Subject: UNOTIL's Daily Media Review
9February 2006
[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.] UNOTIL Compiled by the Public Information Office from national and international sources Daily Media Review Thursday, 09February 2006 National Media Reports 402 F-FDTL launch protest On Wednesday, 402 F-FDTL members including those from the Naval, First and Second Battalions and Headquarters who consider themselves as a distinct ethnic group from the West of Timor-Leste, protested at the Presidential Palace in Caicoli. The group directed their protest at the President as the Supreme Commander of the F-FDTL in regard to declarations by some Commanders that it was those from the East of Timor-Leste who were primarily involved in the war. They also launched an angry protest against what they claim to be discrimination within the F-FDTL related to promotions granted exclusively to those from the East. President Xanana responded by saying that as the Supreme Commander, he has an interest in resolving the conflict but that he is unhappy that the soldiers left their barracks to protest. When meeting with the protesters, the President requested that return to their barracks and allow the internal F-FDTL Commission to investigate the allegations. The soldiers refused to return however, saying that some of the Commanders had threatened that if they participated in the protest, they would be considered enemies. They suggested that they all remain for the time being at the HQ in Tasi Tolu, so that the investigators could speak to them there as a group. They anticipated that they would experience problems with their colleagues if they were to return to their respective offices. The situation became heated when President Xanana, unable to convince the soldiers to return, left them to return to his office. The President stated that he would have preferred if the soldiers had just presented a petition, and not left their barracks, as this action will not help to resolve the problem. (TP, STL) Indonesia acknowledges illegal crossing in Malibaka case Although there is yet there to be a final conclusion on the joint Timor-Leste/Indonesia investigation on the Malibaka incident, Indonesia acknowledges that the three deceased Indonesian citizens illegally crossed the border. In an official meeting at the Prosecution office in Dili yesterday, the Indonesian side acknowledged this and other facts, including that the incident occurred entirely on Timor-Leste’s side of the border. According to Prosecutor General Longuinhos Monteiro, the team that arrived from Indonesia is composed of technical experts and criminal investigators. (TP) Horta: TL will stop establishing Embassies Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Jose Ramos Horta has said that Timor-Leste will not be opening any new embassies, irrespective of importance. Speaking to journalists outside the National Parliament on Wednesday, Horta clarified that while his Ministry has no plans to close any embassies-- though they have yet to find Ambassadors for several existing ones including Mozambique, Malaysia and Thailand--it is no use opening new embassies if it is going to be so difficult to identify suitable Ambassadors. (STL, TP) Horta not yet decided on UN SG candidacy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Jose Ramos Horta has stated that he has not yet decided whether to nominate himself as UN Secretary General, even though many people have requested that he do so. He said that in various print and online media he has been noted as a strong candidate for the post, but he has not yet nominated himself. He said that he would clarify his position in the coming months. (STL, TP) Xanana Received Credential Letters from Four Countries Suara Timor-Loros'e and Timor Post report that President Gusmao yesterday received credential letters of four Ambassadors from the following countries: Holland, Israel, Ukraine and Greece. The Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Corporation, Ms. Adalgiza Magno, who accompanied President Gusmao during the meetings, informed the media that two of these Ambassadors will be based in Indonesia (Holland) and Singapore (Israel). She further stated that at the moment Timor-Leste enjoys good relationships with over 100 countries. Magno clarified to the media that discussions at the meeting focused on developing diplomatic relations between the countries. The Ambassador of Holland, Mr. Nikoalos Van Dam urged Timor-Leste to build good relations with Indonesia. The following were received by President Xanana: Ambassador Oleksandr Shevchenkor Ukraine; Ambassador Alexio G. Cristhopulos Greece and Ambassador Illan Bem Dov Israel. (SSTL, TP) Horta Asked Opposition to Support an Agreement on Greater Sunrise The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Jose Ramos Horta has asked MPs in the National Parliament, especially from the opposition party, to support the Greater Sunrise agreement which was signed between Timor-Leste and Australia on 12 January 2006 in Sydney, Australia. Horta said he just want to make an appeal to the opposition party as Timorese people, as their brother and as their friend. (TP) RTTL New Headline 09-02-206 Minister of Foreign Affairs in NP's; RTTL reported that, at the invitation of National Parliament, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Dr. Jose Ramos Horta on Wednesday explained to MP's the relationship of external politics of Timor Leste. Dr. Horta said that the external politics of Timor Leste concerns the CAVR, CTF and borders issues as the "bigger picture" perspective on Timor-Leste and its relationship to other nations in the world. Violation Sexual case in the border of Oe-Cusse; Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Dr. Jose Ramos Horta stated that the sexual abuse case involving a Timor Leste women on the border of Oecusse has been investigated by Indonesia Police but there is still no result. Regional Media Reports East Timor: Gusmao sends atrocities report to foreign embassies, int'l bodies Dili, Feb. 8 (Lusa) - President Xanana Gusmao sent copies Wednesday of the East Timorese Truth Commission's report on a quarter century of human rights violations and crimes against humanity, mostly committed under Indonesian occupation, to foreign embassies, international institutions and human rights groups. In a communique, the technical secretariat of the CAVR Truth Commission said the embassies, including the Indonesian and Portuguese missions, were instructed by Gusmão to relay the reports to senior officials in their respective countries. Extracts of the more than 2,000-page report, which blames Indonesia for direct or indirect responsibility in the death of more than 100,000 Timorese, have been widely leaked since Gusmao first delivered the document to Dili's parliament in November. The President personally delivered a copy to UN Secretary- General Kofi Annan in New York last month. While the report attributes about 10 percent of the human rights abuses and crimes against humanity to pro-independence Timorese forces, especially during the brief 1975 civil war, it underscores that, in contrast to Indonesia, Timorese nationalist leaders assumed their responsibilities and cooperated with the 18-month inquiry. (LUSA) National News Sources Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL] These Items Do Not Reflect the Position or Views of the United Nations. UNOTIL Public Information Office - END Shop online for new and used books at Powell's & support ETAN -
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