Subject: USGOV: Bush budget requests for Indonesia and Timor for FY2008

Compiled by the East Timor and Indonesia Action Network. ETAN note: These are the Bush administration's requests. Congress may alter these figures, as it goes through the appropriations process. For example, in the past Congress has provided more aid to East Timor than requested, and reduced, eliminated or conditioned military assistance to Indonesia. Questions? contact


Child Survival and Health Programs Fund (CSH)

2006 Actual: $28,017,000
2008 Request: $32,060,000 for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, maternal and child health.

East Timor: No Information in Report

Contributions for International Peacekeeping Activities U.N. Mission in Timor Leste (UNMIT)

2006 Actual: [none]
2008 Request: 12,345,000

Development Assistance (DA)

2006 Actual: $33,199,000
2008 Request: $60,950,000 to support a major basic education initiative, water supply and sanitation, and natural resources programs.

East Timor: No Information in Report

Economic Support Fund (ESF)

2006 Actual: $69,300,000
2008 Request: $60,000,000 for peace and reconciliation efforts in Aceh and Papua, democracy and governance and trade and investment.

East Timor:
2006 Actual: $18,810,000
2008 Request: $8,640,000

Foreign Military Financing (FMF)

2006 Actual: $990,000
2008 Request: $15,700,000 for Indonesia to promote defense reform and to improve maritime security, counterterrorism, mobility, and disaster relief capabilities.

Statement of Changes: The FY 2008 FMF request is overall a slight increase from FY 2006 levels. The increases are reflected in Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Romania, and Indonesia, and are consistent with requesting the funds necessary to fight the Global War on Terror and to secure Middle East peace.

East Timor:
2006 Actual: $990,000
2008 Request: No Request

International Military Education and Training (IMET)

2006 Actual: $938,000
2008 Request: $974,000

East Timor:
2006 Actual: $193,000
2008 Request: $400,000

International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement (INCLE)
Indonesia: 2006 Actual: $4,950,000
2008 Request: $10,050,000 to continue to support the development of the Indonesian National Police ...

East Timor:
2006 Actual: $1,485,000
2008 Request: $1,010,000 law enforcement and counternarcotics development programs ...

Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related Programs (NADR): Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program (ATA)

Indonesia: Undisclosed percentage of $124,311,000. for the Anti-Terrorism Assistance program to support the global campaign against terrorism by providing strategic, operational, and technical training and equipment. The FY 2008 request includes new in-country programs in Iraq and continues funding for programs in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Kenya, the Philippines and Colombia.

2006 Actual information not in report.

East Timor: No Information in Report

The report contains the following note: A regular FY 2007 appropriation for this account had not been enacted at the time the budget was prepared; therefore, this account is operating under a continuing resolution. The amounts included for FY 2007 in this budget reflect the levels provided by the continuing resolution. Country allocations for FY 2007 will be made once a FY 2007 appropriations bill is enacted. [Since this was written, Congress essentially continued all funding at the FY2006 levels through a continuing resolution.]

Other excerpts

p. 8 Developing states such as Nigeria, Ukraine, Georgia, Pakistan, Jordan, and Indonesia and Sustaining Partnership countries like South Africa and Egypt represent those that can serve as anchors for regional stability and prosperity.

p. 47 FY 2007 Global War on Terror (GWOT) Supplemental

The FY 2007 supplemental request totals $4.81 billion in the following accounts.

Child Survival and Health Programs (CSH) Avian Influenza ... Recent events have highlighted the need for the earliest possible receipt of emergency supplemental for avian influenza. Over the past 5 weeks outbreaks of avian influenza involving both poultry and humans have been reported in a dozen countries spanning Asia, Europe and Africa, with new mutations reported in countries as dispersed as Egypt and Indonesia signaling that the virus continues to change rapidly. The threat posed by the avian influenza virus is expected to continue to increase in the coming months. This recent surge in reported AI outbreaks is consistent with the seasonal surge reported during the first six months of 2006 when the H5N1 virus spread with unexpected speed across 53 countries.

p 64 Millennium Challenge Corporation

MCC will allocate up to 10 percent of its FY 2008 appropriation for countries deemed eligible for Threshold Program assistance. Twenty countries in total have been selected by the MCC Board as eligible for Threshold Program assistance during the past four annual selection cycles, including the one most recently in November of 2006. The Threshold Program was created to help countries who have not yet qualified for MCA Compact funding, but have demonstrated a significant commitment to improve their performance on the eligibility criteria for MCA Compact funding. MCC now has a total of 11 Threshold Agreements representing $286 million in awards to Albania, Burkina Faso, Indonesia, Jordan, Malawi, Moldova, Paraguay, Philippines, Tanzania, Ukraine, and Zambia. These programs focus primarily on improving governance, especially on curbing corruption. Others focus on key social investments such an improving primary education rates among girls as well as the immunization rates.

p 79 Contributions for International Peacekeeping Activities

Supplemental funding of $200 million is requested to fund unforeseen UN peacekeeping expenses. These expenses include $184 million for increased support costs for the expanded UN peacekeeping operation in Lebanon and $16 million for support costs for the UN mission in Timor Leste to provide stability and policing capacity.


According to Randall L. Tobias, Director for U.S. Foreign Assistance and USAID Administrator the requested assistance will be $158 million an 18% increase.


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