Subject: UNOTIL Daily Media Review 17 April 2006


Compiled by the Public Information Office from national and international sources

Daily Media Review

Monday 17 April 2006

National Media Reports

Taur considers case of F-FDTL as “Small”

F-FDTL Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak told the media on Sunday, following a mass held at the Defence Force Headquarters in Metinaro, that “the problem of the 591 soldiers involved in the petition - I considered it to be small not big. I can only say big, when we go to war with the Indonesian military. Therefore the work of F-FDTL is done, now it’s in the hands of the President of the Republic, National Parliament and the Government”

STL reported Brigadier General Ruak as saying, following a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs Jose Ramos-Horta on Thursday, that the problem involving the 591 soldiers has been handed to Prime Minister Alkatiri and the Government to find a just and transparent solution. The newspaper also reported that the Brigadier General met with President Gusmão for two hours on the same day.

In reference to Sunday’s mass held in Metinaro, the spokesperson for the ‘petitioners group’, Salsinha Gastão stated that the group did not participate in the mass organized by President Gusmão as they are still traumatized by last week’s events in Metinaro Training Centre when they were called to participate in the investigation process. Salsinha said plans were in place for after Easter but did not reveal them.

In a separate article, STL reported Minister Ramos-Horta as saying that once the problem of the ‘petitioners’ is resolved, individuals can apply to work anywhere including PNTL. “The soldiers have the right to apply to PNTL,” said the Minister. (STL, TP, DN)

Arsenio Bano: Government’s strategy to reduce poverty

Speaking to the media after delivering aid from the government to Dormitorio Irma Lucia de Portugal Lautem College, Lospalos, Minister of Labour and Solidarity Arsenio Bano said the government’s strategy to reduce poverty is in national interest and therefore it is a problem involving everybody, not only the government. “If we all want to reduce poverty, we all need to study hard; work hard to liberate our people from poverty.” Bano added. He also restated that 2,900 students would be awarded scholarships to help the students financially and improve the quality of human resources. (TP)

No need to make a regulation for martial arts groups

In response to the killing of Domingos Liborio Martins in Colmera, MP Alexandre Corte-Real from UDT said the National Parliament doesn’t need to make regulations for martial arts groups since a decree law to regulate such groups already exists. “These groups have made a declaration but they continue fighting each other and that shows the leaders of the organizations are irresponsible,” Mr Corte-Real added. On the same occasion MP Clementino Dos Reis Amaral from KOTA said the government should ask responsibility from martial arts leaders because they have violated the agreement among martial arts groups which they have signed. “If they keep creating instability in this country there will be no investors interested,” Amaral added. (TP, STL)

RTTL news headlines13-04-2006

Timor-Leste Penal Code

The President of the Republic will cooperate with the Government to make changes to the penal code, RTTL reported Thursday. The code, particularly article 175 on defamation has caused concerns among the civil society groups and media in this country. Speaking to journalists, the President’s Chief of Staff, Agio Pereira reportedly stated that the legislative process is not being finalized and the President was willing to cooperate with the Government to make the penal code reflect the public opinion.

“Chicken will grow teeth”: Alkatiri

The Secretary General of FRETILIN, Mari Alkatiri reportedly stated in a democratic country like Timor-Leste, everyone including political parties and leaders, have the right to express their opinion and criticize and to strengthen their parties. However, he said, for PD to destroy the roots of FRETILIN, is something that would happen only when “chickens grow teeth”. He added he has no doubts his party would win the next general elections.

TL-Portugal agreement on broaden transmission

Timor-Leste and Portugal signed an agreement on Thursday to expand the transmission on Radio and TV in Timor-Leste. The agreement was signed by the Minister for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Antoninho Bianco and the Portuguese Ambassador Joao Ramos Pinto. The agreement worth some 1.2 million Euros would be used to extend transmission in six districts of TL, Dili, Suai, Baucau, Maliana, Lospalos and Oecusse.

UIR’s Bomb-defusing training

The PNTL Rapid Intervention Unit, UIR, underwent training on Bomb-Defusing to defuse Molotov cocktail in Dili. Speaking to journalists at the end of the training, the Interior Minister, Rogerio Lobato reportedly stated that there was a need to increase the personnel of UIR preferably up to 1 battalion while emphasizing that other units of PNTL should be strengthened further.

Regional Media Reports

East Timor labour officials to study OFW programs

LABOR officials from East Timor are to visit the Philippines this week to check out the country's labor offices and study its overseas employment and skills training programs, the Department of Labor and Employment announced on Sunday. The East Timor delegation would be headed by Minister of Labour Arsenio Bano and would be composed of officials of the Labour and Community Reinsertion of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste.

They will hold a four-day study tour of the DoLE and its agencies particularly the Technical Education Skills Development Authority, the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, and the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration, starting on April 19, according to Labour Secretary Patricia Sto. Tomas. Sto. Tomas said she and the country's other labour officials would orient the East Timor group on how programs for overseas workers are implemented, and how the country develops its human resources through vocational and skills training. (Inq7.Net)

National News Sources

Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL]

These Items Do Not Reflect the Position or Views of the United Nations. UNOTIL Public Information Office

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