said  that on his recent visit home he had the opportunity to meet with the Cuban  President  Fidel  Castro  and  to discuss the possibility of further assisting   Timor-Leste.   He  reportedly  explained  that  Timor-Leste  is currently  Cuba's  number  one  priority  for assistance, and he hopes that Cuba's  assistance in training Timorese doctors will contribute to reducing the high mortality and morbidity rate in this country. 228 Timorese medical students  have  been  granted  scholarships  to study in Cuba, and 16 Cuban doctors  have  been  working  in  Timor-Leste for the past two years. Monso added  that the Cuban government plans to send 1500 doctors to the Southern United  States  to  assist  in  the  clean-up  efforts following the recent hurricane there. (DT)

Launch of Government Website

It is reported that the Prime Minister Alkatiri has launched the website of the  Inspector-General  stating that is an important element to demonstrate the government's transparency. "In many of the cases, I have requested that the  Inspector-General conduct investigations,  some requests are also from the  President  as well as from some members of the government. This is why we  requested  investigations  as  there are many cases," Alkatiri said. He added  that  when a case is under investigation it does not necessary means there is corruption as some cases only lacked facts. (TP, RTTL)

BPU Detains Former Militias

It is reported that PNTL Border Patrol Unit arrested 3 former Hametin Merah Putih  militia members in the border of Motain on Tuesday. RTL quoted a BPU member  as  saying  that  the three had entered Timor-Leste territory while searching  for  firewood in an area where trees are forbidden to be cut. It is  further  reported  that  the  three  peoples  were involved in the 1999 violence  namely  Mariano  Barros  (35) Lino dos Santos (25) and Batolomeus Godinho  (22)  from  Marobo sub-village of Soelesu in Bobonaro subdistrict. The  three  men  are  in  detention  in  Maliana police station for further investigation.  (RTL, TVTL, STL, Diario)

Introduction of International Judicial and Legal Advisors

The  formal  introduction  by  UNOTIL  of  16 new international magistrates advisers to the Ministry of Justice was reported on RTL news. Vice-Minister Manuel  Abrantes  said  that  the  international  advisors will work in the Courts,  the  Office of the Prosecutor-General, the public defenders office and  the Ministry of Justice. Manuel Abrantes reportedly said that a number of   public  defenders in the Ministry of Justice would be located in Dili, Baucau, Suai and Baucau Districts. (RTL)

WHO Goodwill Ambassdor Meets President

The  World Health Organisation's Goodwill Ambassador for the Elimination of Leprosy  Yohei Sasakawa returned to Japan on Wednesday following a four-day visit  to  Timor-Leste.  A press release from the WHO explained that during his  visit  Mr.  Sasakawa  met with President Xanana Gusmao, Prime Minister Mari  Alkatiri and Minister for Health Rui Maria Araujo. He paid a visit to Oecussi  with  the  Minister for Health to participate in a congratulations ceremony for 200 leprosy sufferers who have just concluded their treatment. The Goodwill Ambassador congratulated Timor-Leste for its efforts to combat leprosy,  as  well  as  its  acceptance  of  leprosy  sufferers  within the community,  saying  that  this is a good example for the rest of the world. The  Sasakawa  Memorial  Health  Foundation  is  also  currently  providing assistance  to  Timor-Leste  for  control  of parasites, and on 6 September Sasakawa  said  he  was  able to visit Manatuto where he met with volunteer staff there involved in the distribution of worming medicine. (DT)

Japan Government Invites Prime Minister

Senior  Minister  and  Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Dr. Jos?Ramos-Horta  met  with the Japanese Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura who came  to  Tokyo from his electoral district in northern island of Hokkaido. The Japanese Foreign Minister commended the Timorese authorities for having achieved  the  stability  and  progress  in  democratic nation building. He indicated  to  Minister Ramos-Horta that the Japanese government would like to  invite  Prime  Minister  Mari Alkatiri to visit Japan before the end of March 2006.

Minister  Ramos-Horta  expressed his appreciation to Minister Machimura for having  returned  to  Tokyo to meet with him in spite of his extremely busy electoral campaign.

Minister  Ramos-Horta confirmed that Timor-Leste supported the G-4 proposal and  Japan's permanent membership in the Security Council. Foreign Minister Ramos-Horta  also  explained  about  and  asked  for Japan's support to the Commission  for  Truth  and  Friendship. He also sought Japan's support for UNDP's  institution  building  initiatives  to  strengthen  the capacity of government  ministries,  parliament  and judiciary. He advised the Japanese Foreign  Minister  that  the mandate of UNOTIL comes to an end in May 2006, however, advisory assistance will continuously be needed, especially in the area of governance.

Foreign  Minister  Ramos-Horta  also sought Japan's support for south-south cooperation  for  advisory  assistance.   For  instance, qualified advisors could  possibly  be provided from Indonesia, Thailand etc, funded by Japan. Foreign   Minister   Machimura  fully  endorsed  the  idea  of  south-south cooperation. (Press Release, DT)

 National News Sources

Timor Post (TP)
Suara Timor Lorosae (STL)
Diario Tempo (DT)
Diario Nacional
Lia Foun (LF)
Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL]
RTL Radio Timor-Leste [RTL]

These items do not reflect the positions or views of the United Nations. UNOTIL Public Information Office


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