Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review 16 February 2007
[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.] From UNMIT Friday, 16 February 2007 UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING THE UN INTEGRATED MISSION IN TIMOR-LESTE DOES NOT VOUCH FOR THE ACCURACY OF THESE REPORTS National Media Reports Lobato Likely To Be Sentenced To Over 30 Years Prosecutors have warned that based on the evidence from the witnesses, former Minister of Interior Rogerio Lobato is likely to be sentenced to over 30 years in prison. Prosecutor Bernardo Fernandes and Felismino Cardoso said that based on the accusations Rogerio Lobato has breached three articles of the penal code (Indonesia) and UNTAET regulations currently in force. He is being accused of using and distributing weapons to civilians, embezzlement or use of state properties without justification and tentative homicide. The accusations were made verbally in court and the case will resume on March 7 to allow the court analysis before presenting the final verdict. (DN, TP) Horta And Taur Must Be Honest: Pinto Political observer Julio Tomas Pinto said statements by Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak and Prime Minister Ramos-Horta were more of a political nature than based on justice. Pinto said both entities should speak on what they knew about the distribution of guns, noting that the declaration of Taur has left many people sad and pessimistic about the justice process. According to Julio Pinto the statement of the two Timorese leaders not only defends Rogerio Lobato but the elite politicians and can also be interpreted as saying that justice is only for the small/common people. He also said people who wanted to support Horta for the Presidential elections have now withdrawn following his court statement, and in the case of Taur's statement, have left many involved in the justice process deceived as it can be assumed that Taur does not want confrontation with Rogerio Lobato's supporters, and also his statement in court is totally the opposite of the statement he gave to the International Commission Of Inquiry. Therefore the political observer says it is imperative they are honest and state what they know about the distribution of weapons from Rogerio Lobato or face not having the trust of the people to take the nation forward. (TP, DN, STL) Company Protest Cancellation Of Tourist Visit About 400 tourists were scheduled to disembark in Dili on Thursday for a few hours to visit the capital and other symbolic sites but were stopped on orders from UNPOL due to security reasons. Zacarias Costa, the director of the tourism travel company Mega Tours protested at the cancellation of the visit which had been organized several months in advance in conjunction with the government's tourism department, noting the company has incurred financial losses, not to mention discouraging future tourists from travelling to Timor-Leste. Da Costa said many UNPOL officers were at the port to provide security but could not do anything as the decision had already been made by some UNPOL officers and not further negotiation could take place as the captain of the cruise decided to continue with the voyage to Darwin. (TP, STL) PSD Will Not Support Ramos-Horta For Elections Mario Carrascalão, President of PSD said his party has withdrawn their support for Ramos-Horta's candidacy for the Presidential elections for not behaving as an independent person and as Nobel Laureate during the crisis, reported Timor Post Friday. Carrascalão said the court statement of Ramos-Horta in relation to the distribution of guns allegedly being distributed by Rogerio Lobato influenced his party's decision to support the candidacy. (TP) RTTL News Headlines Thursday 15-02-2007 PPT Will Support Best Candidate Francisco Xavier (PPT) said his party does not have a candidate for the presidential elections but would support the candidate with better programs for the population. In the meantime, the President of UDC/PDC Antonio Ximenes, said his party has elected two members to run for the presidential elections. Legislation Does Not Reflect Reality Commissão Nacional Eleitoral (CNE), Fr. Martinho Gusmão said some of the legislation produced by the Portuguese advisors to CNE does not reflect the reality of Timor-Leste, hence, he questioned whether it was worth paying for them to come and work in the country. Japan Donated US1.7 million Worth Of Medicine The government of Japan, through its embassy in Timor-Leste, has donated medicine for mothers and infants worth US1.7million. The goods were presented to the Minister of Health Rui de Araujo on Thursday. The government also donated computers and other equipment to the Office of the Inspector General to assist the work to combat corruption. Since 2003-2007 the government of Japan has donated a total of US10.2 to Timor-Leste mainly for community health centres, training and mother and infant health. Set Up Of Transmitters The national radio and television is setting up more transmitters to facilitate the dissemination of information to the population to the remote areas especially during the elections. Indonesian Company LAM is supporting the project, which would focus in the areas of Viqueque, Aileu, Manatuto. The transmitters for Dili, Baucau, Lospalos, Covalima, and Oecussi will be put up in the month of May and will be funded by Portugal. International Media Reports Human rights group honors Jennifer Lopez for producing and starring in new film 'Bordertown' Posted by the Asbury Park Press on 02/15/07 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Jennifer Lopez has been honored by Amnesty International for producing and starring in "Bordertown," a new film examining the murders of women in a Mexican border city. Lopez said she felt very humbled to receive the human rights group's Artists for Amnesty award Wednesday from East Timor's Prime Minister Jose Ramos-Horta, a Nobel Peace laureate. The 38-year-old singer-actress plays an investigative journalist reporting on the serial killings of women in Ciudad Juarez, on Mexico's border with the U.S. Amnesty International puts the number of women and girls killed in Ciudad Juarez and Chihuahua since 1993 manny after being kidnapped and raped at more than 400. Lopez described it as "one of the world's most shocking and disturbing, underreported crimes against humanity." Also at Wednesday's ceremony was Norma Andrade, whose 17-year-old daughter was found murdered in February 2001. She co-founded Nuestras Hijas de Regreso a Casa (Our Daughters Back Home), which represents mothers and families of the murdered women. "She's a remarkable woman and a true inspiration," Lopez said. "Bordertown," directed by Gregory Nava and also starring Antonio Banderas and Martin Sheen, was to premiere today at the Berlin film festival. Press Releases NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL] UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING Back to February menu January 2007 menu |