Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review 24 - 26 February 2007

[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.]

Saturday 24, Monday 26 February 2007



National Media Reports

FI Shot To Defend Themselves: Rerden

The commander of the International Security Forces, Brigadier Mal Rerden reportedly said the forces acted in self-defence on Friday when they were attacked, leaving one Timorese dead and two injured. Rerden further said two soldiers were involved in the shootings, one has been injured and an investigation is being undertaken. Meanwhile MP Antonio Ximenes (PDC) said he totally rejects the attitude of the Australian forces in the shootings of IDPS, adding that the people of Timor-Leste have many times become victims of the Australian Forces as a result of their actions. Members of Commissions A, B and F of the Parliament have begun their investigation and according to Alfredo da Silva, a member of Commission B, families of the victims claim that the Australian forces were patrolling the area in the airport and started shooting as a provocation to the population. They said the victims were in the process of moving to dryer grounds within the camp due to the rain when they were shot by the forces. According to MP Antonio Ximenes the youth killed was a university student in his fifth semester. (DN, TP)

UNPOL and GNR Tortures Students

Students University of UNPAZ have condemned the actions of UNPOL namely GNR and the Royal Malaysian Police for allegedly torturing two UNPAZ students detained during the protest in front of the government palace on February 20. In a joint press conference held Friday, representatives of UNPAZ, UNTL, UNSIL and UNMAR said they held the demonstration in a peaceful manner to call the attention of the leaders the problem of rice shortages which was affecting the population. (STL)

Major Alfredo Group Attack Police Post In Maliana

The border post of Maliana police, southeast of Timor-Leste, was attacked today by a group of men, headed by Major Alfredo Reinado, a source investigating the incident told Lusa. According to the same source, the attackers removed at least 17 weapons from the police post. It is unknown whether there were injuries or deaths during the incident. Major Alfredo, former commander of Timorese military police, was the relevant figure of the military-political crisis of April/May 2006 in Timor-Leste. On 30 August, last year, he escaped from Becora prison, Dili where he was detained for illegal possession of war materials. Three weeks ago, the Prosecutor General of the Republic and Alfredo Reinado signed "an explicit agreement' in Gleno to resolve the situation of the military, Timorese Prime Minister Ramos-Horta revealed to Lusa Saturday. He said there was an explicit agreement signed by the two in which for the first time, Reinado compromised to be heard on the weapons case, Ramos-Horta said at the time. Still in agreement with the Prime Minister, Alfredo Reinado had also agreed to appear before Justice in the case of shootings which occurred on May 23, 2006, in which allegedly one member of F-FDTL [Falintil-Forças de Defesa de Timor-Leste] was killed by him. During the interview with Lusa Saturday, Ramos-Horta added, "I hope that the agreement will have a logical conclusion with the arrival of Reinado in Dili." (DN)

Lawyer Denies Allegations Involving Lobato

The Lawyer representing Rogerio Lobato has condemned rumours of Rogerio's getaway to another country as irresponsible, stressing that his client continues to be in his residence in Farol. Nelson de Carvalho said such rumours are spread to further damage the reputation of his client. (TP)

I'm Not Confronting Lu-Olo: Ramos-Horta

UNDERTIM and Fretilin Grupu have supported Ramos-Horta's candidacy to the Presidential election claiming he has the capacity to take the nation forward. Introducing the presidential candidate at his home town of Laga, Baucau District, Cornelio Gama alias Laga L7 said his party, UNDERTIM has only trusted two people President Xanana Gusmão and Ramos-Horta therefore when Xanana declined to run for second term in office his party proposed Ramos-Horta. He also appealed to those present to accept the results of the elections. Speaking on the occasion, Ramos-Horta said he chose Laga because the people and the village is poor but good and that he is ready to take on the responsibility of the 13 districts. He said that the people who have supported him are some from UNDERTIM, Fretilin, PSD, PD, CPD RDTL and ASDT, adding that his spokespersons are Dionisio Babo, Victor da Costa and L7. Ramos-Horta stressed that he accepted the responsibility from UNDERTIM party because the majority of the members are poor people, without shoes and are former veterans, clandestine and resistance fighters who gave their total support for Falintil. He said he is not scared to run against other candidates as he is not competing against Fretilin but is a candidate of the people and the political parties who have collected 7000 signatures. The Nobel Laureate says he fully respects Lu-Olu and therefore he is not confronting Lu-Olo as he was also the founder of Fretilin and the history should not be removed. He said "if you belong to one party you must open your doors to all the parties'. (DN)

If Fretilin Wins Justice Will Be Put in order: Alkatiri

About 10,000 people attended Fretilin's gathering on Saturday in Oecussi for the swearing-in of members for the monitoring commission as well as to present Francisco Guterres "Lu-Olo"as the new presidential candidate. Speaking during the event, Mari Alkatri, the party's Secretary General said if Fretilin wins both Presidential and Parliamentary elections the priority would be to adjust the justice system. In the meantime, it was reported that the Ferry's first trip to Oecussi was delayed by a few hours due to an overload with Fretilin leaders, militants and members of the government who were participating in the Fretilin gathering. Some of the population from IDP camps who wanted to return to Oecussi managed to get in the ferry. Following a heated argument some people had to leave the boat, reported the media Monday. (DN, TL, STL)

Population Attacks Chefe Suco

A group attacked Chefe Suco of Vila-Verde on Wednesday disagreeing with the government program to sell rice. According to Andre Fernandes, chefe suco of Vila-Verde, a group of people who disagreed on buying rice from the government attacked him by throwing a spear missing him but hitting the door of his house following an agreement by the community to have rice on sale in their area. Fernandes is of the point of view that these people do not want to pay for the rice saying the rice from the government should be free of charge and not for commercial purposes.

International Media Reports

NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL]


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