Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review 5 February 2007

[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.]

Saturday 03, Monday 05 February 2007



National Media Reports

Ramos-Horta Likely To Be Next President

Prime Minister Ramos-Horta has reportedly said that if Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak does not want to run for the presidential elections he is ready to go ahead with his candidacy but only if the people put their trust in him. Ramos-Horta said the person to take over the President's position must be someone that has good international relations and is aware of the internal matters. He hopes that apart from Manuel Tilman (KOTA) and Avelino Coelho (PST) there will be more candidates, noting that both candidates can play a crucial role and Tilman has had extensive experiences in the Parliament in the past five years. The Prime Minister feels it is convenient for someone who has fought against the occupation inside the country during 24 years, to be the next president, He said that he wants to retire and to give the new generation the chance to lead the nation.

In Monday's edition, Timor Post reported that Ramos-Horta is not yet certain whether he will run for the Presidential post hence he will wait until the last day.

President Xanana Gusmão announced on Friday that the Presidential election would take place on April 9, just after Easter. He had previously stated his intention not to run for the 2nd mandate. (DN, TP, STL)

Court Hearing For Members Of PSHT

Judges have decided to give preventive detention to 32 members of PSHT including its president Jaime Xavier Lopes, while 17 were free on condition that they present themselves to the police station once a week.

Those on preventive detention will undergo further investigation. According to Antonio Freitas, Public Private Defender, his clients have been accused of committing violence and are likely to be sentenced for over one year imprisonment based on evidence including the finding of weapons in the house. Freitas is not happy with the accusation that his clients were involved in the violence, burning and killing of people in the capital Dili. He further said that police captured his clients while they were defending themselves from a group intent on attacking PSHT headquarters in Ailoklaran. The Public Private Defender also rejects the accusation that his client had the red and white flag and used the words Allah Akbar before attacking the population. He said that the name PSHT is derived from the Indonesian language because that's where the organization originated from and the connection of the group to Indonesia is totally based on sports as opposed to being political. The hearing was under tight security, reported Diario Nacional. (DN)

The UN Wants Alfredo To Answer To Justice: SRSG Khare

SRSG Atul Khare has stated that the UN mandate in Timor-Leste continues to demand Major Alfredo to answer to a court, reported Diario Nacional Monday. During the meeting with civil society, organized by the NGO Forum, FONGTIL, last week SRSG Khare said the aim of the various meetings held with Alfredo which included representatives from the government and the international forces is to convince Alfredo to follow court procedures, adding that the meeting between Alfredo and the Prosecutor General was to clarify the accusations against him.

Reporting on the workshop held in Dili on Friday and Saturday about the socio economic situation in Timor-Leste, it was noted that SRSG Khare has acknowledged that some progress has been made in the past five years under Fretilin's leadership but some serious problems need to be taken into consideration in order to alleviate poverty in the country. He said that security is a challenge for the political developments, stressing that security and poverty reduction are inter-related. (DN, TP)

Decree Law Will Affect Many People

The decree law 19/06 on the Careers Regime and the Management Roles and Leadership of Public Administration has become a concern as it would affect many people, said MP Elizario Ferreira (Fretilin). Based on the concerns, the MP has requested the State Minister to clarify the aim of the law. He said the Parliament would look into it even though the document has been approved. Many people would have to be downgraded from levels 6 or 7 to between the levels of 1-3 when the law is implemented said Ferreira. (TP)

RTTL News Headlines

Friday 02-02-2007, 19:15hrs

Some Institutions Are Not Functioning Properly: Gusmao

Speaking during the workshop on poverty in Timor-Leste, President Xanana Gusmao said many people in Timor-Leste continue to live in poverty conditions, and he appealed to all the Timorese people to contribute to the reduction of poverty. He noted that not all institutions are functioning properly.

Electorate Certification Team

DSRSG Finn Reske-Nielsen has reportedly said the Electorate Certification Team will evaluate the electoral process and UNMIT will deploy staff in all the Districts

Political Parties Violating Regulations: Fr. Martinho Gusmao

Fr. Martinho Gusmao reportedly said some political parties are violating the laws by holding gatherings or socializing with the population. He said at the moment there is no legislation on the code of conduct and CNE cannot stop them. Worst of all, he said, the State facilities are being used for these campaigns.

Deputy Prosecutor General On Agreement

Ivo Valente, Deputy Prosecutor General, said the agreement by the Public Ministry with Major Alfredo was the initiative of the government and the UN, adding that the Public Ministry did the follow up based on the recommendation of the two bodies. Valente further said if the agreement is a success the case will be handed over to the government and the UN.

School Activities Halted

The secondary school, 30 de Agosto in Comoro stopped its activities as a result of an attack from unknown groups who beat up students and cut the hair of one female student. When the teachers acted in defence the group threatened to beat them up as well.

Community Ask For Security Post

The community of Aldeia Samatoi in Bairo Pite asked for the establishment of a security post as they live in fear of attacks from unknown groups. They also want a thorough investigation in the crimes committed.

International Media Reports

East Timor Announces Presidential Election Date

February 3, 2007 10:14 a.m. EST

Som Patidar - All Headline News Staff Writer

Dili, East Timor (AHN) - East Timor announced on Friday that it will hold presidential elections in April. East Timor President Xanana Gusmao set the date after having a meeting with the political parties and the election commission.

Gusmao has said he will not run for re-election.

"After having a meeting with political parties and the election commission, we assigned April 9 as election day," Gusmao said.

He also said that the date for parliamentary elections would be announced after the presidential election was completed.

East Timor voted in a 1999 referendum to become independent from Indonesia. It became fully independent in 2002 after a period of oversight of its government by United Nation's administration, the Australian Associated Press reported.

NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL]


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