Subject: UNOTIL Daily Media Review 11 April 2006


Compiled by the Public Information Office from national and international sources

Daily Media Review Tuesday, 11 April 2006

National Media Reports

Wolfowitz: Budget execution is a big challenge + Public servants need to know the role of media + Wolfowitz discusses the challenge with the President

Speaking to the press after his meeting with the Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri, the President of the World Bank Mr Paul Wolfowitz said that the big challenge for the government is how to manage the budget well in order to achieve 6-7% of economic growth for the fiscal year 2006/2007. “This country needs to create more jobs to decrease unemployment, but also increase the quality of education and private sector which plays an important role in this country.

Mr Wolfowitz added, that public servants need to know the role of media because the media informs society on how the government implements the budget and the process of development, so people know how the money is being used.

Mr Wolfowitz also met with President Xanana Gusmao to discuss the challenges facing the country in the future, as well as how to manage the petroleum funds. He told reporters that they discussed how the World Bank could help, especially in provision of technical assistance to improve the quality of the government’s system. Mr Wolfowitz restated that Timor-Leste is progressing in development after so many years of conflict and is one of the best examples in the world. (TP, STL, DN)

20 workers from Timor-Leste going to Korea

In the Ministry of Labour and Solidarity office, Prime Minister Mr Mari Alkatiri appealed to 20 workers who were going to South Korea for work to “work hard not only for money but bring the skills to Timor-Leste when your assignment is finished to develop this country. This is a new experience for you and the government and its people, but you have to learn and use this opportunity. The government has a responsibility for all of you because you have used the right channels which the governments of Timor-Leste and Korea have opened for you”, Mr Alkatiri added. He also said that many East Timorese are in Ireland and in other parts of the World, but they have proceeded to these destinations on their own accord and therefore the government has no responsibility for them. (DN, TP)

Bishop Diocese Dili Dom Alberto Ricardo: The church accepts help from the government

It is reported that in relation to the government declaration to help the church, Bishop Diocese Dili Dom Alberto Ricardo said that the church will accept assistance from the government to improve education quality which the church has established. Bishop Ricardo stated that the government has an obligation to help teachers to educate Timorese students and he appreciated the government’s initiatives. (DN)

RTTL News Monitoring - 11­4­2006

Timor-Leste face challenges on budget execution

RTTL reports that the President of the World Bank, Mr Paul Wolfowitz, stated that according to his observations during his two-day visit in Timor Leste, executing the budget for development purposes poses a big challenge for the country. Wolfowitz visited some projects supported by the World Bank, as well as Taibese market to observe how people engaged in business.

PD members sworn in

On Saturday, President of PD party, Fernando La Sama swore in 36 members in Suco Fatubese, Sub District Hatulia, District Ermera. RTTL reported that La Sama stated that the purpose of the swearing in ceremony was because the PD Party wishes to consolidate its structure. La Sama stated if PD wins in the 2007 general elections, it would not discriminate between Loro Sae and Loro Monu, and would avail more opportunity to women groups. La Sama added that the PD party comprises women from National to Sub District level in this country.

General Election 2007

The Director for Technical Secretary of Electoral Administration (STAE), Tomas Cabral, reportedly stated that the 2007 general election has to be transparent and should not be manipulated by individuals or groups. Therefore, all political parties must provide 1,000 observers. Cabral said that voting centre will total 500 in this country, and each voting centre would have two observers from each party.

Regional Media Reports

National News Sources

Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL]

These Items Do Not Reflect the Position or Views of the United Nations. UNOTIL Public Information Office

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