Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review 17 - 19 February 2007

[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.]


Saturday 17, Monday 19 February 2007



National Media Reports

UN Considers Alfredo A Threat To Elections

All the media reported on SRSG's press conference Friday. In Saturday's headlines, Timor Post reported that the UN considers Major Alfredo a threat to the elections because he still has some heavy firearms and he is a fugitive. But the SRSG hopes that Alfredo will submit peacefully to justice. On Monday, STL reported that SRSG Khare reportedly said UNMIT would suggest the establishment of a pact for the political parties to abstain from violence and money politics in order to have successful elections, underlining that the election would be a unifying and not a divisive element for the people of Timor-Leste. Hence the people and the leaders must be committed to peace and stability and also in order to have a successful election, UNMIT is providing security. Mr. Khare also informed during the press conference that UNMIT's mandate would be extended for another year due to the security situation in the country and that the UN Security Council has decided to increase the number of police to 140 and they would also monitor the situation in the districts. (TP, STL, DN)

Becora Prison Escapees

Six prisoners have reportedly escaped from Becora prison by climbing the back wall of the prison with a rope and escaping through the cornfield. According to DN, the prison area has been under the presence of strong security from the Australian forces which chased and captured one of the escaped prisoners. STL reported that the escape occurred on Saturday afternoon at around 15:30hrs. Manuel Exposto, Director of the prison, said the international forces and police have been notified and are taking over the case. (DN, STL)

Alkatiri Incites Situation

Fretilin's consolidation gathering and the swearing-in of members for monitoring the 2007 election in Ermera was under tight security from the international forces and UNPOL, reported STL Monday. According to this daily, Gleno stadium was encircled with UNPOL security and only people with Fretilin membership card were allowed in. STL also reported that the presence of Alkatiri was seen as an incitement. According to STL, the numbers of Fretilin members from Ermera could be counted but adding the members from some nearby districts one could say that about 500 people participated in the gathering.

Alkatiri reportedly told the crowd Saturday that it is guaranteed that Fretilin will win 60% of the votes in the District of Ermera even though it is the opposition area, adding that he will return to campaign. (STL, DN, TP)

Cancellation Of Tourist Visit An Exaggeration: Guterres

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Jose Luis Guterres reportedly said the decision of UNPOL to cancel the visit of about 1000 tourist to Dili was a bit exaggerated and was not in agreement with his office. Guterres further said he did not receive information and should be consulted on the decision about the cancellation noting that the decision gives a bad image to the country, reported Timor Post Saturday. In relation to the tourist visit, MP Elizario Ferreira (Fretilin) said any decision from UNPOL has to be in consultation with the government as the problem in the country is between Timorese people and not against foreigners. He cited as an example, traders from China and Indonesia who go everywhere without any problem.

Diario Nacional reported that the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation was not happy with the decision of UNPOL's SMS to about 1000 tourist, without notifying the government of their decision to stop the tourist from visiting Dili. In a separate article, the same daily reported SRSG Khare as saying that the UN did not cancel the tourists' trip, but that the tourists refused to disembark when their demands for police personal security were not met. Timor Post Monday reported that SRSG Khare rejected accusations that UNPOL cancelled the tourist visit, adding that the tourists made the decision not to come to Dili.

Presidential Candidates

Partido Social Democrata (PSD) has nominated MP and founder of the party, Lucia Lobato, for the April Presidential elections. Lobato said she would focus on five points for her campaign, strengthening of the national unity, strengthening Timor-Leste sovereignty, equal rights for women and men, honouring the war veterans and strengthening the justice system.

The people from the districts of Manatuto, Aileu and Oecussi have elected and supported the President of Fretilin, Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo', for the April Presidential elections. Alkatiri reportedly said he fully supports Lu-Olo, but the decision needs to be made by the party's National Political Commission.

Prime Minister Ramos-Horta told the media Saturday, upon his arrival from New York and Germany that it is very hard to run as a candidate for the presidential elections in Timor-Leste hence he needs to think whether to run as an independent or through a political party. The Prime Minister also said that the international community, starting from the government of Germany, Indonesia, Australia, Malaysia and many countries in the Asian countries have asked him to take the responsibility as the President of the nation. He said a team has already started collecting signatures to candidate him but it is a decision he is yet to make, stressing that even if he does not run for the elections he will continue to work for the country in many areas such as ambassador, professor, within NGOs or preparing to be the candidate for the Secretary General post in 2012.

RTTL News Headlines

Friday 16-02-2007, 19:15hrs

Brigadier Taur Gives Statement On Attack

F-FDTL Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak gave his statement to the Prosecutors on Friday about the attack on his house in May 24, 2006. Prosecutor Felismino Cardoso told the media that the Public Ministry required any information that the Brigadier General could give in relation to the attack on his house without commenting any further.

Distribution Of Rice Insufficient

The population has been claiming that rice distribution has not been sufficient hence it would like the government to increase the supply for up to seven tons.

EDTL Detects Water In Fuel

Workers of EDTL have discovered another truck delivery of fuel mixed with water. The company Tafui was contacted and is now under investigation.

CNE Workshop On Legal Structures

A workshop on the legal structures of the Presidential and Legislative Elections was held by the CNE on Friday.

Donation of Houses To The Government

The Australian Community Housing Ltd donated seven prototype houses to the government which would use for the vulnerable people. Minister Arsenio Bano said the house would be a center for women and children that face violence abuses. The houses are situated in Tibar.

International Media Reports

NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL]


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