Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review 20 February 2007
[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.] Tuesday, 20 February 2007 UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING THE UN INTEGRATED MISSION IN TIMOR-LESTE DOES NOT VOUCH FOR THE ACCURACY OF THESE REPORTS National Media Reports Government Debating Alfredo's Case: Monteiro Prosecutor General, Monteiro said the government plans to advance Alfredo's case by debating it this week in the Presidential Palace. The hearing process will be decided next Thursday. Monteiro said it would be a high level government meeting that would try and find a solution to the case. He refused to comment on any interference from the government. (STL) We Cannot Deny Violence In Dili: Bishop Basilio The Bishop of Baucau Diocese, Basilio do Nascimento said the problems in the country are mainly centered in Dili and not in the districts stressing that security should be a contribution from all the people. In a separate article in Diario Nacional, the Bishop reportedly told the media following a meeting with President Gusmão that it would be difficult to resolve the crisis in Dili and, therefore, he suggest all those responsible for the country offer the best option to overcome the problem. (STL, DN) Ambassador Disappointed With Lack Of Participation Malaysian Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Mohd Azlan Razali stressed disappointment on the lack of participants to the conference on Timor-Leste Accession To Asean Dialogue Series, noting that more Timorese should attend such important events. Ambassador Razali said that, based on the information he received from the government of Timor-Leste, members of the National Parliament, civil society, NGOs and other entities related to the economic areas were all participating but in reality not many representatives of the mentioned institutions were present. (DN) Parliament Ask Minister To Resign Following Escape Members of Commission A of the National Parliament want the Minister of Justice to resign following the escape of six prisoners from Becora Prison on Saturday. Alexandre Corte-Real said the minister must be responsible as it is the second time prisoners have escaped from that prison, noting that the escape of the prisoners can be a threat to the community. Corte-Real said when Alfredo and other people escaped from Becora prison the Minister of Justice blamed the international forces that were providing security but the minister must ask himself what has gone wrong. MP Antonio Ximenes (PDC) argues that the prisoners are escaping because they have completed their temporary detention and their cases should already be processed in the court and that the Minister should resign based on lack of capacity to manage his ministry, as should the President of the Court of Appeal, Claudio Ximenes for the prisoners' pending court cases. He also blames the Minister of Interior for weak security measures within the jail. In the meantime, the Minister has announced the establishment of an investigation commission to look into the escape. (STL) PNTL Still Inexperienced To Carry Operations Alone Minister of Interior, Alcino Barris said PNTL is still not experienced in holding operations alone hence they continue to work with UNPOL. He said that only with time after all the PNTL officers are reactivated and the structures established, will PNTL take over the responsibilities and UNPOL will be in the role of advisors. Barris stressed that PNTL still cannot hold operations due to the conditions of the equipment but in the meantime some of the PNTL officers are now involved in various department like traffic or criminal investigation and soon they will also be stationed in vital areas like the courts, power stations, ports, etc. (DN) 15 Political Parties Contesting Elections A total of 15 political parties have now registered in the justice Ministry and approved by the Court of Appeal, Minister of Justice Domingos Sarmento told the media Monday. According to the Minister, all the parties are contesting the 2007 legislative elections. (STL) Rice Shortage Not Government Failure: Ramos-Horta Prime Minister Ramos-Horta said the problem of rice shortage in the country is not the government failure but a regional problem. To overcome the problem, Ramos-Horta said the government plans to import rice from China. In the meantime, Falintil former commander for region IV, Ernesto Fernandes Dudu said the government is distributing rice only to members of Fretilin, the martial arts group PSHT and Korka. (TP, STL) Members of Martial Arts Group Sentenced On Monday, the court sentenced 17 members of the martial arts group PSHT to 10 months imprisonment for attacking the police squad in Bidau, Akadirihun in December. RTTL News Headlines Monday 19-02-2007 Tilman Launches Public Campaign Presidential candidate, Manuel Tilman launched his campaign to the public on Saturday. Not many people participated in the event due to the rain. Corn Property Damaged The corn fields of the population in the area of Tunubibi, have been damaged by grasshoppers and caterpillars. According to the population, they are now waiting for government food support. International Media Reports NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL] UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING Back to February menu January 2007 menu |