Subject: UNOTIL's Daily Media Review 21
February 2006
UNOTIL Compiled by the Public Information Office from national and international sources Daily Media Review Tuesday, 21 February 2006 National Media Reports PMD to nominate Belo & Xanana for 2007 elections The Millennium Democratic Party (PMD) will nominate Father Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo as a Presidential candidate and Xanana Gusmão for Prime Minister to lead a Cabinet of National Reconciliation for the 2007 elections. In the opinion of PMD, these two leaders have the charisma needed to lead the nation. PMD President Ermenegildo Lopes or "Kupa" announced at a press conference on Monday that his party will nominate Father Belo for President because the President must have the necessary character to bring together all components of society without influence from political parties and Father Belo has that kind of character. Additionally, their nomination of Xanana Gusmão for Prime Minister is based on what they feel is a moral responsibility to nominate him, as he led the nation in its 24-year struggle, a struggle that is not yet complete. Therefore the party wishes to give him the opportunity of a further five years to lead a Government of National Reconciliation. (DN, STL) TFC begins collecting data in TL The Commissioners of the Truth and Friendship Commission on Monday began collecting data in Timor-Leste. President of the Indonesian component of the Commission, Benjamin Mankudilaga, after meeting with President Xanana Gusmao told reporters that the aim of coming to Timor-Leste to collect data is to uncover the truth. He confirmed that they have begun to collect information from the Prime Minister, the President, Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Prosecutor-General, and the President of the Court of Appeal. He added that the Commissioners also plan to visit Liquica District today to meet with some of the victims and will endeavour to visit other districts to continue the process. (DN, STL) Fretilin Militants Against Democracy: MP Gonçalves MP João Gonçalves (PSD) allegedly made a political statement in the National Parliament on Monday accusing some members of the majority party, Fretilin, in the districts and sub-districts of violating the principles of democracy. STL quoted Gonçalves as saying that a few leaders of the same party have encouraged such behaviour during their visits to the bases and have even been involved in these actions. He said threat of intimidation if one refuses to join the party was visible during the chief and council of village elections recently, reported STL. João Gonçalves remarked that some MPs talk about democracy but do not put it into practice. Gonçalves also said that some PNTL officers rather than safeguarding the laws and remaining impartial, are defending criminal actions similar to the one that occurred in Vemasse Tasi where the head of that village entered a property without authorization to lower PSD flag. He allegedly accuses the majority party for being irresponsible in providing civic education to its militants. In the meantime, MP Joaquim dos Santos (Fretilin) said the declaration of PSD could be put into two contexts. The first concerns the political situation to be discussed in the Parliament and the second concerns the juridical case where PSD has the right to take individuals who have violated the democracy principles to court. But dos Santos pointed out that everybody is aware of the political sentiments in Timor-Leste and, therefore, must be careful to examine the situation before introducing a new party to villages and sub-villages instead of immediately directing accusations toward other party leaders. (STL) PNTL Commander Rejects Accusation from Liquiça PNTL Commander Paulo Martins refuted allegations that a member of the police force in Liquiça attempted to threaten members of a community by firing shots in the air in that district. He said the Vice-Commander, also from that district, planted coconut in that land to better the environment but some people pulled it out. He then presented his complaints to the Liquiça District and the case is now in court. Explaining the shooting, Paulo Martins said the police shot at animals on the loose in keeping with an order from the District Administrator stating that animals must be kept in pens. In a separate article, Paulo Martins reportedly said the accusation petitions signed by 66 UIR members a couple of months ago against Ismael Babo for receiving bribes and for the transfer of the former head of UIR Joao Braz were not substantiated by evidence after an investigation. Martins also said he was happy with the 66 UIR members for fully participating in the investigation process. (DN, STL) RTTL News Monitoring Colonel Lere Anan Timor Gives Ultimatum Cornel Lere Anan Timor stated that those members of F-FDTL that abandoned the F-FDTL camp to protest claims of discrimination within the institution to the President of the Republic, will be dismissed from the Armed Forces if they continue to refuse to participate in the investigation process. Lere said the investigation team has given 8 hours more for them to speak to the team. Should they refuse, they will have to leave the camp. In the meantime, Gregorio Saldanha, a member of the investigation team said, so far, only one person decided to be investigated, noting that there is no initiative from other members to resolve the problem. Timorese Socialist Party (PST) conference Avelino Coelho, PST Secretary General stated during a press conference in Aileu that his party rejects the Greater Sunrise agreement between Timor-Leste and Australia. RTTL reported on Monday. Coelho said the National Parliament has to establish laws and define the maritime boundaries before agreeing to the Greater Sunrise exploration. He added that his party totally rejects the defamation law. On the same occasion, PST swore in 55 members, 40 long-time party supporters and 15 new ones. National News Sources Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL] These Items Do Not Reflect the Position or Views of the United Nations. UNOTIL Public Information Office Shop online for new and used books at Powell's & support ETAN -
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