Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review 21 February 2007

[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.]



Wednesday 21 February 2007

National Media Reports

"I will assure Security and Stability": LU-Olo

Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo said in a press conference held on Tuesday at CCF Comoro that he will together with the other Organs of sovereignty to work towards assuring stability. He said that he can't use the law anyway he likes, because the law is above everyone, and it should be applied equally to all. " If I become elected as President of the Republic I will follow the Constitution…it's a democracy and I will accept whatever outcome will be, "sad Lu-Olo. (Diario)

"Need to put post in areas of conflict": Alcino Barris

Minister of Interior, Alcino Barris on Monday at the Ministry of Interior, told Diario that some police posts are already in place but in some areas the delay is due to the need for rehabilitation including water supply and the installation of toilets and electricity. He said that every day he requests the UNPOL to expedite plans as quickly as possible in order to put the posts in problematic areas like Fatuhada, Ailok laram, Bairro Pite, Matadouro and so on, to prevent conflicts from escalating.

The Minister of Interior, Alcino Barris said that, members of the Unit of Rapid Response (UIR), beginning next week will be able to carry pistols when responding together with UNPOL to any incident. (Diario)

"Criminal do not deserve security": Sabino

The General-Secretary of Democratic Party (PD), Mariano Sabino said that Mari Alkatiri is a criminals and doesn't deserve to have tight security in instances such as when the Fretilin party went to the District of Ermera for their consolidation. He said security is for the entire population and not just for leaders only, he told STL at Hotel Dili on Monday. He added, "Mari was afraid and that's why he had security from UNPOL, GNR and the Pakistani forces because it was from his incompetence and the distribution of guns to civilians that made this crises escalate." (STL)

Government doesn't hire judges and Prosecutors from CPLP"-Domingos Sarmento

Minister of Justice Domingos Sarmento, on Monday at Hotel Timor, responded to the questions concerning the Judges and Prosecutes from CPLP countries that are working in Timor-Leste. He said that its not the Government that hires the judges and persecutors, its the UN. "He said they are here not representing a CPLP country; they are here as internationals judges and prosecutors, according to the law of Timor-Leste " Code of Judicial Magistrate decree" which allows international judges and prosecutes to come and work together with Timorese judges and prosecutors in the Courts, Sarmento said. (STL)

Statement of father Maubere Irresponsible- Estanislau

Vice Primer Minister with Minister of Agriculture Estanislau da Silva talking to the journalist at the NP said that he considers the statement made by Father Domingos Soares Maubere as irresponsible because he accused the Government of keeping the rice and selling it to militants of Fretilin. "I say this because as a militant of Fretilin, I have not bought any rice from here. In my office I receive people from all other political parties such as Joao Goncalve, Clementino Amaral, Vicente Maubusi and others. The Government is making an effort to help the population. We have already contacted the Governments of Thailand, the Philippines, Australia and Vietnam regarding this matter and in a week or two rice will arrive here. Therefore, for I ask the priest instead of merely talking, to come to the Government for clarification," Estanislau said. (Diario)

Population attacked cars and the MD building

Shortages of rice is the reason people of Dili threw stones at the MD building, while the Minister was having a meeting with the partners on possible ways to solve the shortages,on Monday morning. Some managed to break into the warehouse and by night hundreds of people where gathering there to see if they could get some rice. UNPOL was already deployed there to obstruct and made some arrests. According to TP, the presence of UNPOL there made the people angry and they started to throw stones at the UNPOL officers there.

MP Antonio Ximenes said to TP that he doesn't blame the population for behaving in this manner as it is the fault of the Government and UNMIT and if they don't solve this quickly the population will break into other warehouses. (TP)


Timor Post (TP)

Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL]


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