Subject: UNOTIL's Daily Media Review 7
February 2006
[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.] UNOTIL Compiled by the Public Information Office from national and international sources Daily Media Review Tuesday, 07 February 2006 National Media Reports Santos: Sexual Violence in Oeccusse a reminder of past Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Nelson dos Santos has commented that the recent alleged rape of an Oecussi woman by the Indonesian military in the border region in January is reminiscent of the violence perpetrated by the security forces in Timor-Leste in Indonesian times. “However we are confident that the TNI will process the perpetrators via the appropriate legal channels”, Santos told journalists on Monday. According to Santos, the case is still being investigated by the Department of Foreign Affairs, based upon the medical reports which, he added, show that a rape occurred. He also stated that the Timor-Leste Government spoke to the Indonesian authorities about the case last Friday and advised them that the Timor-Leste side would not cease raising the matter until the perpetrators have been taken to court. Minister of Foreign affairs and Cooperation, Jose Ramos Horta, spoke directly to the Indonesian Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Ahmed Bey Sofwan, to discuss both this and other matters. Santos said that it is important that the Timor-Leste Government apply the appropriate pressure to Indonesia to resolve the matter according to their law. Prosecutor General Longuinhos Monteiro also told reporters that the report on the case has been received by his office, however he did not make any comments, saying only that he is still studying the case. The National Parliament also on Friday received a petition from the Women's Network regarding the case, where it was then handed on to Commission A. Vice President of Commission A, Vicente Faria, said that the Commission would hold a meeting with Civil Society to find out more information, they would then write a report and present it to the Parliament, who will, subsequently, give it to the Government for discussions with the Indonesian government. (STL, TP) Martins: Police do not use guns to threaten population PNTL Commander General Superintendent Paulo Martins has said that State equipment such as guns or pistols should not be being used by police officers to threaten or scare people, but to provide a guarantee of security when needed. Speaking at an official event to dismiss five police officers at the PNTL Headquarters on Monday, Martins asked police officers to use the equipment properly and to safeguard it so that it does not get lost. He said that the loss of such weapons gives others the opportunity to do something wrong. (STL) Defamation Law has implications for Journalists A UNOTIL press statement released on Monday stated that the last UNOTIL Policy Review meeting discussed the concerns that the media have regarding the defamation clause contained in the new Timor-Leste Penal Code, and the necessity to maintain and possibly increase international support for the national media as an important component of a democratic society. Led by the Deputy SRSG Anis Bajwa, the meeting saw presentations from various media representatives in Timor-Leste, including RTTL Director Virgilio Guterres, Timor-Leste Internews Country Director Sonny Inbaraj, Timor Post Director Aderito Hugo da Costa, and STL Vice-Director Domingos Saldanha. Points conveyed included the need for more material and financial resources, including computers, vehicles, communication tools and basic office equipment. Thus it was concluded that continued donor support is critical to effective strengthening of the media. (STL) Xanana: Don't Forget Civilian Component of The Resistance After an opening ceremony for ex-combatants in the Palace of Ashes yesterday, President Xanana Gusmao told the media not to forget the civilian component of the resistance which was an important part of the support base for the resistance and that they represented all areas of the Timor-Leste. He stressed that there is a need for a structure to be put in place in order to clarify the situation for future generations and for the sake of history. We're trying to release a factual document regarding combatants who were active during the resistance between 1975-1979 that have handed back their firearms. The civilian and clandestine components of the resistance will not be included in the list of veterans and therefore are not considered in the yet to be approved law by National Parliament. (STL, TP) Matan Ruak: Rumors on East and West People occurred between F-FDTL have no Foundations Commandant F-FDTL, Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak told journalists yesterday that rumours about divisions between F-FDTL "Loro Sa'e or Loro-Monu", the East and the West, have no foundation. Ruak said in reality Timor-Leste is multi-ethnic and has many diverse dialects. As an example, he named dialects such as Naueti, Makalero, Makasae, Mambae , etc. He added that he believes these rumours are merely a curtain to cover up individual and collective interests in F-FDTL's institutions but he defended F-FDTL by saying that collective interests should involve the needs of the people, not the individual. Ruak acknowledged that conflicting interests have existed in F-FDTL's institutions but they are trying to resolve the problem “The door is open, if people want to come to negotiate, but if they don't come, we will not go out and search for them because this institution is based on self-dedication to defend the nation’s interest.” (STL, TP) RTTL News Headlines 06-02-2006 FRETELIN District Conference; Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, President of FRETELIN, who led FRETELIN congress in Baucau district last Saturday stated that the objective of the FRETELIN district congress is to chose the district delegation to participate in FRETELIN National Congress over the next two months. Second Report on the Petroleum Fund; General Director of Bank Payment Authority (BPA), Abrão de Vasconselhos said that during the second quarter of the Petroleum Fund, total asserts under management at 31 December 2005 were $370 million compared with last year’s figure of $270 million in September 2005. Workshop on Penal Code Law; Last Saturday a workshop was held at the Ministry of Education to debate the Penal Code Law, in particular the article on the defamation. In the workshop General Director of RTTL, Birgilio Guterres stated that the defamation law that was approved by Government didn’t favour the people in Timor Leste. President Court of Appeal, Cladio Ximenes stated that Penal Code Law does not threaten the dignity of the people in this country but if some journalists defame the name of people through published reports, he/she has to answer to the court and could be detained in prison. Domingos Sarmento, Minister of Justice, stated that the Penal Code Law that was approved by the Council of Ministers is part of the demonstration of the maturity process in a democratic country. National News Sources Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL] These Items Do Not Reflect the Position or Views of the United Nations. UNOTIL Public Information Office Shop online for new and used books at Powell's & support ETAN -
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