Subject: UNOTIL's Daily Media Review 16 Feb
UNOTIL Compiled by the Public Information Office from national and international sources Daily Media Review Thursday, 16 February 2006 National Media Reports Dialogue Require To Resolve F-FDTL Problem: Ramos-Horta Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Ramos-Horta, said the recent problem within F-FDTL is a natural process when an institution such as this is being established. Ramos-Horta appealed to members of the armed forces who staged their protest to be patient and to engage in dialogue with Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak and President Gusmão to find a solution that will be beneficial to the future of this nation. " We can have problems and get upset but we should not walk out of headquarters. The population looks up to and admires our armed forces institution. It must provide a good example. Therefore, I appeal to you to be patient, exercise discipline and wait for a solution from the Government," Minister Ramos-Horta stressed. He pointed out that in the eyes of the international community and within the UN there is no such name distinction as East and West Timor, either firaku (east) or kaladi (west) but rather one name which is Timor-Leste and it belongs to all Timorese. In a separate article, UNDERTIM spokesperson, Cristiano da Costa, said the strike by 404 members of the Armed Forces gives a bad image to the Government and that the new nation does not guarantee security and stability. Da Costa added that it would also have an impact on investors coming Timor-Leste. (STL, TP) New Ambassador to Australia Sworn-in President Xanana Gusmão yesterday swore in the new Timor-Leste Ambassador to Australia. The President congratulated Hernani Filomena Coelho da Silva on his new appointment, stating also that the position is a complex one. Speaking to journalists after being sworn-in, da Silva said that he will be working in his post in Australia before the end of the month, and that his work as Ambassador will concentrate on the political and economic interests between the two countries. Da Silva will replace Jorge Teme. (DN) Gusmão & SBY to review TFC work and CAVR report President Xanana Gusmão will visit Denpasar, Indonesia, next Thursday to meet with the Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), upon an invitation from SBY. According to a source from the President's Office, the objective of the visit will be to review together the work of the Truth and Friendship Commission and also to discuss the CAVR report which President Xanana presented to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan last January. The President's two-day visit to Indonesia has been approved by the National Parliament with fifty-five votes in favour, one against, and five abstentions. (DN) UNDP and TLMDC Organizes Seminar on Parliament and Media UNDP and Timor-Leste Media Development Centre (TLMDC) organized a two-day seminar on the relationship between the Parliament and the media. The aim of the workshop was to address the problem of the media's distortion of information from Parliament. According to TLMDC's director, Francis Suni, the media tends to report differently from what is said by MPs. Suni pointed out that although it is a very important issue, he is disappointed that the seminar was poorly attended by members of the media and the Parliament "To speak about the involvement of problems which are passive through the media and members of the Parliament is not a problem. For me, who has been working with the media since 1999 up until now, I see that arrogance among us Timorese is very strong and we don't want to participate in activities such as this because we see it as a waste of time and we don't like other people to teach us," he said. In the meantime, the President of Commission F of the Parliament, Adalziza Ximenes, said she found the workshop interesting and that at some point the media and the Parliament end up working together. (TP) RTTL News Headlines Suicidal deaths in Becora Three dead bodies were reportedly found in the area of Becora by Police on Wednesday. The three, a pregnant woman, a 6-year old boy and 2-year old girl, reportedly hung themselves and were discovered by the police after the woman's husband notified the police. F-FDTL Investigation begins Some of the F-FDTL officers involved in the strike last week have reportedly testified before an investigation commission, RTTL reported. Reacting to the issue, Foreign Minister Ramos Horta appealed to all Timorese to show political maturity by not identifying people by regions. UNDERTIM complains about Ninja Members of UNDERTIM are concerned about some militants disguised as "Ninja", masked and dressed in black, whose activities are intimidating the population in Liquica District. The militants reportedly formed a parallel structure to UNDERTIM's District structure, with its own military wing. For this, the party Coordinator in Liquica District, Vicente da Conceicao reportedly called on the police to take measures to halt their activities and appealed to UNDERTIM's President, L-7, to address the issue. USAID launches its 6 million Project At Hotel Timor on Wednesday, USAID launched its project to assist in the development of Private Sector, "Agriculture and Entrepreneurship in Timor-Leste." The launching ceremony was attended by some Ministers and the US Ambassador. Lawyer Development Training Meanwhile, on the same day at the same Hotel, the International Bar Association and Advocats Sans Frontieres (ASF) held a one-week training on the development of private lawyers in Timor-Leste. The Head of ASF in Timor-Leste, Shelky R Wieck, told RTTL that the training was aimed at affording local private lawyers the opportunity to learn from the experts about private lawyers development in other countries. Regional Media Reports Cuban Doctor Crosses from E Timor into Indonesia A Cuban doctor who was working in East Timor, Ramon Ballestero Escobar (39), crossed the Indonesian-East Timor border and entered the territory of the Indonesian province of East Nusatenggara Wednesday morning because he reportedly could not bear living conditions in the newly independent neighbouring country. Wirasakti regiment command chief Col Noch Bola said Escobar who had been assigned by the Cuban Government to work in Suai, capital of Covalima district in East Timor, left his station and travelled to Indonesia on the ground that he could no longer live in the former Indonesian province. Escobar was found by Border Security Task Force Command Chief Lt. Col. Ediwan Prabowo and his men when they were patrolling the border in the Indonesian district of Belu. During questioning by Lt. Col. Ediwan, Escobar claimed he was seeking asylum in Indonesia. "The Cuban doctor is seeking asylum so that he can be deported to his country. He said he could no longer live in East Timor under a contract system which was made by the Cuban Government to carry out a humanitarian mission," Noch Bola said. Citing Escobar, Noch Bola said there was a shortage of supporting facilities in Suai so that the Cuban doctor could not work and live properly. Noch Bola said Escobar would be taken to Atambua, capital of Belu district, for further interrogation. (Antara) National News Sources Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL] These Items Do Not Reflect the Position or Views of the United Nations. UNOTIL Public Information Office Shop online for new and used books at Powell's & support ETAN -
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