Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review 10 - 12 February 2007
[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.] Saturday 10, Monday 12 February 2007 UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING THE UN INTEGRATED MISSION IN TIMOR-LESTE DOES NOT VOUCH FOR THE ACCURACY OF THESE REPORTS National Media Reports Archive Of Alkatiri Court Case Jose Luis Oliveira, Director of Hak Association, reportedly said the leaders of Timor-Leste are exhibiting neo-colonialism practices as the State is depending on the people of Comunidade Paises Lingua Portuguesa (CPLP). He said that the demand of MUNJ demonstrators to expel CPLP staff is based on the reality on the ground. He said the aim of the recruitment of people from CPLP, especially in the judiciary area, is to reinforce Timor-Leste judicial system but somehow they tend to guide the nation towards Portugal's system. He said that the judiciary process has not been impartial and that Alkatiri's case is not the only one; there have been many similar cases in the past. The Director of Hak is of the opinion Alkatiri's case should not be closed since there are still the cases of Rogerio Lobato and F-FDTL who are accused of distributing guns to civilians. He said a the decision to archive Alkatiri's case has been unjust and it should be re-opened Joao Mariano, President of the Republican Party (PR) said the international prosecutor who made the decision to archive Alkatiri's case lacks integrity. He said the decision has left many questions and doubts about the judicial process in Timor-Leste. Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo' said justice should not be forced by individuals for political interest as it is an independent body and within it there exists the competence to makes decisions. (DN, TP,) Women Participation In Elections A workshop to encourage women's participation in the election process had been organized by the government Office for Promotion and Equality, IRI and USAID with the theme "Increase and Strengthen Women's Participation in the General Elections". The training between 8-10 of February was attended by women from the 13 districts and it is a continuation of a training which started a few weeks ago open to women of all political parties. (TP) Government Will Not Speculate High Price Of Rice Deputy Prime Minister Estanislau da Silva has said that the government will not authorize anyone to play with nutritional necessity of the population and stressed that the government will intervene to guarantee the supply of rice in the country. Da Silva further said the shortage of rice in the shops is not reasonable because Timor-Leste brought sufficient rice to compensate for the reduction of the locally produced rice and added that if necessary the government will take new measures to supply rice at an acceptable price. The Minister said some locally produced rice has been affected due to the long dry season. It is reported the price of rice has increased up to 30 and 40 dollars per bag, excessively high compared to the usual price of 14 dollars. (STL) Fretilin Will Face Many Challenges About five thousand Fretilin supporters gathered in Same, Manufahi District for the swearing-in of members of the monitoring election commission as well as for the party consolidation for the south region. Speaking at the gathering Mari Alkatiri, Fretilin's Secretary General, said the party would face many challenges in the Presidential and Parliamentary elections, adding that the consolidation is also an opportunity to prepare the structure at the national and rural lrvels to monitor the election process. Alkatiri said it is time to start organizing since many people are surmising that Fretilin is already weak due to the crisis. A total of 1,174 members are now part of Fretilin's monitoring commission for the south region. PNTL, UNPOL and GNR provided security following rumours of attacks during the ceremony that took place in Same soccer field on Saturday 10/2. Following the ceremony Mari Alkatiri told the media he believes Major Alfredo Reinado would not use guns against Fretilin people but for political influence during the elections. Mari further said that Alfredo has personally stressed that he is not alone and is not getting any support, and if that is the case how can it be possible for Alfredo to travel freely within the territory without anyone detaining him, asked Alkatiri. He stressed that Australian forces were the ones providing him security, and they insisted he was still in Aifu following Fretilin's notification to UNMIT of his disappearance from the agreed place. In a separate article on STL, Mari Alkatiri said only frustrated people are establishing movements to impose orders on the State to execute their demands, adding that despite the demonstrations, the state continues to function normally. He also said some people are trying to re-establish CNRT (Conselho Nacional Resistencia Timorense) which originated out of Fretilin to counter Fretilin but they only have historic symbols and not strength to do the work. In the meantime, MUNJ coordinator Augusto Junior Trindade has lamented the incident of stone throwing by members of Fretilin near their headquarters in Comoro when the demonstrators were travelling back to Liquica. Trindade said he has requested UNPOL to detain those involved in the incident witnessed by the police as they followed the demonstrators. (DN, TP, STL) Amnesty Legislation To Rescue The Distributors: Mario Carrascalao The proposed legislation on amnesty presented by the Parliament plenary session to Commission A, responsible for human rights and justice matters, would be a document to rescue some leaders involved in the distribution of guns during the crisis period, said Mario Carrascalao, President of Partido Social Democrata (PSD). Carrascalao said the document would not protect the common/small people. Speaking in Petileti, Com, sub-districts of Lautem, to present the program of his party, Carrascalao explained that people are entitled to amnesty after they have been sentenced or are serving a jail sentence and not for people who have not yet gone through a trial process. He said that the government of Fretilin has betrayed the veterans and former Falintil as they are now living without dignity, without any allowance or assistance in light of the money the government spends on travelling. The President of PSD also said the Fretilin government has also betrayed Xanana Gusmao for blocking his way with the Constitution and not allowing him power to work for his people. (TP) Alkatiri responsible for guns distribution: Alfredo The case allegedly involving Mari Alkatiri in the distribution of guns to civilians that is now archived has been manipulated, Major Alfredo Reinado reportedly said. Reinado is of the opinion that the case should not have been closed as Alkatiri was the head of State and he must therefore assume responsibility. According to Alfredo, the weapons distributed by Rogerio Lobato were of interest to Fretilin to extend their government mandate. He said the prosecutors must explain to the population the closure of the case to enable them to understand and be more aware of the process, noting he doesn't trust the prosecutors since they were not aware of the notification letter handed to Alkatiri. In relation to his whereabouts, Alfredo told Timor Post last Friday via telephone and reported today that he has moved out of Aifu due to the movement constraints the Australian forces had bestowed on him. He said the move to Aifu was based on the agreement made by him, Prime Minister Ramos-Horta and F-FDTL Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak but he feels he is being treated differently as per the agreement. Alfredo is aware that the Australian troops are now searching for him in the villages and telling the population he must support the government but according to Alfredo there is economic and political interest as promised by the Timor-Leste government. As military he said he is aware what the Australian troops can and cannot do, stressing he is still in Ermera district awaiting the court hearing. (TP) RTTL News Headlines Friday 09-02-2007, 19:15hrs Alfedo Still Around The Area Acting SRSG Eric Tan said although Alfredo has not been seen in Aifu it doesn't mean he is not around that area and UNMIT cannot speak about his whereabouts as it is being assisted by the ISF. MTRC Identifies Location Of Food Shortages The Minister of Labor and Community Reinsertion, Arsenio Bano said his ministry is identifying the locations of people in need of food and food will be distributed accordingly. The districts in need of food are Atauro, Baucau and Ainaro. He disagrees with the high price of rice despite the free market regulations, adding that the government is taking action to combat the problem, especially in Dili. Portugal Will Continue To Provide Assistant President of the National Parliament, Francisco Guterrres 'Lu-Olo' told the media soon after arriving from his overseas trip that Portugal will continue to provide assistance to Timor-Leste and following a meting with the Portuguese entities, they appealed to the leaders to overcome the current crisis. STAE And CNE Discusses Regulations Both electoral institutions, STATE and CNE, held meetings to discuss the regulations for the upcoming elections. The document has been prepared by STAE and must be approved by CNE. International Media Reports Ends NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL] UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING Back to February menu January 2007 menu |