Subject: UNOTIL Daily Media Review 28 June
UNOTIL Compiled by the Public Information Office from national and international sources Daily Media Review Wednesday, 28 June 2006 National Media Reports There Must Be Court Process If Evidence Shows Alkatiri Involvement: Aderito de Jesus Aderito de Jesus Soares, human rights advocate reportedly said if evidence shows during the court summon that former Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri was involved in allegations against him, there must be court process. “I think now, it depends on the process from the prosecutor and we’ve already seen the investigation on Rogério Lobato. We must wait to see how the justice is being processed, because I heard that Alkatiri has been summoned to testify and if there is any proof that shows his involvement, the process will be carried forward,” Aderito told STL Tuesday (27/6). He added that Alkatiri’s resigned based on his conscious and that political parties, NGOs and religious institutions must think of reconstructing PNTL and F-FDTL. He added that the reconciliation between east-west which is a mammoth task, noting that the Timorese people must learn to acknowledge that there were big mistakes in the last four years. Aderito de Jesus said the UN has been involved therefore in the last 4 years they also committed mistakes stressing all components of the country must seat and resolve the problem together. (STL) Tension Escalates in Dili Tensions in Dili escalated on Tuesday night following the resignation of Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri, reported Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) on Wednesday. The incidents late on Tuesday night included arson attacks on three houses and a property damaged around the capital by unknown groups. Australian task force barricaded Comoro road . (STL) Xanana Calls Members of Former Alkatiri Government + New Caretaker Cabinet President Xanana Gusmão called 10 members of Alkatiri’s former cabinet to discuss the interim government. Those who participated in the three-hour closed-door meeting included Jose Ramos-Horta, Rui Maria de Araújo, Luis Lobato, Armindo Maia, Alcino Barris, Arsenio Bano, Ovidio Amaral, Virgilio Smith, Egidio de Jesus and Cesar da Cruz. (STL) Opposition Rejects Alkatiri as MP Members of the National Parliament of the six opposition parties yesterday proclaimed no confidence in the President of the Parliament, Francisco Lu’Olo Guterres citing that he is incapable of tabling discussion on the current problems. The parties are: PD, PSD, PST, PPT KOTA and UDT. (STL) New Government Should Be Under Xanana’s Leadership: Maubucy Vicente Maubucy, Fretilin Central Committee member, reportedly said the sovereignty of the nation is totally under President Gusmão therefore it is up to him to establish an interim government following Prime Minister Alkatiri’s resignation. In relation to the recent problems, Maubucy said Fretilin is trying to hold an extraordinary congress. “We have already met with President Francisco Guterres Lu’Olo and Estanislau da Silva. We want to continue to strengthen Fretilin and we are trying to find paths to consolidate Fretilin to confront the latest situation,” he said. In a separate article, one of the members of Fretilin Reformation Organization, George Teme, reportedly said the election of Fretilin’s President and Secretary-General’s last May is considered illegal as per the political party regulations. Therefore the Reformation Group is organizing an extraordinary meeting as soon as the head of the group arrives from New York (STL) National News Sources Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL] These Items Do Not Reflect the Position or Views of the United Nations. UNOTIL Public Information Office Back to June menu |