Subject: UNOTIL's Daily Media Review 15
February 2006
UNOTIL Compiled by the Public Information Office from national and international sources Daily Media Review Wednesday, 15 February 2006 National Media Reports Prosecutor Request Information from PD Leader President of Partido Democrático (PD), Fernando "Lasama" de Araújo was called to the Prosecutor General's office on Tuesday for an enquiry on alleged defamation accusations against Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri. Four lawyers, his family and about 60 party members accompanied Araújo, according to the media. Following the investigation process which lasted almost two hours, the President of PD reportedly said "the legal case regarding this matter has been handed over to my four lawyers, Vital dos Santos, Benevides Correia Barros, Napoleão da Silva Soares and Pedro Aparício de Oliveira. But I would like to emphasize that I came here to obey the law, because we want the laws to be implemented correctly in this nation. The laws are above us and I must follow them". He added that the current defamation law use against him is considered illegal and no longer valid in Timor-Leste. Lasama said, "First, I appeal to PD and then the population of Timor-Leste, we must be united to defend what is considered a right. This defamation law I think is illegal in Timor-Leste and no longer valid that's why PD is against it". Fernando "Lasama" Araújo has been accused of defamation due to bribery allegations he made against Prime Minister Alkatiri. (TP, STL, DN) USA Has Not Made A Decision on Ramos-Horta Candidacy Ambassador Joseph Grover Rees said the USA has not made a decision yet on Ramos-Horta candidacy for the UN Secretary-General. "In regards to Dr. Jose Ramos-Horta, we respect him and think he is a good person and smart. All the countries recognize his qualities. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, but we cannot speak about the candidates, though, as you all can see, there has been great interest from various nations regarding him," USA Ambassador to Timor-Leste reportedly told the media on Tuesday following his meeting with the TL's Foreign Minister Ramos-Horta. Rees said the US Government has not yet made a decision on the candidates from Asia and other nations for the job of the UN Secretary-General. He added that his Government is looking into the best person to lead the UN and the candidates cannot be limited to one or two regions, adding that from his point of view Dr. Ramos-Horta is a perfect person as TL's Foreign Minister and if there are other opportunities he is the one to make the choice. (TP, STL) Amaral: 2007 Elections require UN involvement ASDT President Francisco Xavier do Amaral has said that it is important that there is UN involvement in the 2007 General Elections. Speaking to STL at the National Parliament last Friday, Amaral expressed his opinion that the elections should not be held in separate locations, but all in the one location, otherwise there is room for tampering with election results between the districts and Dili. Also commenting on the elections, PSD MP Riak Leman said that while general elections held every five years are important, the Parliament has not yet approved a law for the upcoming elections. He also emphasized that in his opinion the people that sit on the National Electoral Commission for the 2007 elections must be truly neutral and independent, otherwise talk of democracy is futile. Head of the Fretilin Bench in the Parliament Francisco Branco confirmed that preparations for the electoral law are underway. (STL) Kolimau and KORK create disturbances Deputy Police Commander for Manufahi District Antonio Fernandes has said that the groups Kolimau and KORK are creating disturbances in his district, with internal fighting. He confirmed however that the police and the local authorities have been active in encouraging mediation in an attempt to resolve the problem. The two groups have signed a written accord, the essence of which is that there will be no future similar problems, and that if there are, then there will be a need for a different decision. (STL) Members of Council Follows Investigation Paulo Asis and Gregorio Saldanha, both MPs and members of the Defence Superior Council visited Metinaro, F-FDTL Headquarters on Tuesday to observe the investigation on the alleged discrimination within the institution. President of the National Parliament, Francisco Guterres, reportedly said that as members of Parliament and members of the Defence Superior Council, both men must intervene and propose a motion of state rights. The two are part of the investigation team and have already begun to look into the problems within F-FDTL. Guterres says he's hopeful there will be a solution to the problem, citing as an example the request from President Gusmão as Superior Commander of the Defence Forces for those protesting to return to their barracks. (DN). RTTL News Headlines Investigation in F-FDTL delayed The Commission tasked to investigate the F-FDTL case has not started its work yet, RTTL reported. The investigation was scheduled to start on Monday but has since been delayed to Wednesday. One F-FDTL officer, Lieutenant Gastao Salsinha, reportedly told journalists that if the process is delayed any further, it could affect foreign investors. Salsinha also confirmed that some 240 officers have not returned to the barracks. Lasama at the General Prosecutor's office The General Prosecutor investigated the President of PD, Fernando Lasama in relation to a case of defamation against PM Alkatiri. Speaking to journalists after the investigation, Lasama called on everyone in Timor-Leste, particularly members of PD as well as journalists to unite in defending what they think is right. UNTL's Graduation deferred The planned graduation at National University, UNTL, has reportedly been deferred. Speaking to journalists, UNTL's rector, DR. Benjamin Cortereal said that the delay was due to the legal basis for graduation, which is likely to be approved soon. Regional Media Reports National News Sources Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL] These Items Do Not Reflect the Position or Views of the United Nations. UNOTIL Public Information Office Shop online for new and used books at Powell's & support ETAN -
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