Subject: UNOTIL Daily Media Review 14
February 2006
UNOTIL Compiled by the Public Information Office from national and international sources Daily Media Review Tuesday, 14 February 2006 National Media Reports F-FDTL strike action a desertion: Lu-Olo President of the National Parliament Francisco Guterres (Lu-Olo) has stated that the strike action by the F-FDTL members in front of the President’s Office last week was not a revolt but a desertion because they abandoned their jobs and their mission. He expressed his support for the President’s position as the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces in ordering the soldiers to return to their barracks, so that the problem could be resolved internally. He said that Timorese worked together in defeating both the Portuguese and Indonesian colonizers without any divisions based upon regional affiliations, using the cry “Viva Timor Lorosae” as an example of the joint nature of the struggle. He expressed his concerns that last week’s action and petition will not only damage the F-FDTL members who were involved in the action but has also displayed a negative image of the institution to the younger generation who will at some stage be called upon to serve the country in the armed forces and the police force. He said that he has asked the Commission that will work on the case to conduct a thorough, independent and professional investigation. Meanwhile, KOTA MP Clementino dos Reis Amaral has stated that the kind of discrimination complained about by the F-FDTL demonstrators is not present only in the F-FDTL but in other institutions as well. He gave an example of the recruitment of civil servants, whereby CV’s are not accepted from those who are not Fretilin party members. He said that the same occurs for companies or organizations competing for tenders. (STL) MPs question XG-SBY meeting Some members of the National Parliament, from both the ruling party as well as the opposition, have questioned the upcoming meeting between Presidents Xanana Gusmao and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) in Bali this coming Friday. Unlike previously, when MP’s have always given full support to the President to conduct overseas meeting including in Indonesia, this time some MP’s have expressed their objections to the visit, considering the current political climate between the two countries. In a discussion on the resolution that will regulate the upcoming visit, MP’s Leandro Isaac (Independent), Vicente Faria and Cipriana Pereira (Fretilin) expressed their concerns in providing support for the President’s visit, with the reasoning that it is unclear whether the Indonesian President is really prepared to receive President Xanana. The concerns of the three MP’s are related to SBY’s refusal to meet with President Xanana last 27 January, after the President handed the CAVR report to the UN Secretary General. (STL) Church condemns Oecussi rape The Bishop of Baucau Diocese Basilio do Nascimento has strongly criticized the Indonesian soldiers who are accused of raping a Timorese woman from Oecussi District in the border region last 11 January. Referring to the Fifth Commandment that states that one must not kill or commit evil, the Bishop said that the Catholic Church clearly cannot ever accept such behaviour. According to Bishop Nascimento, the perpetrator must be brought to justice in a conventional manner, according to the law. (STL) 579 delegates to participate in Fretilin National Congress President of Fretilin Francisco Guterres (Lu-Olo) has confirmed that the Fretilin National Congress which, according to plan, will be held between 17 and 19 May, will see the participation of 579 delegates from the national and district levels, including from the Fretilin Central Committee. Speaking to journalists on Saturday after closing the Fretilin District Conference in Manufahi District, Lu-Olo responded to claims that 18 countries wish to bring down Fretilin, saying that this is propaganda, and untrue, because all countries very much appreciate the Fretilin Government. He added that donor countries are still providing assistance to the Government, which demonstrates the strong support for the Fretilin Government. (TP) The penal code violates the spirit of Timor-Leste’s Constitution The President of the Association of Lawyers for Timor-Leste (AATL), Mr. Benevides Coreia Barros, stated that the proposed penal code law which will be implemented soon, violates the spirit of Timor-Leste’s Constitution as has already been highlighted in article 40 and 41 expressing freedom of press. Barros told media on Monday that this law is too harsh for journalists and cites an example that if a journalist captures or obtains information concerning individuals in positions of power, such information can be misinterpreted thus leading to charges of defamation being filed against the journalist in question. He added that if this law is approved it will be difficult for the media to do their jobs freely. He further said, based on AATL’s point of view, some clauses on defamation endorsed by RDTL’s Parliament have not been obeyed. These include, among others, the declaration on human rights, rights of civil politics, forbidding torture, discrimination against women and children. He also revealed that if the law on defamation is implemented, it would contradict what has already been ratified by the National Parliament. (TP) If Horta becomes UN SG, he will be replaced as FAM Portugal recently expressed support for José Ramos Horta as a candidate for the UN Secretary-General position, as has been reported in several international news wires. The people of Timor-Leste are surprised and happy with this news, and some MPs commented that this candidacy of is a great honour Timor-Leste. In addition, the media quoted some MPs on Monday like Francisco Branco (Fretilin); Rui Menezes (PD); and Clementino dos Reis Amaral (KOTA) who share the same idea that should Horta succeed in his candidacy as UN Secretary-General, then his current portfolio as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation will definitely be filled with a replacement, despite the fact that searching for the “right” candidate will indeed be a challenge for the Timorese government. (TP) School fees eliminated; Teachers Stopped A teacher from Government school “SMP Negeri 3”, Isac Araujo, was quoting by Suara Timor-Lorosae as saying that with regard to the State’s intention to wipe-out school fees in Government schools, four temporary school teachers working at “SMP Negeri 3” in Becora-Dili have to leave their jobs because they will not be paid for their services. This is because salaries for temporary teachers are usually disbursed from revenue earned from payment of school fees. Araujo appealed to the State to recruit new teachers soon so that in the coming days or months teachers recruited by the Government will teach fill teaching posts that are currently vacant. (STL) RTTL News Headlines 13-02-2006 FRETILIN Congress in Manufahi; FRETINLIN held its District Congress in Manufahi on Saturday and elected 21 delegates who will represent the District to attend the National Congress scheduled for May this year. At the same place, it was also reported that some 32 members of other political parties made declaration affiliating themselves with FRETILIN. Workshop on Domestic business development; The Ministry of Development, in cooperation with UNIDO, held a one-day workshop in Dili on the development of Business in Timor-Leste. Minister for Development, Abel Ximenes, reportedly told journalists that UNIDO was presenting its findings on the study by the Organization carried out in 5 districts about constraints of developing business and private sector business in Timor-Leste. Demonstration in Ainaro Against Christian Vision; From the District, RTTL reported that almost over 1000 Catholic Parishioners held a demonstration in Ainaro against the Christian Vision Organization arguing that the Organization was trying to destroy Christians in the District. A similar demonstration also reportedly took place in nearby Suco Cassa in Ainaro District on the same day. Shop online for new and used books at Powell's & support ETAN -
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