Subject: AN: Indonesia to Get Rid of
Out-of-order F5 Tiger
Feb 07 17:23 Indonesia to Get Rid of Out-of-order F5 Tiger Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Defense Ministry will get rid of an F5 Tiger which is still in the United States if the fighter is out of order, Minister Juwono Sudarsono said at presidential office here Tuesday. "We will bring the plane home if it is still in good condition but we will get rid of it if it is not working correctly," he said. The minister said the United States would not compensate for the F-5 Tiger which was held back by the Washington after it imposed a military embargo against Indonesia in 1999. The U.S. removed the arms embargo against Indonesia in November 2005, six years after the U.S. congress accused Indonesia of taking part in violence in East Timor following East Timor`s break from Indonesia through a U.N-sponsored referendum. The embargo reduced the capability of the Indonesian Air Force to 35 percent. Juwono, however, said a secretary general and a directorate general of his ministry were studying who was responsible for a compensation for the fighter. On fighter`s spare parts from South Korea, Juwono said Seoul told Jakarta that the former would ship them immediately so that Indonesia would be capable to operate two or three F-16s and F-5s again. Despite the revocation of the military embargo against Indonesia, one F-5 tiger and its spare parts are still in the U.S., and some spare parts of other F-5 Tiger are still in the Great Britain, Belgium, Brazil, South Korea, Malaysia and Singapore. Meanwhile F-16`s spare parts are still kept in the U.S. and South Korea, Hawk 109/209`s spare parts in Britain as well as A4 Sky Hawks spare parts in New Zealand. (*) LKBN ANTARA Copyright © 2005 <>Terms of Use Shop online for new and used books at Powell's & support ETAN -
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