Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review 15 February 2007
[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.] From UNMIT Thursday, 15 February 2007 UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING THE UN INTEGRATED MISSION IN TIMOR-LESTE DOES NOT VOUCH FOR THE ACCURACY OF THESE REPORTS National Media Reports Public Audience On Project Bill The National Parliament is holding public hearings on the proposed bill on clemency and amnesty with the various civil society institutions including international representatives to hear their opinions and suggestions on the bill. Vicente Faria, President of Commission A of the Parliament in charge of this matter, said the bill was previously proposed in 2001-2002 but was not passed. Faria said due to the current crisis it is important for the document to be legalized with the intention to find political and judicial stability to ensure that the law is not against the Constitution. He said that amnesty can only be given by the President of the Republic when someone has been already convicted. Jose Luis Oliveira from HAK Association reportedly told Timor Post following his participation in the hearing that the irony of the proposed bill is that it focuses on amnesty for people involved in murder, distribution of guns, corruption, crime against public order and so forth but it does not cover the defamation crime. He agrees Timor-Leste must have amnesty laws but stressed it would not resolve the current crisis. (DN, TP) Government Supports Demonstration The peaceful demonstrations yesterday organized by 32 chefe de sucos, and sub-administrators of Dili have been reportedly financed by the Government Ministry of Labour and Community reinsertion. The aim of the event was to call for the population, namely the youth in Dili, to refrain from violence. Addressing the demonstrators, Minister of Education Rosalia Corte-Real said her ministry is concerned with the future of the nation's youth and the general population as well but the country is in the hands of the youth to carry it forward. Minister for Labour and Community Reinsertion Arsenio Bano appealed to the population and the youth not to allow the capital Dili to be a place of violence and said that since the election is nearing, people should not bow to any political pressure and they choose who they want. He told the crowd that the government will resume the two dollar program, work for cash but reminded them not to use the cash to buy steel/iron to turn into weapons (rama ambon). Bano also appealed to the demonstrators not to let themselves be used by other people for their own political interest. He said they should work together in the neighbourhood to maintain peace in order to normalize the economic activities. (TP) WFP Distributes Over 500 Tonnes Of Rice The World Food Program (WFP) in conjunction with the Ministry of Labour and Community Reinsertion (MTRC) has distributed a total of 54 tonnes of rice and 50.820 tonnes of oil to the IDPs since the month of January. Manuel Barbosa, WFP program assistance coordinator, said according to plans, food would also be distributed in the district of Atauro. To respond to the rice shortage in Timor-Leste which is affecting the population, the government decided to sell its stock in storage at the normal price. (TP) One Member Of F-FDTL Released A member of F-FDTL has been released on conditional bail and three others including a member of PNTL continue on detention in relation to the shooting incident on May 25 2006, which killed 9 PNTL officers. The three F-FDTL members have been transferred to Baucau prison following complaints of security and problems with some the prison guards. RTTL News Headlines Tuesday 14-02-2007 Swearing-In Of Ambassadors Timor-Leste Ambassadors to Indonesia and Portugal were swore-in yesterday by the President of the Republic, Xanana Gusmão. Manuel Abrantes will replace Pascoela Barreto as Ambassador to Portugal and Ovidio de Jesus will replace Arlindo Marçal in Indonesia MUNJ And Veterans Meets President Gusmão Movimentu Unidade Nasional Juventude (MUNJ) together with Falintil veterans met with President Gusmão Wednesday to request the head of the state to use his position to change the situation and stop the crisis. But according to MUNG coordinator, Augusto Trindade, the President underlined that as head of state he will follow the Constitution and changes can only occur through the democratic elections process. Districts Supports Amaral Candidacy Supporters from 13 districts have supported Francisco Xavier do Amaral for the presidential elections. His supporters include women, children and youth who claim they believe Amaral will bring peace and stability for the country. Deputy Minister Of Interior Regrets Reactivation Of UIR Jose Agostinho Sequeira, Deputy Minister of Interior said he regrets the reactivation of UIR as the international forces are not observing the agreement signed between the government of Timor-Leste and UNMIT. Sequeira stressed that his ministry is against the measures taken by the international forces. International Media Reports ABC Radio Australia NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL] UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING Back to February menu January 2007 menu |