Subject: UNOTIL's Daily Media Review 10 February 2006

[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.]


Compiled by the Public Information Office from national and international sources

Daily Media Review

Friday, 10February 2006

National Media Reports

Lasama hands defamation suit to lawyers

Democratic Party (PD) President, Fernando Lasama de Araujo, in a press conference held yesterday, officially gave authority to four lawyers whom he has nominated to defend him in the defamation suit filed by Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri, related to claims made by Lasama that Alkatiri had received bribes. In the official ceremony, Lasama signed the Prosecution document that he received earlier this month and stated that he will attend a hearing on the accusations against him this coming 14 February. Lasama claims that he did not defame the person of Mari Alkatiri, but criticized his methods of governing, and stated that it is the right of the opposition to do so. He emphasized that his lawyers would be dealing with the legal aspects of the case, while PD will continue to deal with political matters. (TP, STL, DN)

East/West case should be investigated

Members of Parliament have stated that in order to know for certain the dynamics surrounding the East/West F-FDTL case, there must be an investigation by an independent team, as this is a very serious problem. Speaking to journalists on Thursday, Head of the Fretilin bench in the National Parliament said that he could not comment on the case without an investigation, which would reveal both sides of the story. PSD MP Joao Goncalves also expressed his opinion that the incident is a serious one because it has occurred in a military institution which abides by strict rules of discipline.

Responding to claims by some that the case is a political plot instigated by some leaders, PD MP Rui Menezes disagreed, saying that the problem has existed for some time now, but that the political leaders and the F-FDTL institution itself has not been interested in solving the problem.

In the meantime, the F-FDTL members who were involved in Wednesday’s protest were transported yesterday to the military academy in Metinaro, accompanied by the military police. The assignment of the soldiers to reside temporarily at the academy is considered an alternative that will assist in resolving the current problem. (DN, TP, STL)

Horta: TL & Indonesia share TFC burden

Timor-Leste and Indonesia will share the burden of their joint policy to establish the Truth and Friendship Commission as the UN Security Council has given the Commission the opportunity to demonstrate its credibility and integrity. "It is a great responsibility for the Commission to have to prove itself to the world and in particular to the victims", said Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Jose Ramos Horta on Tuesday. He said he acknowledges that many people, including Members of Parliament, civil society and Church representatives do not accept the Commission. However, he said, the Government still intends to further explain the purpose of the Commission to these groups. (STL)

Martins: PNTL Requested Indonesian Police to Monitor Situation in Frontier

Commander General of PNTL Superintendent, Paulo Fatima Martins, yesterday told media that he has requested POLRI (Indonesian Police) to assist Timor-Leste in controlling the Frontier between the two countries. Martins made this request through Mr. Gorris Mere, leader of the Indonesia Police team, and added that the objective of the visit with the Indonesian Police team is to discuss the situation or cases that have occurred at the Border. He also stated that the country is currently preparing for political party campaigns and, therefore, security along the frontier needs to be controlled. On the other hand, Mr. Mere has said that his meeting with Martins was one of sharing of information and discussion of other factual problems that have arisen. PNTL and Indonesian Police can strengthen collaboration as both entities provide services in security and implementation of the law.

In other news, Suara Timor Lorosa’e reports that Mr. Mere, accompanied by Indonesian Ambassador, Ahmed Bey Sofwan, met President Xanana Gusmão on Thursday. (TP, STL)

RTTL News Headline 10 ­ 02 ­ €“ 06

Members of F-FDTL 170 going back to Metinaro Camp; RTTL reported that members of F-FDTL 170 went back to Camp in Metinaro, though some F-FDTL members are waiting for the case to be resolved before returning. Colonel Lere Anan stated that he feels confident a good solution will be found to resolve the case.

Regional Media Reports

Researchers try to control grapevine leaf rust

Friday, 10/02/2006: Improving biosecurity in our wine and table grape industries is the focus of new research in East Timor.

It is hoped trials near Dili will find a control for the damaging disease, grapevine leaf rust.

But working offshore has been challenging.

Researcher Stephen West describes how the team made sterile potting mix from scratch.

"The team had to be very creative, we exposed it to the sun under plastic and got some very high temperatures up around 70 degrees. We needed some organic matter so they ended up, the guys got some coffee husks. So they had to find some of that and they got that. The guy that they got it from was scratching his head thinking, 'what are these Australians doing? This is a bit weird.' But anyway they got it all together. We've had some information and feedback there are green buds popping up everywhere, so it looks like it has worked," he said.

Results are expected by the end of June.

Grapevine leaf rust is only present in Darwin and Palmerston in the Northern Territory.

However, Australia is expected to be declared free of the disease midway through this year, following a long running eradication campaign in the NT. (ABC RURAL)

National News Sources

Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL]

These Items Do Not Reflect the Position or Views of the United Nations. UNOTIL Public Information Office

- END ­

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