Subject: UNOTIL's Daily Media Review 11-13 February 2006

Daily Media Review

Saturday-Monday, 11-13 February 2006

National Media Reports

F-FDTL strike considered a revolt

The F-FDTL demonstration held in front of the Presidential Office last Wednesday is considered a revolt against the institution of the F-FDTL and the state, according to F-FDTL Commander Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak. He said that one of the consequences of the action of the soldiers is that the people will consider them rebels or mutineers, and another consequence is that their action caused the President to cry. Speaking to journalists last Friday, Ruak explained that in his opinion they had no right to cause the President to cry, because the President is the father of this nation. He stated that from the East to the West, and the North to the South of this country, there is no family that did not suffer from the war. He added that even though the demonstration by the more than 400 soldiers has presented a significant problem for the country, it is possible for the problem to be resolved, as seen by the 174 soldiers who have already returned to their barracks as of last Thursday. He added that an investigation into the concerns would begin soon.

Meanwhile, Fretilin Vice-Secretary General Jose Reis has asked Fretilin militants and followers not to pay attention to the issue of "East" and "West", as all Timorese are one people. According to Reis, it was white people who originally divided the country by using these terms, but Fretilin has always defended the unity of the whole country, and rejects divisions and regionalism.

Additionally, PSD MP and former Falintil Secretary for Region III Riak Leman has expressed his opinion that the "West" is West Timor or Indonesia, while the "East" is Timor-Leste. He stated that there should be no divisions based upon geographical location within Timor-Leste. (STL, TP)

Annual message from President Xanana to Diplomatic Corps

In his annual message to the Timor-Leste diplomatic corps, President Xanana Gusmao discussed his recent visit to New York where he handed over the CAVR report to the UN Secretary General. He told the diplomats that upon speaking to members of the Security Council, he stated his Government's agreement that the UN mission currently in Timor-Leste should end this coming May. He thanked the UN for its assistance embodied in the four UN missions present in Timor-Leste since 1999. However he also stated his wish to request further assistance in certain areas, including advisors for the finance and justice sectors, police training, and the need for military liaison personnel along the border. For this reason, he requested the Council to establish a Political Cabinet or Secretariat that could also provide the necessary logistical and technical support for electoral assistance needed to prepare for the 2007 General Elections. (STL)

Tilman: Defamation article violates Constitution

Speaking from his knowledge as a former lawyer, MP Manuel Tilman has declared that the Defamation Article in the Penal Code, if applied, will violate the Constitution, in particular the articles in the Constitution on Freedom of Expression and Press Freedom. He said that a journalist could receive three years in prison for saying the wrong thing, even in his/her capacity as a journalist. He stated that the Code has not yet been approved by the President, due to the issues surrounding this particular article, as well as one other. (STL)

Lere: Don't think about war again

F-FDTL Chief of Staff Colonel Lere Anan Timur has appealed to members of the F-FDTL not to consider a war between Timorese, as it will only be Timorese who will continue to suffer. Speaking in his negotiations with the 402 F-FDTL soldiers who protested outside the President's Office last Wednesday, Lere Anan warned the soldiers that if there is any internal instability, it will be an invitation for another invasion. (TP)

Xavier: Ready to resign if nominated to become Vice Consultative for the Petroleum Fund

Vice Chairman in the National Parliament, Francisco Xavier Amara, stated that he is ready to resign from his current post in Parliament if nominated to the Consultative for The Petroleum Fund. "If I am nominated then I will chose one of the members of the Associate Social Democratic of Timorese Party (ASDT) to replace me in taking over my current position in the National Parliament, and I will be nominating a woman as a chairman of the faction," he told journalists on Friday.

He clarified that under the Constitution, the former President has the right of taking the place as a Constitute Council. He said if the Government puts that trust in him, he is ready to accept the post but added that he is not seeking this position because everything is dependent upon the Constitution. (STL)

Timor-Leste and Indonesia Agreed on Malibaka Incident

The joint investigation team of Timor-Leste and Indonesia lead by Prosecutor General Longuinhos Monteiro in Timor-Leste and Gorris Mere, Major General of Indonesian Police (POLRI) on Friday, have signed a report regarding the Malibaka shooting incident that took place on 06 January. The two sides agreed on 4 points: that the Indonesians shot had crossed the border illegally into Timor-Leste; that the PNTL BPU shot and killed the Indonesians; that the shooting incident occurred in the territory of Timor-Leste and finally, that the case will go to Court based on the laws that exist in Timor-Leste.

Monteiro told journalists that the agreement was signed by Timor-Leste and Indonesia is not the finalized report. He said on 15 February, the Investigation Team from Timor-Leste will go to Bali (Indonesia) to meet its counterpart to finalize the report prior to the President Xanana Gusmao's visit there on 17 February to meet with Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. He added that the Malibaka case will not be a topic of discussion during the meeting of the two States heads. (STL, TP)

Abilio Araujo: Ready to Become Prime Minister of Timor-Leste

President National Timorese Party (PNT), Abilio Araujo told media during the meeting between PNT militants on Thursday in Maliana district that he is ready to become Prime Minister of Timor-Leste in the upcoming election to be held on 2007 if people of this nation indicate that with their votes.

Araujo said the upcoming election National Timorese Party (PNT) will indicate its candidate for Prime Minister and, he said he is ready for the post. (STL)

Figure Xanana Gusmao Still Needed

Suara Timor-Lorosa'e report that four Parties, Fretilin, ASDT, PSD and PD, share the same idea that a figure like Xanana Gusmao is still needed by the Timorese people. The report said people still need a charismatic figure who has handled many national matters and is welcomed by people inside as well as outside the country. (STL)

TVTL News Headlines 11-02-2006

Check Points for Vehicles in Dili; Police and the Directorate for Transport have conducted a joint operation by setting-up checkpoints in Dili to check the documents of vehicles. The operation, which is conducted day and night, are checking driving licenses of drivers, both Timorese and Foreigners.

First Shipment of Fish leaves TL; From Com Lautem, TVTL reported that the first shipment of exported fish from the Timor Sea has left Timor-Leste. The ship disembarked from Com harbour on Thursday 10 January with over 50 tones of fish reportedly bound for Thailand.

Building Materials to be distributed in Region I; The Ministry for Labour and Community Reinsertion has handed over building materials to the population whose houses were affected by the strong winds in Region I. The Materials, however, have not been distributed pending identification process, a Ministry representative in Baucau Domingos Abreu reportedly told TVTL.

Portugal will Back Ramos Horta; Portuguese Foreign Minister, Freitas do Amaral has reportedly said that his country would be in the front line to support the candidacy of his Timorese counterpart, Jose Ramos Horta as the next Secretary General of the United Nations. Amaral also confirmed that Horta's name has been included in the candidates' list and that he has given instructions to the country's representative at the UN about his Government's decision.

Regional Media Reports

Timor-Leste Minister 'on shortlist' for UN Chief

East Timorese Foreign Minister Jose Ramos Horta is reportedly on a shortlist of candidates to succeed United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan. Portuguese Foreign Minister Diogo Freitas do Amaral says he has been told by Portugal's Ambassador to the UN that Mr Horta's name was on the shortlist.

Kofi Annan, who took office in January1997, ends his second five-year term in December. By tradition the next Secretary-General should hail from Asia, although the rotation principle is not always respected. The last Asian to have held the post was U Thant of Burma, who served from 1961 until 1971. Mr Horta was awarded the Nobel prize for peace in 1996 for his non-violent resistance to Indonesia's occupation of Timor-Leste, a former Portuguese colony. (ABC)

National News Sources

Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL]

These Items Do Not Reflect the Position or Views of the United Nations. UNOTIL Public Information Office

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